Department of Economics and Competition Policy
Department of Economics and Competition Policy
Department of Economics and Competition Policy

Calendar of events


Department news

Department news

of Economics and Competition Policy

SUTE representatives at the International Scientific Conference at the National Institute for Strategic Studies

The National Institute for Strategic Studies and SUTE have a strong partnership. Close cooperation between the two partners is implemented in the form of joint research, organisation of conferences and a number of other areas. The international scientific conference ‘Second Galchin Readings’ was held on the basis of the National Institute for Strategic Studies (NISS) on 31 October 2024. The conference was held in the premises of the NISS. 

Academics of the National Academy of Sciences Serhii Pyrozhkov, Andrii Hrytsenko, Ella Libanova, Academic of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences Pavlo Haidutskyi, Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ihor Liutii and Viktor Tarasevych, and other well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists spoke at the plenary session of the conference. The presentations were devoted to the discussion of the creative heritage of Professor Anatoliy Galchynsky, the identification of directions for updating the paradigm of economics in the era of global transformations, the formation of a human-centred economy, the implementation of our country's civilisational choice, the determinants of resilience and economic security, macroeconomic transformations, the development of public finance in the context of European integration, vectors of social change in the context of digitalisation, etc. 

The conference was also attended by representatives of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy – Head of the Department Professor Yuriі Umantsiv, Associate Professors Vladyslav Bolhov, Diana Shkuropadska and Yulia Yasko. The conference was also attended by SUTE students, namely Igor Rudenko, a postgraduate student of the department, and Anna Tyurina, a student of the Industrial Economics, and Daria Royuk, a student Antitrust Management study programmes.

A collection of materials will be prepared based on the results of the conference.

Guest Lecture «World Experience in the Implementation of Competition Policy»

Guest lectures open up opportunities to enhance student research. On 25 October 2024, the Department of Economics and Competition Policy organised a guest lecture on «World Experience in the Implementation of Competition Policy» as part of the «Twenty first Century Competition» and «Synergy of Sectoral Markets» scientific clubs. The lecturer was Anastasiіa Panchak, a lawyer with many years of experience in leading Ukrainian and foreign companies, a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh (USA).

The lecturer analysed the latest trends in the regulation of competition relations in Europe and the United States, identified the peculiarities of implementing antitrust control in the course of foreign direct investment and capital concentration, and outlined the prospects for improving competition policy in Ukraine in the context of European integration. The information about Anastasiia's practical experience and the need to develop professional competences in the context of their employment prospects was of particular interest to the students.

The Department of Economics and Competition Policy and SUTE students would like to thank Anastasiia Panchak for the brilliant lecture, relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the field of competition policy.

Guest lecture "Strategic Design of the Resort and Recreation Services Market in the Context of Global Competition"

On  October 17, 2024, as part of the work of the student scientific clubs «Synergy of Sectoral Markets» and «Competition of the XXI Century», a guest lecture «Strategic Design of the Resort and Recreation Services Market in the Context of Global Competition» was held by Olha Belan, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Director of «International Сеnter Skill Sprint». Olha told the audience in an accessible form about the current trends in the development of the resort and recreation services market, the peculiarities of competition in modern conditions, and the impact of global challenges on the functioning of companies. The lecturer shared with the audience her own methods of strategic design that have found their practical application.

At the end of the lecture, the students received answers to a number of questions related to the intensification of the development of the resort and recreation services market in the context of Ukraine's post-war recovery, the impact of global competition on market development, and internship opportunities at «International Сеnter Skill Sprint».

We are grateful to Olha for a great opportunity to deepen our knowledge in the field of strategic market design. 


Guest Lecture «Antimonopoly Regulation of Industrial Markets in the Context of Competition Law Reform» by  Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine executive

The State University of Trade and Economics and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine are long-standing partners in training competitive specialists of the new generation. Fruitful cooperation between the partners is implemented in the educational process, joint research, organisation of scientific and practical forums and a number of other areas. An important component of the partnership is the delivery of guest lectures by experts from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for SUTE higher education students. 

On 23 September 2024, the Department of Economics and Competition Policy organised a guest lecture on «Antitrust regulation of industrial markets in the context of competition law reform» as part of the Twentieth Century Competition and Synergy of Sectoral Markets scientific clubs. The lecture was delivered by Nazariі Tabachuk, Deputy Head of the Division of Industrial Commodity Markets of the Department of Research and Investigations of the Industrial Markets of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. 

The lecturer outlined the areas of implementation of competition policy in sectoral markets in the context of competition law reform, systematised the manifestations of violations of the legislation on protection of economic competition in the context of the functioning of sectoral markets, identified economic and legal problems of identifying such violations, and focused on the procedural principles of antitrust activity. In his lecture, Mr Nazariі also pointed out a number of problems and prospects for strengthening the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in connection with the entry into force on 1 January 2024 of the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine».

At the end of the lecture, the students had the opportunity to hear meaningful answers to a number of questions about the practice of implementing competition policy, the prospects for further improvement of Ukraine's competition legislation in the process of our country's European integration, and employment opportunities for SUTE students at the national competition authority. 

