of Management
XVII All-Ukrainian round-table discussion
of "Quality of managers training: principles, technologies,
All-Ukrainian of the
Students Іntellectual
Сompetitions at the specialty 073 "Management", How to write a modern resume and find the
expected job: master class
by HR manager Maria
Cherevko On 10 April
2024, a master
class for students of the 3rd year of the FEMP of the Bachelor’s
degree programme "HR Management" and of the 4th year of the FTM of
the Bachelor’s degree programme "Customs Affairs", who are studying
the discipline "HR management", was held. The speaker of the
meeting is Maria Cherevko, a graduate of
the Department of Management of SUTE, who holds the position of HR
manager of the well-known agricultural company Timak Agro
Ukraine. Information Technologies in the HR
Departments Work: Master Class by Iryna
Bondarenko Remote format of team work
in business: Master class by Oleksandr Korogovny and Daria
Porhun Meeting the world of
ATHLETICS: the path to a successful career in
trade Practical approaches to teamwork in the
enterprise: master class by Tais
Personal brand and popularity
in modern society: master class by Arina
Yavorskykh Search for personnel in the labour
market: а professional approach at Bureau of Wine
LLC Promotion of products on social
networks: open lecture by marketer-targetologist Nikita
Nakonechnyi How to lead a LinkedIn teacher-scientist:
master class from the UGEN
Communications in team work in conditions of war: master class by
Master class of a certified assessor and business coach Roman
STORCHAK The meeting with the head
of the Project Management Office (PMO) of the IT company
"Intellias" Oleksiy Shebanov
took place
on November 9,
2023, as part of the study of the
discipline "Project Management" by 1st year
students of the Master's degree in Business Management. Organized
by the assistant of the Department of Management Ivan Makarchuk,
the speaker's guest lecture was not only informative, but also
extremely inspiring, because from the very first minute the
audience saw an example of a successful leader and expert in the
field of project management. For the students, the most interesting
and useful was the acquaintance with the structure of the ecosystem
and values in the corporate space, the common vision of project
managers, the idea of Delivery Playbook as a treasure map for
project managers in software development, the method of project
quality control and risk identification Delivery Health Check,
discussion of the prospects for the implementation of artificial
intelligence in work. Students and teachers sincerely thank Mr.
Oleksii for his professional and implementation of joint
projects! Labor market and work with employees during the
war: guest lecture by Oleksii
Yashchuk Current state and prospects of business
development in Ukraine: master class by
Sergiy Savonchuk 0роTeam building trainings:
master class by Tais
Aleynikova Building a personal brand on LinkedIn:
Master class by DELOITTE
specialists о
the annual tradition on the occasion of Science Day, on
17 May, 2024, the Department of Management
held an All-Ukrainian roundtable discussion dedicated to the issue
of quality training of managers. The participants of the round
table were greeted by the dean of FEMP SUTE Oleksandr Minyailo and
the head of the Department of Management Serhii Bai. HR
business-partner of JSC "Retail Group" Olha Labenska devoted her
speech to the creation and development of the retail management
academy and HR problems in the "Welmart" retail chain. The
vice-president of the IT-company "SoftServe" Serhii Mineev revealed
the current issues of HR administration and introduced the audience
to the digital technologies of the "SoftServe" company. The speech
of the operational director of the HR brand of the "UGEN" agency,
Maryna Julai, was devoted to trends and current HR practices. Iryna
Polovko, manager of the regional development of the Calzedonia
brand of "MNS INVESTMENT" LLC, shared her experience with
evaluation technologies and staff motivation in the company. We
sincerely thank the speakers for their interesting speeches and
willingness to share valuable practical experience. With the hope
of further productive cooperation in the direction of synergy
education, science and practice,
10 May, 2024, a master class was held by
specialists of the international company "MNS "INVESTMENT"
LLC, a strategic partner of SUTE, for students of the 3rd
year of the FEMP of the Bachelor’s degree programme "HR-Management"
on the disciplines "HR Management" and "Team
Building", and students of the Bachelor’s degree programme "Trade
Management". From the first minutes of getting to know the speakers
— regional development managers of the Tezenis and
Calzedonia brands, Victoria Maksimova and Iryna
Polovko (2013 graduates of SUTE, specialty in
"Management"), it became clear that the company's personnel are
really a key resource for the development of trade business. The
listeners learned about trade company brands, approaches to
personnel development in wartime conditions, teamwork to promote
company brands, tools for motivating and evaluating personnel, and
approaches to receiving feedback from a manager. We sincerely thank
the speakers Ms. Irina and Ms. Victoria for the excellent
presentation, the desire to share the experience of teamwork and
tools for working with personnel in trade! We are waiting for the
next meeting!
