Alesandro Anastasi, Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2008)
General Information
Honorary Doctor of KNUTE
Alessandro Anastasi was born in 1938. In 1961 he graduated with
honors from the University of Messina specializing in
In his university career, which began in 1965, he passed all
stages: from assistant to professor. An evidence of his high
recognition was government decree on awarding him the title "State
professor" in 1985.
He has taught labour law, labour sociology and legal statistics for
students of three faculties of the University of Messina - law,
economics and political science for 43 years. Simantaneously he is
a professor at the Graduate School of public administration in
At the same time he serves at the University of Messina as:
Vice-rector for international relations, head of the labour law
department, Director of the labour law section of the European
Union and industrial relations. He also performs duties of a
chairman of the University of Messina, is a member of the "European
Legal Experts", member of the Scientific and Technical Committee of
the Regional District Messina.
He lectures regularly on labour law at Sorbonne University in
Paris, universities in Santiago Compostela, Cordoba and Ovideo,
Cracow, Helsinki, Szeged and other European and North American
universities. Cracow University of Economics in 2005 awarded him
the title "Honoris causa".
He is a Chairman of the University of Socrates, arbitration court
judge, lawyer, chairman of the Italian-Polish Association, former
chairman of Lions Club "Messina Lonio".
He was also a coordinator of the Scientific and Technical Committee
of the services and work in the district of Calabria, legal expert
of the Committee for Environmental Protection in Sicily, member of
the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Regional District of
Messina, and he also was a member of the Center for evaluation of
the municipality of Messina and a municipal expert in
Alessandro Anastasi is an editor of the international research
journal in Canada, director of "Atti della Accademia peloritana dei
Pericolanti" in Messina, and "Analli della Facolta di Economia e
commercio", chairman and organizer of several major European
demonstrations: "Workers and trade unions of European enterprises,
St. Vincent "1982," First European Meeting on new trends in labour
law "Taormina 1985; I, II, III, IV, V European multisectoral
seminar on studying in Canada, Giardini-Naxos, 1992, 1993, 1994,
1996, 1997; bilateral and tripartite workshops with the
universities of Cracow and Kyiv.
Alessandro Anastasi is an author of more than one hundred
scientific papers, including reputable scientific works which
characterize him as a scientist: "Models of manufacturing and trade
union of democracies," "Employment. National experience",
"Globalization, labour, social security", "Europe. Employment
policy". He is a member of the Legal Committee of the National
Scientific Research Council and the Advisory Committee of the
National University Council.
Alessandro Anastasi makes an important contribution to the
development and increasing international prestige of KNUTE,
primarily by having initiated (together with A. Mazaraki and R.
Borowieckii) establishment and implementation of international
project "The annual trilateral (Kyiv National University of Trade
and Economics - Cracow University of Economics - the University of
Messina) scientific and practical symposium".
All six sessions were devoted to social, environmental, economic
and legal aspects of small and medium enterprises, business
A. Anastasi has played an important role not only in the
organization of two workshops in Italy, but also in the preparation
of factful publications on the results of all six