The Department of Economics and Competition Policy and SUTE students would like to thank Nazariі Tabachuk for the brilliant lecture, friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the field of competition policy.

Interesting and accessible information about the digitalisation of trade from one of the leaders of PepsiCo Ukraine

On 17 September 2024 a guest lecture was held by Iryna Progoniuk, Head of Sales Activation at PepsiCo Ukraine, on the topic «Digitalisation of Trade in a Global Competition».

Ms. Progonyuk offered an interesting and relaxed format of work. At the beginning of the meeting, the lecturer revealed the peculiarities of the impact of digital determinants on the development of trade, pointed out the share of e-commerce in retail turnover in many countries, and identified the potential for e-commerce development in Ukraine. Iryna Progoniuk shared with the audience her own experience of sales promotion in a leading international company. Ms. Progonіuk analysed in detail the peculiarities of selling consumer goods through various e-commerce channels. 

The audience was keenly interested in the issues of developing competition in the consumer goods market, reformatting sales channels under martial law, sales promotion, and compliance with digital security requirements in sales. At the end of the lecture, Iryna Progonyuk answered questions from the audience. There was a lively discussion of many issues, which was evidence of the high level of training of the university students in the field of consumer goods markets. Ms. Progonіuk also used interactive methods of communication with the audience, offering to answer questions. The winners of the intellectual quiz will receive delicious prizes from PepsiCo Ukraine.  

Students, postgraduate students and academic staff had a great opportunity to deepen their knowledge and expand their competencies in the field of trade development through the use of a wide range of digital technologies. 

We thank Ms. Iryna Progoniuk for an interesting lecture!

Webinar "Unfair Competition"

Lecturers of the department, postgraduate students, and students of SUTE had a great opportunity to participate in a series of webinars organized by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and USAID, dedicated to the issues of economic competition protection.

On June 27, 2024, the webinar was conducted by Russell W. Demtoft, Associate Director of Office of International Affairs, United States Federal Trade Commission, on the topic “Unfair Competition: Addressing Distortion of Demand”. The conceptual understanding of unfair competition and antitrust regulation, as well as the nature of deceptive advertising and its interpretation were discussed. The lecturer provided interesting examples from the practice of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission regarding the regulation of deceptive advertising, which generated significant interest from the audience.

Lecturers of the department, postgraduate students, and students are grateful for the interesting webinar!

Webinar "Cartels – Serious Violations"

Lecturers of the department, postgraduates, and students of SUTE had a great opportunity to participate in a series of webinars organized by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the Federal Trade Commission of the USA, and USAID, dedicated to the protection of economic competition.

On June 24, 2024, the webinar was initiated by Irina Elena Popovich, Director of the Cartels Department of the Romanian Competition Council, with the topic "Cartels – Serious Violations." During her lecture, issues such as the typology of horizontal agreements, indicators of cartel behavior, and bid-rigging, with examples from real business practices, were discussed.

The webinar was continued by Brian Serino, Assistant Deputy Director and International Advisor of the US Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, with the topic "Unfair Players Should Not Win: Combating Cartels in the United States." The lecturer elaborated on the role of antitrust regulation in the economy, types of violations of competition law in the USA, with practical cases from antitrust regulatory practice.

Lecturers of the department, postgraduates, and students express their gratitude for the opportunity to participate in this interesting event and to enrich their knowledge in the field of competition regulation!

Webinar "Digital Markets and Competition"

Faculty members, postgraduates, and students of SUTE had a great opportunity to participate in a series of webinars organized by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and USAID, dedicated to the protection of economic competition.

On June 20, 2024 the webinar "Digital Markets and Competition" was initiated by Danica Noble, a lawyer at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. She focused her presentation on the role of digital markets, artificial intelligence in the modern world, and the analysis of the concentration of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard as major players in the digital technology market. The lecturer discussed the essence of the case, the peculiarities of legal investigations of this concentration in the USA, the EU, and the UK.

The webinar was continued by Sorin Lungu, Director of the Consumer Goods Directorate of the Romanian Competition Council, who shared his own experience in dealing with self-preferencing cases and the specifics of applying the European Commission's toolkit in regulating digital markets.

The webinar sparked great interest and discussion among the audience.

Faculty members, postgraduates, and students are grateful for the opportunity to participate in such an engaging event and enrich their knowledge in the field of competition policy!

Digital Dimension of Economic Development in the 21st Century

On May 16, 2024, the State University of Trade and Economics hosted the International Internet Conference "Economics in the Context of Digital Transformation: Development Prospects in the 21st Century." The conference was opened with a welcome address by Anzhelika Gerasymenko, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, and Vice-rector for Research, Pedagogical Activities and International Relations of the State University of Trade and Economics. She emphasized the importance of scholars exchanging ideas on the impact of digital technology development on all spheres of society to develop forecasts for optimizing their use and highlighted the importance of monitoring the digitalization process and determining its future impact on economic development. The conference became a platform for exchanging cutting-edge ideas among scientists and practitioners from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Vietnam, Morocco, and Canada. 