the eve of International Europe Day and Science Week in Ukraine,
the Department of Management of SUTE organized and held the
All-Ukrainian Student Round Table on HR Management
"Teamwork and Digital Technologies in the Conditions of Global
Change" on 8 May, 2024. This year,
representatives of various courses and educational degrees
demonstrated thorough professional knowledge acquired during
studies and during practical training in order to create a
foundation for further improvement and development of educational
programs in management.
The topics of the presentations were relevant and interesting for
many students and academic supervisors. Several student
presentations were devoted to the issues of teamwork development,
trends and prospects for the development of team building during
military operations (Yulia Zakharenko, Anastasia Hmyria,
Daria Khvatova, Nataliya Sakhno, Albina Horobets, Tetyana
Burkivska, Valentina Dyadiy, Yuliya Tsimbalyuk). The
participants of four ZVO (Kateryna Pryshchepa, Yulia
Starushkevich, Maksym Pylypenko and Mykhailo Nikulnikov)
devoted their research to the issue of using AI in HR management
and strengthening the company's employer brand. The reports of
Alina Vergun (results of diagnostics of the level
of staff involvement of Husky Management LLC) and Diana
Ilechko (prospects of digitalization and innovative
development of Darnytsia FC) had a deep practical orientation. The
highlight of the scientific event was an exciting presentation on
the issues of applying gamification in HR management and an
interactive game held among the participants of the round table by
Anastasia Kondratenko, a graduate of DTEU, in the
Mentimeter application, together with the scientific supervisor,
Prof. Valentyna Zhukovska.
We sincerely thank all the participants of the round table for
their interesting speeches and participation in the discussion, for
supporting students in these difficult times, and motivating them
to study! We wish all of us the Victory of Ukraine in the war and
further fruitful cooperation in the direction of combining
education, science and practice!
Demonstrated the High Level of Managers’ Education at
scientific work of students at SUTE occupies a special place in the
process of formation and development of students' creative
potential and is a factor in increasing the university's
competitive advantages and reputation in the educational
environment. Participation of students in various scientific events
is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their abilities to the
scientific community and to show that they really belong to the
country's managerial elite. With this in mind, students of the
Department of Management took an active part in the All-Ukrainian
intellectual competition in the specialty 073 "Management",
organized and held at the initiative of the Department of
Management of the Odesa National University of Economics.
Participants of the final conference, which took place on
18 April, 2024, were 63 student scientific
articles from representatives of higher education institutions of
Ukraine. The obtained results exceeded all expectations of the
participants — 2 students of the Master's degree of the Department
of Management received 1st degree diplomas at once —
Valentina LYPKAN, a student of the
Master’s degree programme "HR Management", and
Fadi SBEHAT, a student of the Master’s degree
programme "Business Management". We sincerely congratulate
our graduates, who have demonstrated a high level of professional
training, as well as their academic supervisors — Prof. Serhiі Bai
and As. Prof. Iryna Mykolaichuk, we wish them further scientific
achievements and victories in life!
Mrs. Maria shared the experience of her career as a recruiter,
introduced the listeners to an image international agrarian company
and the realities of its operation in war conditions, conducted an
interesting interactive test with students, devoted to the main
rules of writing a resume for a successful interview, focused the
attention of the listeners on mistakes that should be avoided when
preparing a resume.
We sincerely thank the lecturer for the cognitive information, we
wish you Victory and peace, new professional achievements in the
field of HR management!
