XV International Symposium on Modern Economy: Social, Legal and Economic Aspects Organized by Italy, Poland, Ukraine and Serbia
General Information
On 23-24th of May, 2017, XV International Scientific Symposium on Modern Economy: Social, Legal and Economic Aspects was held in KNUTE within the framework of the quadrilateral agreement between Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine), Crakow University of Economics (Poland), University of Messina (Italy) and University of Kragujevac (Serbia).
The symposium was attended by representatives of the Cracow University of Economics (Poland): Bogush MIKULA, Faculty of Management Dean, Andrzej YAKI, Economics and Enterpreneurship Department Head, Tomasz ROJEK, Economics and Enterpreneurship Department Professor, Katarzyna WOJCIK, Computer Systems Department lecturer.
The University of Messina (Italy) was represented by Francesco DE DOMENICO, University of Messina Managing Director, Giovanni MOSKELLA, Legal Sciences and History of Institutions Department Head, Fabio FRAHOMENI, Work with Students Department Director, Augusto D'AMICO, Economics Department Head, Daniela RUPO, Economics Department Professor.
KNUTE lecturers and researchers took active part in the event.
The following presentations stirred interest: Establishment of Self-Learning Enterprise by Bogush Mikula (Cracow University of Economics), The Role of Foreign Investment in Prompting the Development of Social and Economic System by Andrzej Yaki, Tomasz Rojek (Cracow University of Economics), Analyzing Based on Subjective Evaluations by Katarzyna Wojcik (Cracow University of Economics), Public Administration and Anti-Corruption Legislation: Italian Experience by Giovanni Moskelly (University of Messina), Correlation of Financial Potential Indicators of Trade Companies and Formation of their Value by Olena Nahorniuk and Liliia Stasiuk (KNUTE), Social Inequality as a Problem of Transition Economies by Hryhorii Horuzhyi (KNUTE), Problems of Ukrainian Exports to EU by Tetiana Melnyk and Kateryna Puhachevska (KNUTE).
All reports were followed by discussions that demonstrated the relevance of topics and effective work of the symposium. One of the main results was the popularization of KNUTE scientific achievements and specification of cooperation with foreign universities-partners.
During the symposium the issues on further cooperation, in particular through the Erasmus +, and the theme of the next International Scientific Conference to be held in 2018 at the University of Messina were discussed.