Iurii Umantsiv, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, and Head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy at the State University of Trade and Economics, underscored that the 21st century will be a time of accelerated development of digital technologies, which will significantly impact production and consumption processes, as well as substantially adjust transaction costs.

Victor Tarasevych, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Head of the Department of International Economics and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, in his presentation "Smart Economy and Digital Transformation of Society," focused on the development of the full cycle of the smart economy as a component of social production. Volodymyr Lypov, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, and Leading Researcher at the Department of Economics at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in his report "Digital Platforms and Transformation of Institutional Foundations of Social Interaction," noted that at the mega-economic level, the development of digital platforms causes significant transformations in the mechanisms of institutional arrangement of socio-economic models of countries, integration unions, and the global economy as a whole.

Yaroslav Zhalilo, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Senior Researcher, and Deputy Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, in his speech identified the factors forming the post-war economic landscape of Ukraine, emphasizing that utilizing the capabilities of advanced technologies to unlock local resource potentials and sectoral diversification of economic drivers in regions will be an important means to achieve synergy in spatial and sectoral transformation. Natalia Hrushchynska, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and Business at the National Aviation University, in her speech on "Determinants of Techno-Evolutionary Changes in Global Society," highlighted the problems related to competition between humans and future artificial intelligence, stressing that such competition will require significantly more emotional strain from humans.

Andrii Roskladka, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, and Head of the Department of Digital Economy and System Analysis at the State University of Trade and Economics, identified the key aspects of the impact of generative artificial intelligence on economic processes. Digital transformation as a technological paradigm of modern Ukrainian universities became the subject of a scientific report by Yuriy Bazhal, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, and Head of the Department of Economics at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy." 

In her report, Karolina Wysocka, Head of the Department of Finance at the University of Business and Administration in Gdynia (Poland), analyzed leading global socio-economic trends of the digitalization era, noting that entrepreneurs will be forced to make greater efforts to adapt their activities to new conditions. Aliaksei Zhurauliou, Doctor of Sciences in Economics and Associate Professor at the University of Hildesheim (Germany), outlined the peculiarities of students' perception of CHATGPT, emphasizing the need for universities to take active measures to integrate ethical use of artificial intelligence into their curricula and implement comprehensive policies considering the changing landscape of AI tools in education.

Kateryna Nikolaiets, Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy at the State University of Trade and Economics, identified the main trends in the digitalization of migration monitoring processes, noting that digital technologies have modernized the accounting of migrants, their job search, and accommodation, and provided more favorable conditions for verifying data about migrants and assessing their potential for work in recipient countries. Volodymyr Virchenko, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, and Head of the Department of International Economics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, focused on analyzing the innovative determinants of post-war economic recovery, concluding that the stable development of intellectual property could become a guarantee of the rapid recovery of Ukraine's economy on the principles of innovative modernization of production and ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian products in international markets.

Tetiana Artyomova, Doctor of Sciences in Economics and Chief Researcher at the Department of Economics at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, analyzed the microeconomic factors of social development as guidelines for new economic conditions, emphasizing that the experience of enterprises of different forms of ownership indicates the importance of skillful management of nonlinear economic processes at the microeconomic level to ensure sustainable social development in an era of increasing uncertainty.

Modern Trends in the Socialization of the Global Economy were outlined in the speech by Yuliia Chaliuk, Doctor of Sciences in Economics and Professor of the Department of Economics at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. She emphasized that chronic instability and vulnerability of economic systems at both global and national levels, the presence of prolonged economic shocks, natural disasters, and military conflicts lead to uneven development of economies and social protection systems.

Yuriy Shved, Director of the Corporate Finance Department at the consulting and auditing firm MNP (Canada), focused his speech on the concentration of capital in the context of the development of generative artificial intelligence, highlighting the increasing dependence on the advancement of computer technologies directly oriented towards the needs of retail clients, as well as employers' reliance on highly specialized startups. Nazarii Tabachuk, Deputy Head of the Department of Industrial Goods Market Research and Investigations at the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, discussed the international legal dimension of regulating competitive relations in the context of globalization, asserting that the necessary level of unification in issues related to the practical application of competition law is most appropriately achieved through the development of model (standard) competition laws.

Oleksii Kravchuk, Doctor of Sciences in Jurisprudence, Professor, and Judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court, analyzed the impact of digitalization on the judicial review of economic offenses, emphasizing that the full transition of criminal proceedings to electronic form is hindered by certain procedural rules that still widely employ the concepts of delivering several documents with receipt acknowledgment, drafting procedural action protocols, and their signing by participants. 

The issues raised in the speeches of the conference participants sparked a lively discussion, the conclusions of which were summarized by Professor Iurii Umantsiv, who moderated the conference.

Fascinating Webinar from one of the Leaders of PepsiCo Ukraine

On May 7, 2024, as part of the work of the student research clubs "Competition of the XXI Century" and "Synergy of Sectoral Markets", which operate at the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, a webinar was held by Iryna Progoniuk, Head of Sales of Traditional Trade and HoReCa Channels at PepsiCo Ukraine, on the topic "Strategic Design of Consumer Goods Markets Development in the Context of Global Instability".