master class of Iryna Bondarenko, head of the HR
administration and HR management department of ESCA CAPITAL
LLC, held on 11 April, 2024, was
interesting and useful in improving the professional skills of
students of the 4th year of the FEMP Bachelor’s degree programme
"HR Management" studying the discipline "HR Office Management". The
listeners were interested in learning from the speaker about the
organizational structure of the HR Office at the company, which is
a strategic partner of SUTE and has been successfully operating in
the field of leasing services for many years in a row, as well as
getting acquainted with the names of key positions and their
functional responsibilities, typical HR processes, information
technology work HR department. We sincerely thank Mrs. Irina for
the professional presentation of the current topic, we wish
positive HR changes and look forward to the next
part of the "FEMP Faculty Week" on 27 March 2024 a master class was held by Oleksandr Korogovny, Managing Partner of the digital agency AILAIN
LLC, strategic partner and SUTE graduate, speaker of the Lviv
Business School, and Daria
Porkhun, HR Manager of the
agency and student of the Department of
Management. Oleksandr
spoke about the opening of the digital agency more than 11 years
ago and the problems of operating at the beginning of the Great
War. The listeners learned many new cases on the relevant topic of
Remote teamwork format in war conditions, the use of joint game
approaches to team building and other methods of effective
interpersonal communications to build an effective team, and
received answers to all their questions. We sincerely thank Oleksandr and Daria for the
inspiring master class and wish them a speedy victory for Ukraine,
team work and success!
25 March
2024, a master class of the HR
manager of the international company "British American Tobacco
Ukraine" Tetyana Yur
was held at the
lecture on the discipline "HR management" for students of the 3rd
year of FEMP. The interactive format of the meeting was filled with
many examples of the speaker's professional cases, tools for
creating a personal brand as a special value.
The listeners
learned that the company's HR department takes care of the work of
more than 400 employees and adheres to high standards of business
social responsibility. Ms. Tetiana's recommendations on time
planning significantly added to the students' "bag of knowledge"
and will help them in the future employment process. We thank the
participants and the speaker for the interesting format of
interaction, the opportunity to combine educational aspects and
practice! We are waiting for the next
25 March 2024, as part of the FEMP faculty
week and with the aim of deepening knowledge of the discipline
"Category Management", the Department of Management for the first
time organized a meeting with specialists of the well-known
Ukrainian company "ATHLETICS". During an
exciting presentation by HR-Director Oksana Savchenko
and HR-Manager Olga Нarbar, more than 100 graduates of
the Bachelor’s degree programmes "Trade Management", "Category
Management in Retail", "Wholesale and Retail Trade" and
"Marketing", learned about the history of creating a successful
company, open vacancies for junior product manager and assistant
category manager, opportunities for career growth and lifehacks for
interviewing at ATHLETICS. We sincerely thank the initiators and
organisers of the meeting for the provided information, which will
contribute to the expansion of opportunities for teachers'
internships, practical training and employment of SUTE
master class of the HR Director of Husky
Management LLC Tais Aleinikova, dedicated to practical
approaches to teamwork at the enterprise, became a useful event for
3rd year students of the FEMP OP "Personnel Management" and FTM OP
The master
class took place on March 20, 2024
at lectures on
"Team Building" and "HR Management". From the first minutes of the
meeting, the speaker interested all participants with practical
approaches to teamwork used in a domestic outsourcing company,
forms of staff interaction in online and offline conditions. The
students spent time in an atmosphere of comfortable interaction,
received a number of useful tips from Ms. Tais. We thank Tais
Aleinikova for the meeting, an interesting presentation of
practical material, for answering questions and contacts for
further communications!
Prof. Viktoriia Khmurova initiated a meeting of 1st year students
of the FMSP educational program "Management of Foreign Economic
Activity" with the director of the marketing and communications
department of an international enterprise included in the Forbes
list, with a representative office in Ukraine, the founder of the
PR agency "Top of mind" Aryna Yavorskykh, which
took place on March 19, 2024 at a practical
lesson on the discipline "Theory of Organization".The speaker
revealed the issue of the formation of a personal brand in social
networks, its difference from the popularity of an individual in
society, outlined changes in the algorithms of various social
networks, and also provided numerous practical advice on monetizing
the company's brand in business. Thanks to Ms. Arina, who is always
ready to share her own experience, despite a rather difficult time
in work!
March 12, 2024, Vice President of the
Global Shared Services Center of the IT company "SoftServe"
Serhii Mineev told students about the changes in
personnel administration at a master class for students in the
academic disciplines "Human Resources Management", "Organizational
Behavior" and "Change Management". The listeners were interested in
learning information about the modern digital technologies of the
SoftServe company in working with personnel, the
state's innovative approaches to the regulation of labor relations
based on the experience of foreign practices, and the company's
support of mobilized and demobilized employees, changes in the
taxation of domestic IT companies due to the conclusion of gig
contracts in the Diia City system, etc., and in general to realize
their own need to be ready for changes in the current conditions of
life and work. We thank Mr. Mineev for the opportunity to receive
useful professional information, we wish success in all personnel
changes and we are already traditionally looking forward to the
next meetings!
