Department of Legal Support of Business Security
Department of Legal Support of Business Security
Department of Legal Support of Business Security

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IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Seminar «Legal Policy of Ukraine: History and Modernity»

of Legal Support of Business Security

IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Seminar «Legal Policy of Ukraine: History and Modernity»

On October 6, 2023, on the occasion of Lawyer's Day, the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security was a co-organizer of the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Seminar «Legal Policy of Ukraine: History and Modernity». The seminar was jointly organized with StateUniversity«ZhytomyrPolytechnic»andHigherEducationalInstitution «KingDanyloUniversity». About 100 researchers, practitioners, and students participated in the seminar. The seminar was moderated by RuslanVolodymyrovychMelnychenko, PhD in Law, and attorney, the head of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security. The organizer was Anna LeonidivnaShvedova, PhD in Law, associate professor of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security.

Among the attendees who delivered welcoming speeches were:

  • Olga OleksandrivnaKoreniuk, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law at the State University of Trade and Economics;
  • Larisa VasylivnaSerhiienko, Doctor of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of National Security, Law, and International Relations at the State University «Zhytomyr Polytechnic».

The main speakers from the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security included:

  • RuslanVolodymyrovychMelnychenko, PhD in Law, Attorney, Head of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security at the State University of Trade and Economics, spoke on the topic «Formation of Civic Consciousness through Legal Education»;
  • Hanna LeonidivnaShvedova, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security at the State University of Trade and Economics, presented on the topic «Counteraction to Corruption in the Conditions of Martial Law».

During the seminar, faculty members from the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security presented their own scientific achievements and actively participated in discussions on the current issues of legal policy in Ukraine. The following faculty members delivered scientific reports:

  • Dr. Sc. (Law), Professor A.S. Zakharchuk
  • Dr. Sc. (Law) G.V. Zadorozhnia
  • Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor V.M. Nikitenko
  • Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor N.O. Bondarenko
  • Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor O.M. Podilchak
  • Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor O.A. Alyonkin
  • Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor O.V. Sonyuk
  • Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor O.M. Sytnychenko

Additionally, students also made scientific presentations, showcasing the results of their research in various fields. In total, the students prepared more than 30 scientific reports. Some of the most notable presentations were:

  • AnastasiiaSlobodianik, a first-year master's student from the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology, presented on the topic «Issues of Ensuring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Higher Education: Ukrainian Experience» (Academic Advisor: Ruslan V. Melnychenko, Ph.D. in Law, Attorney, Head of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security);
  • AnastasiiaShturmak, a second-year student from the Faculty of Law, discussed «Criminal Liability for Unscrupulous Volunteering» (Academic Advisor: Hanna L. Shvedova, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security);
  • ValeriiaPanasyuk, a second-year student from the Faculty of Law, presented on «Specific Aspects of Ukraine's Accession to the European Union» (Academic Advisor: Tetiana V. Poharchenko, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of International, Civil, and Commercial Law).

Following the scientific and practical seminar, a resolution was passed to formalize the results of the conducted research, make relevant proposals to legislation, and continue the presented scientific studies.


Head of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security.

E-mail: r.melnychenko@knute.edu.ua

Hanna Shvedova,

Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security.

E-mail: g.shvedova@knute.edu.ua

остання редакція 03.11.2023

The head of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security at SUTE, Ruslan Volodymyrovych Melnychenko, became the laureate of the All-Ukrainian competition «Young Lawyer of the Year».

of Legal Support of Business Security

The head of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security at SUTE, Ruslan Volodymyrovych Melnychenko, became the laureate of the All-Ukrainian competition «Young Lawyer of the Year».

The awarding ceremony of the laureates and winners of the All-Ukrainian competition «Young Lawyer of the Year» took place in Kyiv on October 14, 2023. Ruslan Melnychenko, a candidate of legal sciences, Acting Head of the Department of Legal Support for Entrepreneurship Security at SUTE, attorney, was honored in the category «Young Scientist». He was recognized for his high achievements and significant contribution to the development of legal science.

«This award is not only a recognition of my work, scientific, and professional activities, but also an incentive to continue working. To work for the benefit of our country, to educate the new generation. I am grateful for the support of the department's team and the University, who always believed in me and inspired me to achieve new heights», - Ruslan Melnychenko thanked during the solemn awarding ceremony.

The prizes were presented by the Deputy Director of the Institute of State and Law named after V.M. Koretsky of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Nataliya Onishchenko, and the Deputy Chairman of the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy, and Managing Partner of GOLAW Company Valentin Gvozdiy.