Ms. Progonyuk revealed the components of building an effective sales process, described the intricacies of using tools to stimulate it, and pointed out the role and place of digital technologies in sales. Iryna Progoniuk shared with the audience her experience of working in international companies operating in the consumer goods markets. Ms. Progoniuk analyzed in detail the peculiarities of the functioning of a number of the company's brands under martial law. 

The audience was particularly interested in the issues of expanding sales promotion opportunities, applying artificial intelligence, ensuring digital security in sales, and employment opportunities for SUTE students at PepsiCo Ukraine. At the end of the webinar, Iryna Progoniuk answered numerous questions from the audience. There was a lively discussion of the issues, which proved the high level of training of the university students in the field of consumer goods markets. Ms. Iryna also used interactive methods of communication with the audience, offering to name the trademarks that are part of the company's portfolio. The winners of the intellectual quiz will receive prizes from PepsiCo Ukraine.  

Students, postgraduates and research and teaching staff had a great opportunity to deepen their knowledge and expand their horizons in the field of strategic design of consumer goods markets.

We thank Ms. Iryna Progoniuk for an interesting!

Participation in ІХ Ukrainian Antitrust Forum

On April 24, 2024, Iurii Umantsiv, the head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy at SUTE, participated in the IX Ukrainian Antitrust Forum organized by "Yurydychna Praktyka". The topics discussed encompassed a wide range of issues related to important changes in Ukrainian legislation in light of the requirements of the Association Agreement with the EU, aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the competition protection system and strengthening the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. Professor Iurii Umantsiv contributed to the discussion on the European integration achievements of the AMC and further steps of the Ukrainian competition authority in improving its impact on the development of economic competition in Ukraine.

The IX Ukrainian Antitrust Forum began with a presentation by the authorized state representative of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, and a graduate of SUTE, Olga Nechytailo, who deeply analyzed the AMC's work results and highlighted priorities for its future activities. The Department of Economics and Competition Policy is proud of its graduates and wishes them success in their future endeavors aimed at fulfilling one of the most important tasks of state economic policy – promoting and protecting competition in the economy.

Guest lecture on "Protection of Economic Competition in the Context of Ukraine's European Integration" by Oleksandr Nagorny, Chairman of the Ukrainian Bar Association's Competition Law Committee

On 19 April 2024 Oleksandr Nagorny, Chairman of the Ukrainian Bar Association's Competition Law Committee and counsel at Sayenko Kharenko, gave a guest lecture. Mr. Nagorny was at the forefront of the institutionalisation of competition policy in our country, was among the co-authors of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Economic Competition", and for a long time held senior positions at the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

The lecturer outlined the areas of competition policy implementation in the light of the changes that have taken place since the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine", identified economic and legal issues of identifying violations of the legislation on protection of economic competition, and focused on the practice of procedural principles of antitrust activities. In his lecture, Mr Oleksandr paid special attention to strengthening the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in the context of the latest changes in the legal framework of our country. The students had an opportunity to analyse the effectiveness of the policy in the field of economic competition protection on the basis of specific cases considered by the competition authority of our country and implemented in the European Union.

A separate aspect of the lecture was Mr Oleksandr's proposals aimed at improving the legislation on economic competition protection in the context of Ukraine's European integration, improving the institutional design of the Antimonopoly Committee and enhancing its impact on stimulating economic development, modernising consumer protection mechanisms and preventing abuse of monopoly entities.

At the end of the lecture, the students had the opportunity to hear meaningful answers to a number of questions about the practice of implementing competition policy, the prospects for further strengthening the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee in the context of Ukraine's integration into the EU, and employment opportunities for SUTE students at Sayenko Kharenko, which has a reputation as a leading Ukrainian law firm.

We would like to thank Oleksandr Nagorny for the brilliant lecture, friendly and relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the field of economic competition protection

The internship of students at the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

The full article on the AMCU website

In late February, practical training for fourth-year students in the day program of the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Psychology at the SUTE was completed. These students are pursuing bachelor's degrees in the educational programs of "Antitrust Management" and "Public Administration and Administration."

During the internship, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the main legislative and regulatory acts in the field of economic competition protection, acquire new knowledge and experience, participate in work processes, and test their skills in completing tasks and assignments given by internship supervisors.

Rodion Koshel, who completed his internship for the second time in the Investigations Department of Certain Types of Anticompetitive Agreements, was involved in investigations concerning violations of legislation on economic competition protection, specifically related to trade outcome distortion.

Anastasiia Baryshpolets had the opportunity to work with legislative acts regulating issues of economic competition protection in the European Union alongside Olga Nechytailo, the state representative of the Committee.

Dmytro Kozliuk gained practical skills in gathering and analyzing information within the pharmaceutical markets research department of the Department of Research and Investigations in the manufacturing sector.