7 March 2024, a master class was held by
Kateryna Zheleznyak, HR Manager of Bureau Vin LLC,
a graduate of the Department of Management (SUTE). The 3rd year
students of the FEMP Bachelor’s degree programmes "Business
Management", "Industrial Management", " HR Management", who are
studying the disciplines "HR Management" and "Team Building", were
interested in the history of the creation of a Ukrainian
distribution company selling wines and healthy products in Ukraine,
the development of the Good Wine brand as a leader in retail in
difficult times of war.
speaker shared cases from her own practice of attracting and
retaining staff during the war, and emphasised the importance of
team work under martial law. The teachers of the Department
of Management and students are grateful to Kateryna Zheleznyak for
the informative master class and wish her successful projects in a
peaceful country!
eeting of FEMP students, which took place on
February 27,
2024 on the Microsoft Teams
platform, with the CMO Altego Agency, the administrator of the
telegram channel "Sober Targetologist" Nikita
Nakonechnyi, was relevant and
meaningful, rich within the framework of mastering by students of
the specialty "Management" of certain topics in the disciplines
"Theory of Organization", "Change Management" and "Strategic
Management", etc. The speaker devoted a lecture to the topical
issues of promoting goods in social networks (YouTube, Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok), the peculiarities of their application in
interpersonal and business communication, the development of a
personal brand and the history of a career path, emphasized the
rating and popularity of various social networks, demonstrated
statistical data on the demand of Ukrainians for their use,
identified the features of certain areas of work in social
networks. We wish for Nikita Nakonechnyi you successful projects in
social networks and look forward to seeing you next
February 26, 2024, students of the FEMP
Faculty were able to verify this at an open lecture held on the
Microsoft Teams platform by HR Director Olga
Labenska and Head of the Recruitment and Adaptation
Department Vyacheslav Smashnyi, one of the five
largest retailers in Ukraine – Retail Group JSC. During the
meeting, the specialists shared with the audience their own work
experience and career history, paid attention to the most important
competencies of personnel and methods of their assessment,
emphasized the changes that took place in the company during the
war and the significant role of the HR profession in the trade
business, as well as informed students about the possibilities of
internships. We sincerely thank the charismatic speakers Olga and
Vyacheslav for finding an opportunity to meet with the student
audience in a busy work schedule.
16 November 2023, at the initiative of the
Department of Management, a webinar "How to lead a LinkedIn
teacher-scientist" was held. The speaker of the event is
Maryna Dzhulai, a graduate student of the
SUTE's Department of Management, a representative of the CEO of the
HR-brand agency "UGEN", an employer brand development expert and a
researcher of this issue. During the informative webinar,
Ms.Marina told about such key aspects of working
with this social network as creating a LinkedIn profile,
establishing communication with colleagues and developing a
scientist's personal brand, using the ChatGPT neural network and
Grammarly spelling service in professional activities, and also
provided other useful lifehacks.
We are grateful to Maryna Julay
for an informative master class and meaningful meeting! We wish you
successful projects and useful contacts! Recording of the meeting:
14 November
2023, SUTE's strategic partner
Volodymyr Klychanovsky, Director of NOVA LIGHT
Engineering Company LLC, shared his experience in team work
communications at an open lecture with 2nd and 4th year students of
the FEMP studying Bachelor’s degree programmes «Public Management
and Administration» and «HR Management».
During the
meeting, Mr. Volodymyr presented his own creative approach to team
building, which has allowed him to maintain a professional and
stable team for more than 12 years in a row. The importance of team
building in the company is due to the boomerang effect, when
employees return to work after some time, having gained experience
in other areas of activity. We sincerely thank Mr. Volodymyr for
the meaningful master class. We are waiting for new meetings, we
wish peace, successful projects and the Victory of
10 November 2023 within the discipline "HR
management", a master class of the HR director of the IT company
"Litslink", certified assessor and business coach Roman
Storchak was held. During the master class,
students of the 4th year of FEMP and FTM had an additional
opportunity to learn about modern approaches to personnel
evaluation, which are used in the IT company "Litslink".
