SUTE is a participant in the #SuperCoins 2024 charity campaign
General Information
SUTE became a participant in the All-Ukrainian charity campaign to collect coins #SuperCoins to help Ukrainian military personnel who suffered as a result of hostilities. The campaign was organized by the National Bank of Ukraine and the Superhumans Center from September 9 to December 6, 2024. The campaign raised nearly 3.6 million UAH, which also includes a share of sincere gratitude to the soldiers from students and employees of SUTE. The Student Government Council of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting took an active part in organizing the collection and transfer of funds to the partner bank.
We are sincerely grateful to everyone who joined the collection. Only by uniting, we are able to create a new society that respects those who gave their health for the freedom of Ukraine.
Tetiana Kanieva,
Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Doctor of Economics,
Nataliia Shulha,
Head of the Department of Banking, Doctor of Economics,
Larysa Netrebchuk,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking