Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law
Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law
Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law


Current research projects

of International, Civil and Commercial Law

Current scientific projects

I. Legal regulation of the digital economy

The project is aimed at researching current and prospective areas of regulation of the digital economy and formulating substantiated proposals for amendments to the legislation in order to eliminate legislative, institutional, fiscal and other obstacles that hinder the development of the digital economy;

Main areas of research

II. Protection  of rights in the civil procedure

The project is aimed at researching judicial and extrajudicial forms of state protection, alternative non-state forms of protection of the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, submission of proposals for improving legislation in the field of protection of rights and legitimate interests in notarial, civil and executive proceedings.

Main areas of research

III. International law in the conditions of globalization

The project is aimed at researching the influence of globalization processes on the development of international law in the modern conditions of European integration with the aim of improving the current legislation of Ukraine and finding effective means of complex legal modernization of society.

Main areas of research

остання редакція 28.07.2022