

Tamara Skyrda, Honorary Doctor of KNUTE

General Information

Honorary Professor of KNUTE (1996)
Rector of Kyiv Institute of Trade and Economics (1966-1985)

Tamara Ivanivna was born on January 5, 1925 in the village Mykhailivka (Kirovograd region), in the family of a railway worker. As a child she experienced many difficulties in the time of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. At the age of 16 she started working for Mahnitorskyy steel mill, continuing her schooling. Then Tamara Ivanivna studied in Kirovograd Pedagogical Institute and graduated in 1950 with a degree of history teacher. 

In 1950-1951 she studied at teacher training courses at the Kyiv State University named after T. Shevchenko. In 1954 Tamara Ivanivna defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of sciences (Philisophy) on "Social and political and philosophical thought in Ukraine in late XVI - at the beginning of the XVII century". 

In 1953-1957 she worked as a junior researcher, scientific secretary of the Institute of Philosophy at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her research during this period is devoted to historical analysis of social and political thought in Ukraine in the nineteenth century, the study of art, philosophy and political views of the famous Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko. 

In 1956, T.I. Skyrda was given the academic rank of senior scientist in philosophy. 

Large influence on shaping public positions, the disclosure of organizational skills was realized at her position of a deputy head of the Kyiv City Executive Committee, as well as at the post of a deputy of city council in 1957-1966. She exerted great efforts to develop education and culture in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, stood for the principle position in the revival of the national drama, spiritual and aesthetic education of youth. 

In 1966, Tamara Ivanivna was appointed as the rector of Kyiv Institute of Trade and Economics, which was established on the basis of the Kyiv branch of Donetsk Institute of Soviet Trade according to the government act on March 4, 1966. The name of Tamara Ivanivna is tightly connected with the formation of this establishment of higher education and with nearly 20-year period of its development and functioning. Her main efforts were aimed at building and technical equipment of training facilities, residential, sports facilities, a set of faculty, research development, establishing the active cultural and educational work with students, creating favorable conditions for living in the dormitories. In 1967-1968 she initiated the construction of buildings at the new institute on the left bank of the Dnipro river, in the outskirts of Kyiv in the forest area. In 1972, the learning process begins in the new teaching and laboratory building. The first dormitory is built for 400 students. At the new place the institute is completely enacted in 1976. For its 10th anniversary the institute opened the assembly hall for 800 seats, the construction of which, like almost of all the buildings, was carried out with the active participation of teachers, students, staff, who worked in their spare time for "national construction". 

Tamara Ivanivna remembers: "The educational establishment was set up on the basis of the branch of Donetsk Institute of Soviet Trade, where 30 teachers worked; only 6 were on payroll, all other worked on fixed-term basis. There were no room, any training and laboratory facilities. All this was to create, to make the learning process at the level of time demands. We have received the permission to design and construct the buildings in two stages with estimated cost of 5 million rubles. Kyiv City Executive Committee has allocated 20 apartments; we invited experienced teachers, doctors and candidates of sciences from Donetsk, Lviv, Kharkiv, Moscow, who became the faculty core. We have been allowed to set the Graduate School; we have been also given the permission to create the Academic Council of the defense of dissertations for candidate degree.

The institute gained its strength and popularity, the competition entrants were the highest among the other universities in Ukraine. 

In connection with the need to overcome, to improve economic knowledge of employees in catering and trade we have expanded the courses in economics and trade accounting, introduced new special courses "The use of mathematical methods in economic calculations, "Demand and trading conditions" in the new subject "Accounting and financial activities analysis", as well as the courses "General Course of trade organization and technology" and "Trade organization of consumer and industrial goods". 

Much attention was paid to humanitarization and humanization of training, where the main role, as the organizer and a professor of philosophy, was played by Tamara Ivanivna Skyrda. 

Cultural and mass work among students has been started. Active part was taken by the members of the Great Patriotic War, who brought a special spirit of responsibility for the assigned work, initiative, organization. 

On the demand of trade field in 1968 the faculty professional development of executives and specialists began its work at the Institute. 

The branches of the Institute were set in Vinnytsia, Odessa and Chernovtsi. Later, the Odessa branch was closed down, and Vinnytsia and Chernivtsy branches were transformed into faculties. 

The Institute made a scientific study to improve the organizational structure of state trade of Ukraine, development of strategy changes in the wholesale chain and introducing new forms of governance, namely, the establishment of wholesale and retail firms, trade associations on furniture, clothing, shoes, sporting goods. Much has been made for the development and introduction of modern methods of transporting goods in the retail network in Kyiv with the use of packaging equipment. Significant part of work was done to solve the problems of transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables, protein efficiency of raw materials and so on. 

Under Tamara Ivanivna's supervision the Institute deployed international relations, signed long-term cooperation agreements with related schools of Leipzig (Germany), Bratislava (Czechoslovakia). 

Substantial contribution to the advancement of science was made by Tamara Ivanivna personally as scholar-teacher. She made research on issues of ethics, aesthetics and psychology of trading as the components of improving the culture of commercial services, as a factor in increasing social prestige of the trade. A number of published scientific papers, including tutorial "Aesthetic in trade" (1972), the monograph "Psychology in the trade" (1977) were devoted to this problem. 

In 1972, Tamara Ivanivna was awarded the academic rank of professor. 

She has a daughter Skyrda Ludmyla - a recognized Ukrainian poet.

For the achievements in the development of education and science, active social activities Tamara Ivanivna has received many state awards, including Order "Red Banner of Labor" (1971), two Orders of "the Badge of Honor" (1960-1966), 6 medals. In 1979 she was given the honorary title "Honored Worker of Higher School of the Ukrainian SSR. 

остання редакція 02.06.2020