On November 24, 2023, Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Formation and Implementation of Competition Policy", co-organized by the State University of Trade and Economics. Among the Ukrainian and international co-organizers was the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, which is a long-standing partner of SUTE in training highly qualified specialists in the Antitrust Management program. The academic staff and postgraduate students of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy also contributed to the organization of the conference and took an active part in its work. The main goal of the conference is to create an intellectual platform for testing scientific research and sharing its results in the field of competition, competition policy and competitiveness.

This conference is particularly timely in light of the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on August 9, 2023 of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine". This law is intended to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and improve the effectiveness of state policy in the field of economic competition protection, which is one of the commitments undertaken by our country to integrate into the European Union. Expanding the AMCU's powers will create conditions for a greater focus on analytical work in the course of case consideration, strengthen the law enforcement function and contribute to the effectiveness of investigations.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, Chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, started the high-level discussion with his report on "Formation and Implementation of Competition Policy in Wartime and Post-War Period". The speaker analyzed the activities and results of the AMCU's work, drawing attention to the fact that one of the most common violations of competition law under martial law continues to be anticompetitive concerted actions of business entities in the form of collusion during tenders and auctions. Mr. Kyrylenko also discussed the issues of compliance of Ukrainian competition law with European requirements and outlined the main directions of its updating.

Professor Russell Pittman, a specialist with many years of experience as the Director of Economic Analysis at the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice, who has repeatedly addressed students at SUTE, supported the high level of discussion at the conference. In his speech, Mr. Pittman successfully combined the theoretical and methodological component of the analysis with examples from his own practice at the U.S. Department of Justice, analyzing in detail the intricacies of competition law and the principles of market participants' search for areas for implementing merger transactions. In general, the plenary session featured presentations on applied and educational aspects of competitive culture, problems of state aid, and the development of the competition policy ecosystem.

The speakers also touched upon the economic, legal, moral, ethical and security issues of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on the functioning of industry markets, regulation of competition in digital markets, digital sustainability of education in the national security system in the post-war period, the impact of information and communication platforms on competition, financial and investment architectonics of capital concentration in digital. The conference was attended by scholars and practitioners from Ukraine, Poland, Norway, the United States, Canada, and India.

The conference proceedings will be published in a collection of materials, and the latest solutions, interesting ideas and practical recommendations will be implemented in the educational process to train competitive specialists at SUTE.

The fourth module of the project "Advocacy of European Rules of Competition

For the first time since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the educational and scientific module "Advocacy of European Competition Rules" was held in an offline format at the Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of DTEK. The event, which took place on July 10-14, 2023, was attended by 67 students interested in gaining additional knowledge of European competition rules and the prospects for their application in the context of Ukraine's accession to the EU. The participants included representatives of not only the academic community of Vinnytsia region, but also of small businesses and civil society of the region.

At the end of the module, the project coordinator, Professor Ganna Duginets, held a master class on the specifics of preparing a project application under the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ Program.  We hope that next year, representatives of the Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of DTEK will be among the lwinner’s list of the program.

The lecture "Ukraine in the Global Food Markets: Challenges during Wartime, Current Trends, and Prospects"  by A.Hapon

The lecture "Ukraine in the Global Food Markets: Challenges during Wartime, Current Trends, and Prospects" held on March 1, 2023, was a remarkable initiative for the students of the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Psychology, as well as for the postgraduate students.

Alexander Hapon, known for his eloquence, shared insightful thoughts on the functioning of agricultural markets during wartime, evaluated the challenges posed by the blockade of Ukrainian export logistics routes, and highlighted the prospects for Ukraine's agricultural sector in the post-war period. He emphasized the necessity of state support for deep processing industries in Ukraine's agricultural sector to foster resilient economic links in value-added chains.

Students and faculty were particularly interested in the lecturer's practical experience in entrepreneurial activities. Departing from academic lecture norms and focusing on concrete practical advice based on personal experience significantly enhanced the event's practical relevance. Additionally, the Chairman of the Ukrainian Agrarian Assembly shared insights into volunteer efforts, the organization of aid centers for farmers during the full-scale war, and offered assistance and expert consultations on initiating one's agricultural business and exploring national and international entrepreneurship support programs.

Students and academic staff of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy sincerely thank Mr. Alexander for delivering a highly informative, engaging, and original lecture!

The third module of the project "Advocacy of European Rules of Competition" 

On April 03-07, 2023, SUTE hosted the Third Module of the Jean Monnet Project "Advocacy of European Rules of Competition", which was attended by 45 participants from the academic community, civil servants, and small business representatives. Given the online format of the event, representatives from different regions of Ukraine – Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, Ivano-Frankivsk, and others – have taken part in the module. 

The implementation of the next stage of the project is another step towards developing a culture of competition to improve the quality of business cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.

We thank everyone for the fruitful and constructive discussion and for the positive feedback!

An open lecture by Svitlana Naidenko, the CEO of the Association "Transport, Forwarding, and Logistics Organizations in Ukraine" (Ukrzovnishtrans)

The lecture took place on May 2, 2023, at the initiative of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy for students of the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Psychology, as well as for postgraduate students and academic staff.

