Development of International Cooperation: Nguyen Minh Chi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Visited KNUTE
General Information
The history of KNUTE is rich in cooperating with Vietnamese universities and organizations. In the 1990s not only the Vietnamese students, but also specialists from Vietnam trade organizations were trained at our university. In 1985 a Vietnamese student defended his PhD thesis in economics at our University and later became the Minister of Education of Vietnam.
All these facts were mentioned by A. Mazaraki, the KNUTE Rector, during a meeting with Nguyen Minh Chi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Ukraine and Moldova, on March 26, 2016. Mrs Le Thanh Van, the Ambassador’s wife, Mr. Ho Ghung Thanh, the First Secretary and Head of Economy and Trade Department of the Embassy as well as Mr. Nguyen Vinh Phuong, the First Vice President of the Kyiv city Vietnam Company non-governmental organization visited KNUTE that day.
During the meeting with Vice-Rectors S.Shapoval and V.Sai the Ambassador and other members of the delegation asked a lot of questions regarding the educational process. They were especially interested in the variety of English-language Master's Degree programs. They consider this niche to be a very interesting one to increase the number of Vietnamese students in KNUTE. Further cooperation with the Embassy, as well as the forthcoming meeting of the Ambassador with KNUTE students and faculty were agreed.
However, KNUTE representatives were interested in a successful transformation of the Vietnam economy and development of Vietnam world-class tourist and resort destinations.
Therefore, the development of inter-university cooperation, both at the level of students, postgraduate students and teaching staff was agreed.