Note: The All-Ukrainian Competition «Young Lawyer of the Year» was initiated in 2009 and is an important event for the legal community and the public in Ukraine. This competition is not just a competition but a unique space for communication and exchange of experience among young legal professionals. This year, the Forum of Young Lawyers of Ukraine brought together leading experts in the field, including lawyers, judges, partners of legal associations, public figures, researchers, as well as law students, to discuss the most pressing issues of legislation application, judicial practice, and new opportunities for professional development.

Over 1500 young lawyers from all over Ukraine participated in the competition. The winner in the category «Young Scientist» was determined based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific activity;
  • Scientific achievements;
  • Practical activities;
  • Participation in international projects.

We sincerely congratulate MELNYCHENKO Ruslan Volodymyrovych on this award and wish him new achievements in his scientific and professional career. May this nomination be only the beginning of outstanding and significant accomplishments!

Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law of

State University of Trade and Economics


остання редакція 31.10.2023

SUTE students became finalists of the All-Ukrainian Youth Competition "Legal Education of the Future - 2023"

of Legal Support of Business Security

Taisiia Dudnyk and Diana Yakusheva, 2nd year students of the Faculty of International Trade and Law of the State University of Trade and Economics, became finalists of the All-Ukrainian Youth Competition "Legal Education of the Future - 2023", which resulted in their works being included in the top 30 works in Ukraine in the category: "Students/PhD students".

The students successfully researched in the area of "Reforming Legal Education and Application of the Latest Technologies", and their work was highly appreciated by the Organising Committee and the expert jury. The scientific supervision of the students' papers for the competition was carried out by Hanna Shvedova, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security, PhD in Law, Associate Professor.

The competition was organised by: The Council of Young Lawyers of Ukraine, the Institute of Political, Legal and Religious Research, the Kyiv Junior Academy of Sciences, the Analytical Centre for Education Quality, with the assistance of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and support from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The aim of the competition is to support gifted young people, provide professional guidance to students/PhD students, and increase the competitiveness of law school graduates in the labour market. The competition is recognised as important in terms of analysing problematic issues in the field of legal education to achieve the strategic priorities of the justice reform in Ukraine.

The Organising Committee and the expert jury processed more than 3000 competition entries in several stages, including works from many universities, including: Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Academy of Internal Affairs, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and others. The awarding ceremony took place in the assembly hall of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, where the students were presented with honorary diplomas of the finalists.

Congratulations to the finalists!

Authors of the text:

Ruslan Melnychenko,

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security

E-mail: r.melnychenko@knute.edu.ua

Hanna Shvedova,

Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security

E-mail: g.shvedova@knute.edu.ua

остання редакція 14.06.2023


of Legal Support of Business Security

On the eve of the University Day Celebration, the VII International Scientific and Practical Symposium "CONCEPTUAL PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN HUMANITIES AND APPLIED SCIENCE. POST-COVIDENCE REBUILDING OF UKRAINE" was held by the State University of Trade and Economics in cooperation with King Danylo University.

The symposium consisted of several panel discussions that focused on highly specialised issues related to martial law in Ukraine. The Faculty of International Trade and Law was responsible for organising and conducting the panel "Development of Law under Martial Law". SUTE students and lecturers took part in panel offline simultaneously broadcasted live on Zoom for colleagues from other regions of Ukraine and those who were abroad.

The international symposium was opened by Yulia Goncharova, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law. Dr. Goncharova drew attention to the fact that since the first days of the war SUTE has been actively engaged in research and development on martial law in Ukraine and violations of international law. The Dean shared her thoughts and priorities for the Faculty further scientific investigations in this area.

The panel discussion was attended by both professors of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security and students of the Faculty of International Trade and Law. The following reports were the most actively discussed among students: "The Mechanism of Legal Support of Corporate Security during Martial Law" by Ruslan Melnychenko (Head of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security, PhD in Law, Attorney), "Official Abuse in Martial Law" by Ganna Shvedova (PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security,), "Criminal Law Counteraction to Financial Fraud" by Viktor Nikitenko (PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security).

The scientific event was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere and give impetus to a lively discussion. Presentation made at the plenary session and discussion platforms facilitated active discussion and expression of participants' opinions on the current realities and proposals for the post-war economic recovery of Ukraine.

The scientific event allowed to identify priority areas and proposals for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine in the economic, legal and social field in an open discussion format. The panel "Development of Law under Martial Law" was attended by more than 120 best representatives of the young researchers elite, who were mostly students of the speciality "Law", bachelor's and master's degree educational programs: Commercial Law, Financial Law, Civil Law and Procedure, Legal Support of Business Security, International Law.

The panel discussion resulted in SUTE lecturers deepening their cooperation in updating educational programs in order to professional harmonize them with the requirements of the legal profession under martial law. It is only by combining the efforts of science and practice that we can handle issues of strategic importance to Ukraine in the field of higher legal education.