The speaker
emphasized the role and responsibility of HR managers for joint
work with more than 300 employees of the company, who are
territorially located on several continents and work in remote work
conditions, emphasized the importance of adequately assessing the
candidate's suitability for the chosen position, developing an
individual development trajectory to achieve the company's planned
results. We sincerely thank Mr. Roman Storchak for the meeting and
look forward to future master classеs and
7 November
2023, at the invitation of
Associate Professor of the Department of Management Viktoriia
Khmurova, a meeting was held as part of the Management discipline
with a crisis communications specialist and founder of the
NotaEnota project, Aliona
Romaniuk. The presentation
"Information injections of the Russian-Ukrainian war", the result
of 15 years of journalistic experience of the media expert and
fact-checker, impressed the audience with its relevance, the scale
of the impact of fakes on people, and provided useful information
on how to protect your social media account and personal
information protection. The participants of the
master class are sincerely grateful to the speaker for finding time
in her schedule to meet with SUTE students and to the Department of
Management – for organizing interactive forms of
the invitation of the Department of Management, on
October 31, 2023, an interesting
meeting was held with the owner of the KVikStudio agency,
Viktor Kovalenko, a specialist in crisis communications in
social networks, for students studying the disciplines "Management"
and "Team Building" (2nd and 4th years of FEMP).
students, together with Mr. Viktor, reviewed cases for crisis
situations and options for overcoming them, listened to the
speakerʼs advice on their own reaction and behavior in crisis
situations, got acquainted with the rules of dialogue, establishing
feedback and calculating their actions before disclosing the
subject of the conflict to subscribers of social
thank Viktor Kovalenko for a meaningful and interesting master
class on crisis communications, and Associate Professor of the
Department of Management Victoria Khmurova for inviting a
guest speaker to the class.
open guest lecture by Oleksii
Yashchuk, strategic partner of
SUTE, CEO OF HUSKY Management LLC, was organized on
30, 2023 by Associate Professor of
the Department of Management Nina Sychova at a lecture on HR
management for 4th-year FEMP students, which made it possible to
achieve several goals at once – to get acquainted with the director
and his company, its reputation and history, adaptation HR
processes in the business environment. Possessing significant
experience in managing a company operating in the field of
warehouse personnel outsourcing, the speaker built a structured
speech in the format of a Zoom conference, spoke about trends in
changes in the labor market and presented a list of the most useful
(necessary) qualities for successful employment. We sincerely thank
the speaker Oleksii Yashchuk for an interesting meeting and wish
him success in business projects, peace and victory, as well as
invite him to further events at the university.
On 19
October 2023, a
master class was held by Sergiy Savonchuk, a leading specialist in the sale of leasing
products at ESKA Capital. The participants of the meeting, 3rd year
students of FEMP studying under the Agribusiness and Business
Management Bachelor’s degree programmes as part of the Agricultural
Management and Management disciplines, learned about the prospects
for the development of leasing relations in Ukraine. Interesting
cases, information about the benefits and challenges of leasing
operations during the war, problems of agricultural business
development, – all this allowed the participants of the master
class to dive into the issues of leasing relations, acquire useful
skills and get positive emotions.
sincerely thank Sergiy Savonchuk for the opportunity to share
practical information. We wish you fruitful cooperation with SUTE
and professional achievements!
17 October 2023, at the lecture on "Team
Building" with students of the 4th year, Bachelor ’s degree
programme "HR Management" and the 2nd year, Bachelor’s degree
programme "Public Management and Administration", a master class
was held by the strategic partner of SUTE — HR director of
"Husky Management" LLC Tais Aleynikova, dedicated
to team building trainings. During the presentation, the
specialist familiarized students and teachers with practical
approaches to online team building. With the help of the MS Teams
software application, students spent training time in a team
business game using interactive interaction tools, received advice
on organizing teamwork, as well as useful information about the
stages of effective team building in an organization.We are
grateful to Tais Aleynikova for the interesting practical material!
We wish health and success to the speaker, teachers and
October 2023, 3rd and 4th year students
of FEMP had the opportunity to communicate with the speakers of the
image consulting and auditing company Deloitte — Head of Recruiting
and Employer Brand Olga Onoprienko
and recruiting
specialist Anastasia
Jenai. During the
informative master class and informative presentation on "Personal
Brand on LinkedIn" at the lecture classes on "Team Building" and
"HR Management", the speakers introduced the future managers of
agribusiness, public administration and HR management to the values
of Deloitte, the purpose of LinkedIn for building a personal brand,
its useful functions for finding and finding a job for young
people, and also interested students in internship opportunities in
the company. We thank the organisers of the meeting for the
opportunity to communicate with LinkedIn masters, and to Ms. Olga
and Ms. Anastasia for their time and willingness to share
professional secrets with the students.