of Hotel and Restaurant Business Management
The students of the Hotel and Restaurant Management program, the Tourism and Hotel-Restaurant Business Management program, along with the faculty members of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Management, Myroslava Bosovska and Alla Okhrimenko, visited the five-star Hyatt Regency Kyiv hotel.
Symbolically, the American high-level hotel chain Hyatt Hotels Corporation was founded in 1957 by the grandchildren of the founder of the Pritzker dynasty, Kyiv native Mykola Pritzker.
The students and lecturers got acquainted with the results of introducing high standards of service, innovative organisation of business processes, and discussed the peculiarities of the content of educational programmes.
We sincerely thank the head of the personnel department, Artem Ratush, and the hotel's sales specialist, Katerina Shvets, for organizing and conducting this event.
Impressions of the student,
Olexandra Pastushenko, group 1-11:
"I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to tour this
wonderful hotel. The rooms are stylishly decorated and have
incredible views. The Hyatt Regency Kyiv hotel also has many halls
for various types of events, from meetings for a few people to
weddings. The hotel's location in the heart of the city makes it an
ideal choice for tourists and businessmen and offers a wonderful
view from the windows of the rooms of the main landmarks of Kyiv.
And from the upper floors – Kyiv in the palm of your hand! I was
thrilled with this hotel and dream of practicing in it!"
Victory at the all-Ukrainian
On April 11, the National University of Food Technologies organized and held the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Hotel and Restaurant Business". Works were submitted from almost all regions of Ukraine. Based on the discussion of the industry competition committee, the best eleven works were recommended for the second round.
Based on the results of the presentation and evaluation of the scientific level, the scientific work on "Innovative technologies for promoting the international brand "Radisson Blu Hotel", performed by master's student Anastasia Slobodianyk, was awarded a first degree diploma. Congratulations to Anastasia and her supervisor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Maria Kulyk.
Alla Okhrimenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, was involved in the work of the industry competition commission.
We are proud of the scientific achievements of our students!
Excursion of students to the
Radisson Blu Podil hotel
On April 17, students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business program had a hospitable meeting at the Radisson Blu Podil Hotel. They discussed issues of hotel security, green business and social inclusion. We sincerely thank Ms. Svitlana Yanchenko and Ms. Oksana Petretska for their practical insights and high-quality communications.
An interdisciplinary approach to the formation of competencies of hotel and restaurant business specialists is extremely relevant, and knowledge of foreign languages is an open door to global hospitality. We sincerely thank the Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Iryna Tonkonoh for introducing innovative practices into the educational process! We would like to thank Associate Professors Liudmyla Bovsh and Tetiana Sydorenko for organizing the field trip.
Our students are winners of
an international competition!
What great news! Our 4th year students of the 2nd group under the study programme ‘Management of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business’ Veronika Sutik and Anastasia Parisskaya won 3rd place in the prestigious International Student Research Competition ‘Black Sea Science 2024’.
We are extremely proud of their scientific achievements!
We thank our supervisors, our charming associate professors Natalia Zikiy and Tetiana Tkachuk!
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to study and teach!
Lecture-discussion on
‘Marketing of the event industry’
In the format of celebrating the Day of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business, on 26 March, a lecture-discussion on ‘Marketing of the Event Industry’ was held for higher education students of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business. The speaker of the event was Oleksandr CHORNYI, certified business coach, director of the Smart Education hotel business school.
The students actively participated in the discussion, solved practical cases, and upon completion had the opportunity to get answers to questions by scanning a QR code.
We thank the speaker for his professionalism!
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to teach and learn!
The training ‘UNIFIED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FOR THE HOTEL INDUSTRY’ from the UKRAINIAN HOTEL AND RESORT ASSOCIATION is another step towards the professionalisation, practical orientation and internationalisation of the educational programmes of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business of the State University of Trade and Economics.
Success story: from waiter to
Project Manager in an IT company!
On 20.03.2024, a guest lecture by Tetiana Semykopova, a restaurant project manager, Project manager at an IT company and a graduate of the faculty, on the topic ‘Whisperers in Modern Realities’ was organised for higher education students of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business of FRGTB.
During the meeting, Tetiana shared her own experience of using the knowledge and skills acquired during her studies at the university, the opportunities gained through foreign internships and communications. The students received answers to questions and examples of real-life cases of business transformation and project management in the face of risk and uncertainty. The participants of the meeting agreed on further cooperation.