The collaboration between the department and stakeholder partners is a tradition, hence the lecture by Svitlana Naidenko, a stakeholder of the "Economics of Sectoral Markets" Public Partnership, aimed to enhance the quality of education and professional orientation of students. The lecturer expertly combined theory with the practice of transport and forwarding activities, emphasizing the role and challenges of the transport and forwarding services market during wartime conditions. Svitlana Naidenko focused on the prospects for the development of the forwarding industry, particularly addressing the integration of the national transport and forwarding services market into global logistics systems. One key aspect of this integration process is the development of cooperation with international organizations, through which standards for the transport, forwarding, and logistics industry are not only applied but also improved.

The practical application of forwarding documentation, particularly the FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) documents, sparked special interest among higher education seekers. These documents are essential tools in promoting trade liberalization across borders, serving as the global standard for forwarders. Svitlana noted that in today's global market development context, new opportunities are opening up for students to realize their creative potential, but concurrently, demands on them as professionals are increasing. She emphasized that the "recipe" for success lies in continuous learning and personal development, ensuring a competitive advantage in the job market.

Students and academic staff of the university sincerely appreciate Svitlana for delivering a very informative and engaging lecture!

Guest Lecture "Antimonopoly Regulation of Industry Markets in the Context of European Integration" by Nazarii TABACHUK, Deputy Head of the Department of Industrial Markets at the Department of Research and Investigations of Industrial Markets of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has been a longstanding partner of the State University of Trade and Economics (SUTE) in training a new generation of professionals. The close collaboration between the two partners is manifested in the educational process, joint scientific research, organization of conferences, and various other avenues. An important component of this partnership are guest lectures by experts from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for students.

On November 24, 2023, a guest lecture on the topic "Antimonopoly Regulation of Industry Markets in the Context of European Integration." The lecturer for this event was Nazarii Tabachuk, Deputy Head of the Department of Industrial Markets at the Department of Research and Investigations of Industrial Markets of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

During the lecture, Mr. Tabachuk outlined the directions of implementing competition policies in industry markets in Ukraine. He systematized violations of legislation on the protection of economic competition concerning the functioning of industry markets. Additionally, he identified economic and legal problems related to the identification of such violations and focused on procedural principles in carrying out antimonopoly activities. Mr. Tabachuk also addressed the issues and prospects of strengthening the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in the context of legal changes associated with the adoption of the law "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Improve the Activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine," which will come into effect on January 1, 2024.

At the end of the lecture, participants had the opportunity to receive informative answers to a range of questions regarding the practice of implementing competition policy, the prospects for strengthening the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee in Ukraine integration process in the European Union, and the employment opportunities for SUTE students in the national competition authority.

More than one hundred and thirty participants, including students, postgraduates, and academic staff of SUTE, took part in the event.

 We are grateful to Nazarii Tabachuk for delivering an outstanding lecture, fostering a friendly atmosphere for discussion, and providing an opportunity to broaden knowledge in the field of competition policy.

Guest lecture "Digitalization in Sales" by Commercial Senior Manager of the international company "PepsiCo Globe"

On May 25, 2023, with the support of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, a guest lecture by Blazej Gorski, Commercial Senior Manager of the international company "PepsiCo Globe" was held on the topic: "Digitization in Sales" in Zoom (the working language of the lecture was English).

The speaker presented the aspects of building an effective sales process, the nuances of using automation tools in sales, and the role and place of digital technologies in this process. Blazej Gorski shared his experience at PepsiCo Globe about the changes brought about by digital technologies in sales. The students were particularly interested in questions about the possibilities of sales promotion, the use of artificial intelligence, and ensuring digital security in sales.

At the end of the lecture, Blazej Gorski answered numerous questions from the audience, which proved not only the lively interest in the discussed issues, but also the high level of knowledge of the university graduates in the field of digitalization of sales.

Students, postgraduates and academic staff got a great opportunity to deepen their knowledge and expand the horizons of their skills in the field of digital sales.

All attendances’ sincerely thank Blazej Gorski for an interesting report and insights from the field of digital sales!

Round Table "Digital Trends in Economy Transformation under Conditions of Global Competition"

On May 18, 2023, the round table "Digital Trends in Economy Transformation under Conditions of Global Competition" was held at the State Trade University of Trade and Economics.

In her speech, Anzhelika Gerasymenko, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Vice-rector for Research, Pedagogical Activities and International Relations at SUTE, emphasized the extreme relevance of the problem of digital transformation of the economy in competitive coordinates, changes in the balance of market power, lack of state regulation adequate to the new realities. The Vice-rector wished the participants of the Round Table a fruitful discussion.

The moderator of the round table Yurii Umantsiv, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy at SUTE.

During their speeches and discussions, the participants highlighted the pressing issues of economic transformation under conditions of global competition. Valerii Osetskyi, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor of Economics, Macro- and Microeconomics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, revealed the conceptual foundations of digital transformation of consumer values in the sharing economy.

