Mazaraki Anatolii, Honorary Professor of KNUTE
General Information
Rector of
KNUTE, Professor
Honorary Professor of KNUTE
Anatolii Mazaraki has been working at Kyiv National University of
Trade and Economics since 1988, as a rector since 1991 (till 1994
Kyiv Trade and Economics Institute). In March 2006 he was elected a
head of the Department of International Economics (part-time).
Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Under the leadership of A.Mazaraki University has achieved
significant results in development and improvement, gained leading
position in the national educational space, always takes 4-5 place
in the rankings of nongovernmental organizations and employers.
Fundamental qualitative changes in the training of highly qualified
specialists were made, structural changes of directions and
specialties in accordance with the needs of the labor market were
conducted, innovative technologies based on informatization and
methods of intensification of training were introduced in the
educational process that has provided quality education in
accordance with state standards. Retraining and further training
for management staff according to national and international
projects was organized. There were created material and technical
facilities that meet European standards. Most of the issues related
to improvement of the organization and content of the educational
process are solved ahead of time.
Rector A.Mazaraki initiated and ensured the transformation of the
institute into state university, which in 2000 was granted national
status, and creation of technological-economic polis of 7
institutes, 6 colleges, 3 higher commercial schools, a number of
educational and research centers, as a result of successfully
implementing gradual education through integration, the only
scientific methodological and personnel policies. He is an author
and organizer of the quality management system in the context of
the Bologna Declaration, European ISO 9001 standards. University
was the first in Ukraine to be certified by a national
certification system.
Due to purposeful work and personal efforts of A.A. Mazaraki were
obtained improvements in integration into the global educational
community, organized and carried out cooperation with 50
universities in 20 countries. Participation of the university in
implementing international educational and scientific projects is
consistently expanded. French-Ukrainian Institute of Management,
which for 10 years after the creation trained 320 professionals
with obtaining French state diploma of higher education, is
successfully functioning. University joined the Great Charter of
universities represented in 10 international unions and
Essential contribution was made by A.Mazaraki into the development
of science. He as an organizer of scientific activity of the
university provided the definition of priority and actual trends of
researches, participation of scientists in development of the range
of projects of Ukrainian laws, opened preparation of scientific
staff for the university and other high educational establishments
of Ukraine. In 2009 145 scientific research works were prepared, 19
patents were got for revelations and useful models, 140 textbooks
were published, educational textbooks, monographs. PhD students,
aspirants, competitioners defended 8 doctoral, 32 candidate
A.Mazaraki personally constantly takes part in making
scientific-research works and preparation of scientific staff. He
prepared 13 doctors and 5 candidates of science, published
individually and in co-authorship over 246 scientific papers,
including 27 monographs, fundamental papers from them are, namely:
"Philosophy of money", "Trade. Money. Mentality", textbooks and
educational textbooks "Philosophy of economy", "International
marketing", "Economy of trade enterprise". He heads special
scientific board D 26.055.01, editorial board of scientific
magazines "Messenger KNUTE", "Goods and markets".
A. Mazaraki actively represents interests of the University and
profitably works in the range of social and professional formations
in Ukraine, namely, as the head of social board from higher
education of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, member
of attestation college Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine, the head of two educational methodic commission and one
sub-commission Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, real
member of the Academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine.
Scientific pedagogical and social activity of A.Mazaraki is highly
valuated by the state, has international recognition. He is awarded
by order "For deserts" І, ІІ, ІІІ stages, Certificate of honour of
the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, commemorative medal 10 years of
Independence of Ukraine, Certificate of honour of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine, order of Legion of Honour - Academic palm
branch (France), signs of Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine "Excellent pupil of education of Ukraine", "Petro Mohyla".
He was awarded an honourable rank "Merited leader of science and
technique in Ukraine". He was chosen the deputy of Desnyanskiy
regional board in Kyiv.
Scientific board of KNUTE assigned by the decision of 24 of
February 2010 to Mazaraki А.А. the title "Honourable professor of
KNUTE" for the exceptionally essential personal contribution in the
development of the University and rise of its authority in society
and also in preparation of high qualified specialists, scientific
pedagogical staff, the development of science.