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our graduates and partners for the opportunity to learn and develop!
Participation in the seminar
‘Hotel profitability: how to move forward in turbulent
Being in the trend of the professional environment is the key to the success of the department's educational programmes and ensuring the quality of higher education
On 13 March 2024, Hoteliero gathered the professional community of the Ukrainian hotel industry at BankHotel Lviv for a practical seminar ‘Hotel Profitability: How to move forward in turbulent times?’. We have an opportunity to discuss trends, cases and challenges of the hospitality industry, adaptive solutions, anti-crisis programmes and effective strategies for the development of hospitality business entities in the face of uncertainty and political crises, as well as a great opportunity to join professional and expert communication
Hospitality in Ukraine will be!
We are proud of the resilience of hoteliers!
We thank the organisers, speakers and the wonderful city of Lviv for their hospitality!
Experience and practice for
On 11.03.2024, a guest lecture was organised for higher education students of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business with Svitlana Yastrubenko, an expert in communications and event organisation in the hospitality industry, managing partner of Docker Pub. Krakov Restaurant, Garrison Military Pub (Vinnytsia).
The lecture provoked a lively discussion and active debate among the participants of various educational programmes and educational levels, in particular Bachelor's degree students of the educational programmes ‘Hotel and Restaurant Management’ (4th year, 1-3 groups) and ‘Hotel and Restaurant Business’ (4th year, 8-15 groups) - the discipline ‘Communication Management’ among the applicants of the Master's degree programme in Hotel and Restaurant Development (1st year 10m) - the discipline Revenue Management.
During the meeting, Svitlana shared her experience in organising events in the restaurant business and collaborating with specialists from other fields, developing channels and applying innovative technologies in communications with consumers and partners, shaping the image of hospitality entities and their role in shaping cultural and artistic education in times of war.
On 8.03.2024, as part of the discussion of the content of the discipline ‘Startup-training’ for applicants for the OP ‘Management of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business’ of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, a methodological seminar was organised with teachers-trainers of the FRGTB departments: hotel and restaurant business and tourism and recreation.
They heard from Serhii Khlopiak, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, who proposed to introduce Tour Operating training.
Liliia Zaiets, a lecturer at the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and owner of the Back to Black coffee shop, made a proposal to reformat the Event Training in terms of rationalising work on team projects of the hotel and tourism complex.
As a result of the methodological workshop, it was RESOLVED:
To approve the list of trainings
and their content
To develop the PROGRAMME and WORKPLAN of the discipline ‘Startup
training’ for applicants for the study programme ‘Management of
tourism and hotel and restaurant business’ by 1 May 2024.
Participation in the profile
event Cold Start-3
On 31 January 2024, the teachers of the department took part in Cold Start-3, a specialised event in the hospitality industry in 2023! The professional and creative moderation of the event by Marina Leo and Irina Sidletskaya led to a fruitful discussion, understanding of the state of the hotel services market, the vector of focusing efforts in 2024 in terms of directing resources, supporting staff, a set of reforms for the hotel business, cooperation between business and the state, key indicators of the European hotel market in order to quickly restore and promote hospitality services.
Among the speakers were representatives of such organisations as the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI), AHLEI,, Hotelstars Union, Smart Planet Ukraine, HotelBeds and Trust You. In addition, the event provided insights into the life of resorts under occupation. The online marathon was held within the framework of the EU4Business: SME Recovery, Competitiveness and Internationalisation programme, co-funded by the European Union and the German Government, and the issues discussed were aimed at supporting Ukraine's economic resilience, recovery and growth, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports.
We thank the President of the Ukrainian Hotel & Resort Association Iryna Sidletska, moderator Marina Leo, lecturers and participants for a great opportunity to immerse ourselves in the professional environment of the best sphere - HOSPITALITY.
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to learn and teach!
Professional development of
the department representatives
Representatives of the department - Head, Doctor of Economics, Professor Margarita Boyko, Doctor of Economics, Professor Myroslava Bosovska and Doctor of Economics, Professor Alla Okhrimenko took part in the advanced training of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.
The trainings allowed to update the skills of writing a report on the results of the accreditation examination using the SMART method, to communicate and discuss fruitfully with colleagues
We express our gratitude to the trainer Oksana Trebenko for an interesting and useful training, Zoryana Panasiuk and Zoryana Orlyk for organising and prompt communication!