The speech of Olha Horniak, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship at Odesa Mechnikov National University, focused on the principles of institutionalizing the processes of economic power decentralization in post-war Ukraine.

Natalia Hrushchynska, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuous Education at the National Aviation University, addressed the issues of forming a global competitive environment in the context of economic digitization.

Hanna Pylypenko, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Tourism and Enterprise Economics at the Dnipro University of Technology, emphasized the global trends in innovative development from a geopolitical perspective.

The speech of Volodymyr Humeniuk Doctor of Sciences, Professor at the Department of General, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas in Economics, inspired a lively discussion on the topic of "Digital Transformation of the Tourism Industry: New Opportunities and Challenges in a Competitive Environment."

Yevhen Kuninets, candidate of technical sciences, the President of the company "ENO Mebli" (Mukachevo, Zakarpattia region), focused on the issues and prospects of development in the woodworking industry in a regional context.

In his presentation, Oleksandr Tyshchenko, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of National Economy and Public Administration at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman highlighted the current issues of post-war economic recovery in Ukraine based on innovations.

Irina Shtunder, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Economics and Competition Policy at the State Trade University of Trade and Economics, dedicated her speech to the formation of an innovative employment model in the paradigm of economic digitization.

Lyudmyla Shevchenko, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Economics at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University discussed the modern principles of competitive management in her presentation.

The trends in the development of the insurance market in Ukraine under conditions of global competition were substantiated by Tetiana Yavorska, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Banking and Insurance Business at Lviv National University of Ivan Franko.

Yuriy Umantsiv, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, summarized the round table's work, expressed gratitude to all participants for their active involvement, and expressed hope for continued fruitful cooperation between SUTE researchers and colleagues in order to exchange knowledge and experience for the most effective transformation of the economy under conditions of global competition.

Guest lecture "Competition in the Market of Insurance Services in Ukraine: Current State and Development Prospects"

Guest lecture "Competition in the Market of Insurance Services in Ukraine: Current State and Development Prospects" was held by Anna Romaniuk, a graduate of SUTE (in ZOOM), head of the reporting department of the Financial Accounting and Taxation Department of the insurance company ARX, PhD in Economics as part of the program of events to celebrate the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Psychology Day with the support of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy on May 5th, 2023.

The speaker acquainted the audience with the functioning of the market of insurance services, the development of competitive relations in it, and revealed the peculiarities of the functioning of market participants. Special attention was given to the insurance company ARX, which has been operating in the Ukrainian market for twenty-eight years, demonstrating stable growth, bright innovations, and a real example of improving communication with clients.

Dr. Anna provided a lot of statistical information about the services provided by the ARX company. Special attention was given to compensation for losses from military aggression by Russia regarding insured movable and immovable property, as well as insurance payments for various types of insurance. After the lecturer's speech, there were many questions from the audience (about a hundred people) regarding medical insurance and its development prospects, travel insurance, which indicated a significant interest in the market of insurance services.

Overall, university students, postgraduates, and academic staff sincerely thank Dr. Anna for a explanatory interesting and explanatory lecture, with hope for further cooperation.

The second module of the project "Advocacy of European Rules of Competition" 

On October 10-14, 2022, SUTE hosted the Second Module of the Jean Monnet Project "Advocacy of European Rules of Competition", which was attended by 37 participants from the academic community, civil servants, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. It should be noted people from different regions of Ukraine took part in the module: from Lviv, Odesa, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, etc. 

In their feedback, the participants rated the practical significance and usefulness of the knowledge gained for professional development well (averaged 4.8 out of 5), and expressed their wishes for further improvements to the interactive component of the training. We hope that we will be able to conduct the third module in an offline format.

Legal regulation of cartels in the EU. TOP 5 best references

On November 16, 2022, a lecture dedicated to big cartel cases in the EU was delivered to students, postgraduates, and teaching stuff fof SUTE by Anastasia Panchak, a lawyer specializing in antitrust and competition law practice at the legal firm "E+H Attorneys-at-Law" in Vienna, Austria.

During the lecture, the speaker elucidated the regulatory and legal principles of combating cartels in the EU, explained typical investigation algorithms, and discussed the arguments considered by the European Court of Justice in cartel cases. The investigation features of cartels in the EU were illustrated with examples including cartels in the markets of electron beam tubes for monitors and televisions (2012), derivatives (2013, 2016, 2021), passenger cars (2014), trucks (2016), and conspiracies related to technical developments in the field of automotive exhaust gas purification systems with nitrogen oxide (2021).

The lecture generated significant interest among students and sparked discussions on the application of European practices to combat cartels in Ukraine.

Kind regards to the speaker, and look forward to further collaboration!

Lecture "The refusal to supply as a result of a monopoly position" by Ciprian Pilan

On November 26, 2021, Ciprian Pilanthe Competition Inspector of the Romanian Competition Council, delivered a lecture "The refusal to supply as a result of monopoly position in the elecricity market ". He explained to students and postgraduates the specifics of the Romanian electricity market's functioning and the technological features of electricity production, which are crucial for defining market boundaries and choosing competition strategies within it.

