A meeting was held with the authors of the "Better to reshoot"
project. The topic of the meeting was "How to film yourself without
the help of friends or any equipment."
February 12-15,
Bachelors of the educational program "Advertising and public
relations" have defended their theses. Congratulations!
February 14,
The title of Miss SUTE was awarded to Tamara Smaliy, majoring in
"Journalism". Congratulations!
February 7,
The Department of Journalism and Advertising held a meeting
dedicated to compliance with the Standard of Higher Education of
the second (master's) level in the specialty 061 Journalism.
February 1,
The textbook "Organization of work of an advertising and PR
agency" by Olena Melnykovych, professor of the Department of
Journalism and Advertising, was published.