Sincere gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to learn and teach!
Our STARTup is
internationally recognised
The format of training at the Business Simulation Training and Research Centre not only helps to improve teamwork skills, generate and develop startup ideas and public pitching, but also motivates students to further self-development and business search.
For example, the final of the 2023 startup idea competition within the framework of the Startup Training discipline determined the winner - the Easy Sing startup idea - a team of 4th year students of the 2nd group of the Hotel and Restaurant Management study programme, which subsequently received a first degree diploma at the IV All-Ukrainian Student Competition of Business Projects DTEK Business Springboard 2023. Alla Rasulova, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, is the head of the start-up project.
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The startup team received an invitation to study and intern from the University of Sheffield (UK), as well as to participate in the XI Sikorsky Challenge 2023 Competition of Innovative Startup Projects.
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According to the results of the competition, the startup idea was among the 10 winners (out of 30 submitted) and was invited to pitch in London in August 2023 in front of real investors! The only thing that stopped the team was the lack of time to implement the idea and bring it to the stage of a finished product.
Today, Anastasiia Slobodianyk and Anna Shevchuk are students of the English-language Master's degree programme at the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, who successfully continue their scientific, search and research work. It was the experience of studying at the Business Simulation Training and Research Centre at the bachelor's level that inspired them to further self-realisation and gave them faith in themselves!
International mobility
On 8 February 2024, Maria Kulyk, a doctoral student of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Associate Professor, as a Kirkland Research alumnus, co-organised an information seminar. The meeting covered the specifics of international internships and training under the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Programme, application conditions and requirements for candidates.
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Experience and practice for
On 05. February 2024, a guest lecture was organized for higher education students of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business of FRGTB with an expert in communications and event management in the hospitality industry, Yulia Mozgova, Training and Personnel Development Manager at the HR Department of the Ramada Encore Kyiv Hotel.
The lecture caused a lively discussion among participants of different educational programmes and educational levels, in particular Bachelor's degree students of the educational programmes "Hotel and Restaurant Management" and "Hotel and Restaurant Business":
- 1st year 13, 13m groups (discipline "Hotel business")
- 3rd year (course "Economics of hotels and restaurants")
- 3rd year, group 15a (course "Economics of hotels and restaurants")
- 4th year, groups1-3 and 8-15 (course "Communication Management")
- 4th year, groups 1-3 and 8-15 (course "Event Management")
among Master's degree students:
- 1st year, 3am, 12am groups (course "HR management of hotel and restaurant") of the educational programme "Management and business administration in hospitality"
- 1st year 10m ("Revenue management" course) of the educational programme "Hotel and restaurant development".
The meeting focused on practical cases, real-life examples of organizing effective internal and external communication in the hospitality sector, features of the preparation and execution of events, development of professional skills of staff, development of distribution channels and application of innovative technologies in communications with consumers, ways to increase capacity and preserve the viability of hotels and restaurants in war conditions.
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New areas of cooperation for
the development of the HoReCA sector to the
On February 02, 2024, a meeting was held between representatives of the National Tourism Organisation of Ukraine (NTOU) and the State University of Trade and Economics (SUTE) on the development and implementation of an international grant project with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" programme.
The meeting was attended by:
- Ivan Liptuga, President of the NTOU;
- Eugene Tkeshelashvili - General Secretary of the NTOU;
- Natalia Prytulska, First Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of SUTE, Professor;
- Nadiia Vedmid, Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business at SUTE, Professor;
- Tetiana Tkachenko - Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation at SUTE, Professor;
- Margarita Boyko - Head of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business at SUTE, Professor;
- Olena Palienko - Head of the Design and Engineering Department of SUTE, Associate Professor;
- Tatiana Yudina, Professor of the Department of Technology and Organisation of Restaurant Business at SUTE.
The meeting was also attended by representatives of Ukrainian universities: Odesa National Economic University, Lviv University of Trade and Economics, and Poltava University of Economics and Trade.
The result of the meeting was the agreement on the project's Technical Assignment, methodological and software.
Teachers of the department have successfully completed a practical course from a leading IT company in a professional environment!