During the lecture, the lecturer used an example of monopolistic (dominant) abuse by a Romanian electricity producer from hydropower resources—Hidroelectrica—explaining not only the competition risks associated with its restrictive behavior but also the peculiarities of the procedure for detecting and proving such a violation.

We are greteful for an interesting and explanatory lecture and hope for further cooperation.


The lecture "Abuse of a dominant position in the digital economy"

On November 24, 2021, Jennifer Lee, a lawyer from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, delivered a lecture "Abuse of dominant position in the digital economy." During the lecture, she shared her experience with students and postgraduates regarding the handling of a case involving abuse of dominant position by Apple Inc.- the manufacturer of iPhone, iOS, operator of App Store, and other electronic products. Specifically, the case investigated Apple Inc.'s market position and competitive behavior in the microtransactions market within video games, following a complaint by the popular video game developer, Epic Games, which was dissatisfied with the size of the intermediary margin in the App Store.

The lecturer explained the positions of all parties involved in the case and provided justification for the court decision in favor of Apple Inc., which refuted the existence of a monopolistic (dominant) position by Apple Inc. in this market.

The discussion that ensued after the lecture expanded beyond the discussed case, focusing on the pressing issue of determining market power in markets for electronic products characterized by powerful network effects, as well as prospects for further regulation of the activities of dominant operators in such markets.



Concentration in the U.S.: The Case of the Privatization of "Vin & Spirits AB"


On November 18, 2021, Jennifer Lee, a lawyer from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and an advisor to the USAID/FTC "Competition Policy Enforcement. World Best Practices" delivered a lecture at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) on the topic "Concentration in the U.S.: The Case of the Privatization of  “Vin & Spirits AB.”

During the lecture, the specificities of a concentration case involving the Swedish producer of alcoholic beverages Vin & Spirits AB, known worldwide for the Absolut brand, and Pernod Ricard—a French producer and distributor of alcoholic beverages—were discussed. The lecture analyzed the impact of this concentration on the American market for alcoholic beverages. This case was intriguing as it allowed attendees to understand not only the algorithms for detecting market monopolization risks but also the mechanisms for preventing such monopolization, which differ from outright denial of approval for the transaction. These algorithms became the subject of active discussion that ensued after the lecture.

Concentration of Car Dealerships: Intra- and Inter-Brand Competition

On November 16, 2021, a lecture was held by Eberhard Temme, Director of the Investigations Department at the Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) of Germany, "Concentration of Car Dealerships: Intra- and Inter-Brand Competition." The lecturer shared his own experience in investigating mergers of car dealerships in Germany, discussing the approaches used to define markets, assess concentration, and the challenges encountered during the investigations.

Following the lecture, an active discussion unfolded around issues related to establishing market boundaries and the overall impact of mergers, particularly the discussed consolidation, on vertical competition within the industry.


Specialized educational course "Competition Policy Enforcement. World Best Practices" 

On November 10, 2021, with the support of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, along with informational backing from the Department of Journalism and Advertising, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) participated in a joint project involving the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the European Union Twinning Project. As part of this project, a special educational course "Competition Policy Enforcement. World Best Practices" is being implemented for students, postgraduates, and faculty members during November to December 2021.

The course began with a lecture by Denica Noble, a counselor of the USAID/FTC "Competitive Markets Project" and a lawyer from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), on the topic "Deceptive Advertising as a Form of Unfair Competition: U.S. Cases." Over two hours, there was an intensive discussion on legislative regulation of unfair competition, the use of truthful information in product/service advertising, responsibilities of advertising agencies, and arguments for defending advertising claims. Real-life cases and live discussions on examples of deceptive advertising, presentations of countries' experiences in combating manipulative information, and methods of protecting and combating deliberate consumer confusion sparked lively interest among the audience.

We sincerely thank the organizers of the course and the lecturer for this valuable educational initiative!


The lecture "Ukraine in the Global Food Markets: Challenges during Wartime, Current Trends, and Prospects" held on March 1, 2023, was a remarkable initiative for the students of the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Psychology, as well as for the postgraduate students.

Alexander Hapon, known for his eloquence, shared insightful thoughts on the functioning of agricultural markets during wartime, evaluated the challenges posed by the blockade of Ukrainian export logistics routes, and highlighted the prospects for Ukraine's agricultural sector in the post-war period. He emphasized the necessity of state support for deep processing industries in Ukraine's agricultural sector to foster resilient economic links in value-added chains.

Students and faculty were particularly interested in the lecturer's practical experience in entrepreneurial activities. Departing from academic lecture norms and focusing on concrete practical advice based on personal experience significantly enhanced the event's practical relevance. Additionally, the Chairman of the Ukrainian Agrarian Assembly shared insights into volunteer efforts, the organization of aid centers for farmers during the full-scale war, and offered assistance and expert consultations on initiating one's agricultural business and exploring national and international entrepreneurship support programs.

Students and academic staff of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy sincerely thank Mr. Alexander for delivering a highly informative, engaging, and original lecture!

остання редакція 31.01.2025