Henri Jolles, Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2012)
General Information
Director of the development of ESCP-Europe
Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2012)
Henri Jolles was born in Nice (France) on the 27th of May
H. Jolles in 1966-1968 was studying in Paris University 2 on the
faculty of economic sciences and from 1968 till 1970 - in Paris
University 10 on the faculty of economic sciences. In 1970 he got
the diploma of economist. In 1970-1971 he continued studying in
Paris University 1 on the faculty of economic sciences. In 1971 he
got the diploma of enchanced education of economic sciences
(University doctorate). In 1970-1972 he was studying in Paris
University 5 on the faculty of sociology and in 1972 he got a
diploma "Lisans" from sociology. From 1975 - state Doctor of
economical sciences (Paris University 2).
H. Jolles was working: 1973-1979 - assistant and then teacher in
Paris Unversity 2; 1979-1982 - professor of economic and
management, Paris chamber of commerce and industry; f1982-1986 -
director from the researches and professor of economics in Higher
trade school city Ryan (Ryan chamber of commerce and industry);
1986-1999 - director of European business school from France,
professor of economic.
From 1999 - director of the development of European school of
management. The member of the board of directors of European school
of management.
Jolles has great experience in teaching activity
in 1978 - the lector of university Mobile (Alabama, USA); in
1981-1982 the professor of economics (Paris University Sorbonne
4);in 1983 - invited professor of France Institute of Hamburg
(Germany), France Institute of Munich (Germany); in 1984 - invited
professor of the faculty of trade in University Modeni (Italy); in
1996-1997 - invited professor of Poznan Economic Academy (Poland);
in 1997-1999 - invited professor of Higher school of business city
Beirut (Lebanon).
Except this H. Jolles cofounder and member of ARVODE (Association
of investigation of original ways of economical development) -
Paris University 2 (1970-1976), the member of scientific
association in economic C.N.R.S. (National centre of scientific
development) (1975-1979), in 1979-1982 - adviser of Association
"Initiative France" (creation and support of enterprises), expert
of the Institute "Small and middle enterprises" (1982-1986), the
president of International commission on school management
questions, the member of the Conference of higher schools
(1987-1991), vice-president of international commission of the
conference of higher schools (1989-1991). From 1994 the member of
managerial committee of European magazine of management which is
published by European business school and Business school Glasgow -
publishing house "Pergamon" (from 1994), the member of board of the
advisors of communicational sciences (Higher school of
communication) Nant-France (from 1996), the member of board of
directors of business school of management University Glasgow (from
Jolles has such French and foreign awards and
professor, doctor of economic by the decision of Berlin senate
(1995), companion "Academic palm-branch" (1998), companion of
national merits (2004 ).
publications and scientific papers of H. Jolles:
"Euro-dollar and banking shares" (1971) - the first dissertation of
diploma in enchanced studying of economic sciences (university
doctorate); "International company in giving banking services"
(1971) - second dissertation of diploma in enchanced studying of
economic sciences; "Financiers are happy with borders" - сan
article in the magazine "New factory" (November 1972, France);
"Management in comparison" - an article in magazine "New factory"
(March 1973, France); "Decentralization with small risks" - an
article in magazine "New factory" (December 1973, France); "Utopia
- segment and development" - dissertation of State Doctor of
economic sciences (September 1975, France); "Some thoughts about
cooperative movement" - an article in magazine "Fund of Andre
Renar" (1978, Belgium); "Social result and consumer" - an article
in magazine "Administration and management" (February 1984,
France); "Economic and social problems in France" - the course of
lections - faculty of trade in Modeni (1984, Italy).