RapidSkills Online Intensive Training Course. New Format
General Information
Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the State University of Trade and Economics and the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine and thanks to the assistance of international partners, in particular the United States Agency for International Development USAID, 2025 began productively and was marked by the launch of the online version of the RapidSkills intensive training courses.
The online course provides for the acquisition of knowledge by everyone in three areas:
- Service processes in the HoReCa industry (online course lecturer Tetiana TKACHUK, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Management).
- Food production (online course lecturer Dina FEDOROVA, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Restaurant and Craft Technologies).
- Retail and e-commerce (online course lecturer Maryna KOTOVA, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Commercial Business and Logistics).
Based on the results of online training, course participants have the opportunity to take the final test and receive a certificate indicating 5,5 training hours (0,17 ECTS).
RapidSkills courses are relevant in the context of martial law and global “staff shortages” in all areas, allowing employees to quickly acquire new skills necessary to support critical sectors of the economy and ensure the country's vital functions. That is why the new format of the courses promotes more intensive learning of new specialties and/or their upgrade in accordance with the current conditions of national enterprises, employment of graduates through job fairs involving local employers, and reduction of unemployment by enabling interested audiences to find work in new industries within the project.
At the same time, the RapidSkills intensive training course continues offline at leading specialized universities in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, and Poltava, where students have the opportunity to acquire the necessary amount of in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the involvement of business employers, of stakeholders (registration on the NTOU website).
We express our sincere gratitude to the co-organizers for their assistance in the development of society and the restoration of important sectors of Ukraine's economy, as well as for providing opportunities to find employment in new industries!
Dean of the Faculty of
Technologies and Business