Authors of the text:

Melnychenko Ruslan

Head of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security E-mail: r.melnychenko@knute.edu.ua

Shvedova Ganna

Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security

E-mail: g.shvedova@knute.edu.ua

остання редакція 14.06.2023


of Legal Support of Business Security


On April 25th, as part of the signed Memorandum between the Darnytskyi district court in Kyiv and SUTE, judge-speaker Marina Bondarenko conducted a model court session in the courtroom with the participation of second-year students studying the academic discipline "Workshop on Criminal Law of Ukraine" taught by Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security, Hanna Shvedova. Additionally, to improve practical skills in the field of criminal law and consolidate knowledge and competencies regarding the peculiarities of criminal offences' qualification, an off-site practical training was conducted at the Darnytskyi district court in Kyiv on April 25th, where students were present at court sessions on cases of criminal offences against public order, traffic safety and operation, and public health.

Maryna Bondarenko - judge-speaker

Darnytskyi District Court in Kyiv,

PhD in Law, IMI mediator

A model court session was held:

• In the case of criminal responsibility under Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

A model court session is a unique space for professional communication between law students and the judiciary, an opportunity for creative application of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as the participation of judges in the professional training of future specialists.

The model court session was attended by students interested in acquiring practical skills regarding the peculiarities of qualifying different types of criminal offences and deepening the study of the discipline "Practical Course on Criminal Law of Ukraine" (specialty "Law", bachelor's and master's degree programs: "Commercial Law", "Financial Law", "Civil Law and Procedure", "Legal Support of Business Security").

Future lawyers tried themselves in the role of presiding judge, attorney, prosecutor, and had the opportunity to question the accused, victim, and witnesses based on the criminal case that was being considered by this court.

As a result of the model court session, the participants deepened their interaction in developing educational programs aimed at their further professionalization and maximum approximation to the requirements of the legal profession. They are confident that only by combining the efforts of science and practice, we can solve strategically important issues for Ukraine in the field of higher legal education.

Author of the text: Anna Shvedova,

Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security

остання редакція 08.05.2023

of the III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar: "Legal Policy of Ukraine: History and Modernity"

of Legal Support of Business Security

Participation of the Faculty of International Trade and Law

in the organization of the III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical

seminar: "Legal Policy of Ukraine: History and Modernity"

On October 7, 2022, on the occasion of Lawyer's Day, a session of the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Seminar: "Legal Policy of Ukraine: History and Modernity" was held, which was co-organized by the Department of Legal Business Security of the Faculty of International Trade and Law of the State University of Trade and Economics together with the Department of Law and law enforcement activities of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University and King Danylo University.

The lecturers of the department took an active part in the seminar session and the preparation of interesting scientific reports: the Head of the Department R. Melnychenko, the Associate Professor G. Shvedova, the Associate Professor V.Nikitenko, the Associate Professor O.Sytnichenko, the Associate Professor N. Bondarenko, the Associate Professor A. Koriagina, the Associate Professor A. Alyonkin, the Associate Professor O. Soniuk and the Associate Professor O. Podilchak.

O. Koreniuk, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, joined the congratulatory speech from our university. Among the main speakers at the seminar there was the Head of the Department R. Melnychenko with a report on the topic "Corporate Security of Business Entities During Martial Law in Ukraine". Among the speakers there were: A. Pasichnyk (the Deputy Director of the Department of International Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine), Professor I. Basysta (LvSUIA), Professor M. Karchevskyi (LSUIA named after E.O. Didorenko), the Associate Professor O. Ostroglyad (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University), N. Radushynska (the Deputy Regional Director of the Free Secondary Legal Aid Center in Zhytomyr Oblast). The scientific supervision of students’ scientific reports in preparation for the seminar was carried out by: the Head of the Department R. Melnychenko, the Associate Professor G. Shvedova, Professor A. Zakharchuk, the Associate Professor N. Bondarenko, A. Koriagina, the Associate Professor O. Alyonkin, the Associate Professor O.Podilchak, the Associate Professor O. Soniuk, the Associate Professor M. Mishchuk, the Associate Professor V. Nikitenko, the Associate Professor I. Bryzgalov, the Associate Professor O. Sytnichenko. In total, more than 30 students prepared brilliant scientific reports, which were included in the collection of materials of the scientific seminar.

At the meeting of the scientific and practical seminar, a constructive discussion was held regarding various directions of development of the modern legal system of Ukraine during the war and an active discussion of its further influence on the development of related industries of our state. All the speakers raised the question of morality and legal awareness of citizens as a key element of restoring the post-war legal space of Ukraine.

остання редакція 03.03.2023