Maurice Chenevoy, Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2002)
General Information
Director of Professionalized Institute of Management of the
University of Auvergne- Clermont-1 (France)
Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2002)
Chenevoy Maurice Jean was born in 1946 in Clermont-Ferrand, a
Frenchman, has higher education - in 1967 graduated from the Law
and Political Sciences of the University of Auvergne-Clermont-1,
received diplomas: in law (1967), state law (1971), political
science (1975). In 1977 he received the doctor of sciences degree
for the thesis on "Intermediaries in the distribution of budget
loans and investments".
Chenevoy Maurice Jean began his career in 1970 as an assistant at
Technological University of Auvergne-Clermont-1. From 1980 to 1986
- he was a senior lecturer, the head of "Corporate and
administrative institutions governance" department of the same
institute. From 1986 to 1992 - Professor of University of
Auvergne-Clermont-1, since 1992 has worked on the position of a
director of Professionalized Institute of Management and University
of Auvergne-Clermont-1 while performing the functions of
vice-president of the University of International Relations (until
Along with basic research and teaching responsibilities Chenevoy
M.J. used to perform various professional and public duties, in
particular he was in charge of training at the Faculty of Law and
Political Science (Paris, 1977-1979), at the Institute of
Technology (Clermont-Ferrand, 1980-1982), at the Institute of
general management training (Clermont-Ferrand, 1981-1993). He was
the chairman of the general meeting of the Heads of Departments,
the member of the National Pedagogical Committee, of the
Administrative Council of the Heads of Departments, the coordinator
of technological education areas of the University of
Auvergne-Clermont-1, since 2000 he is a member of the National
Consultative Commission of professionalized university institutes
Chenevoy M.J. - is a recognized scholar in law and political
science. He is the author of such work as "Leaders of public
institutions, "The use of the procedure of calling for the
observance of regulations in the National Assembly of the Republic
V", "Regulation of the Constitutional Council of 17.07.1978 on the
sanctions in case of attacks on the monopoly of radio and
television", "Budgetary support of exporters", "Banking and Credit
System in Auvergne and contribute to scientific research", "Loans",
"Permissions (authorization) of programs and others.
Chenevoy M.J. was the initiator of the establishment and
development of KNUTE cooperation with the University of
Auvergne-Clermont-1, in particular, of the 1998 long-term agreement
on cooperation between universities.
In 2000 Chenevoy M.J. initiated to establish the French-Ukrainian
Institute of Management, where students, studying on parallel
education basis, receive managerial education and get diploma of
the government of France. This institute has received public
recognition, became attractive to young people. Its offices are
opened in Vinnitsa, Kharkiv and Chernivtsi. Over the years, the
Institute has trained 252 professional managers, who were presented
with the certificates of different qualification levels and are
currently working successfully in France and in other
Noting the significant contribution to reforming and improving
higher education, promoting KNUTE development and its integration
into the European educational community, in January 2002 the KNUTE
Academic Council conferred the title "Honorary Doctor of KNUTE" to
Maurice Chenevoy, the Dr. of Sciences, the Director of
Professionalized Institute of Management and University of
Auvergne-Claremont-1 (France).
It should be noted that in 2008 under the initiative of Chenevoy
M.J. the University launched the joint project on training managers
of small and medium enterprises (master's program), obtaining a
double degree and training in administrative management in the
region, municipal management. The project on organization of joint
scientific supervision of theses of young scientists who will study
on the 3 rd cycle (in graduate school) has been prepared.