In January 2024, the teachers of the department successfully completed a practical training course from Servio LLC, a leading developer of software for automation of HoReCa institutions, with which a cooperation agreement was previously concluded on the installation of software products in a specialized digital technology laboratory for implementation in the relevant educational components of the educational and professional programs of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business.
Based on the results of the training, the teachers of the department received the relevant certificates.
Participation in the training
from Servio Soft LLC
On January the 23rd and 24th, the academic staff of the department took an active part in the training conducted by representatives of Servio Soft LLC.
The hotel module Servio_HMS and the restaurant module Servio_POS demonstrate the interconnectedness, functionality and peculiarity of business processes of guest service, as well as an innovative approach that can be tracked when reading reports, which makes it possible to develop and make strategic management decisions to ensure the competitiveness of the hotel in the market.
The department's academic staff is sincerely grateful to Servio Soft LLC for the training and software licensing in the educational process for students of both bachelor's and master's degrees!
Together we are improving the programme outcomes of educational components and developing professional skills of students!
We thank the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the opportunity to learn and teach!
Our academic staff successfully implement the concept of "lifelong learning"
We are proud of the achievements!
Our academic staff
successfully implement the concept of "lifelong
We are proud of the achievements!
On 12/20/2023, in the form of the practical part of the IX
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems
of Socio-Economic Management" in the format of a ZOOM conference,
the guarantor of the educational programme, PhD in Economics
Tetiana Tkachuk, presented the project of the SUTE
educational programme "Management of Tourism and Hotel and
Restaurant Business", the first ( bachelor's) degree of
higher education. Public discussion with colleagues from Ukrainian
and foreign universities (Lutsk National Technical University,
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Donetsk National
Technical University, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International
University, Kyiv National University of Construction and
Architecture, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Zhytomyr
Polytechnic State University, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in
Lublin, Zamoyska Academy (Poland), and others).
We express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Peter Vlachos, Principal
Lecturer International Programmes, School of Management and
Marketing (University of Greenwich) for his feedback on the high
level of competence of the students of the English-language
programmes of the department.
We thank Associate Professor Mariia Kulyk for organizing the online lecture!
Creativity of the Department
of Hotel and Restaurant Business
On 27 November 2023, a meeting of guarantors of the educational and professional programmes took place:
- Margarita BOIKO, guarantor of the educational and professional programme of the second (master's) degree of higher education "International Hotel and Restaurant Business";
- Nadiia VEDMID, guarantor of the second (master's) degree programme "Hotel and Restaurant Development";
- Myroslava BOSOVSKA, guarantor of the second (master's) degree programme "Luxury Management and Marketing";
- Alla Okhrimenko, guarantor of the second (master's) degree programme in Hospitality Management and Business Administration;
- Alla RASULOVA, guarantor of the first (bachelor's) degree programme in Hotel and Restaurant Management;
- Tetiana Tkachuk, guarantor of the first (bachelor's) level study programme "Management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business"
- Maria KULYK, guarantor of the educational and professional programme of the primary (short cycle) degree of higher education "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and members of the support groups discussed the department's educational and professional programmes for their updating and improvement in connection with the tendencies of the hospitality sector and on the recommendations of stakeholders.
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The Department's academics at
the 7th Ukrainian Women's Congress
On the 22nd of November, the 7th Ukrainian Women's Congress, a unique platform that shapes the state's agenda in the field of gender equality, started in Kyiv.
This year's Congress was held under the topic "Women's Leadership. Time to Recover. Time to Rebuild". The Congress gathered more than 50 speakers who work hard for the victory and development of Ukraine in various spheres.
Among them there were state officials, Ukrainian and foreign members of Parliament, members of the Government, representatives of the state and public sectors, local self-government, experts, leaders of the educational, medical, human rights sectors, high officials of the international community, media representatives, and all those who are not indifferent to gender equality issues.
Over the course of two days, discussions were held on six thematic panels. The guarantors and members of the support groups of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Alla Okhrimenko, Alla Rasulova, Tetiana Tkachuk, Liudmyla Bovsh, Olha Salimon, Nataliia Hlyten had the opportunity and honour to join the event as part of the thematic panel "Education is the energy of Ukraine's future" at the invitation of stackholder and partner Liliia Zaiets, where they discussed the challenges for women in the process of joining the EU, educational prospects and challenges faced by women in politics at both the national and local levels.
The department is sincerely grateful for the invitation and the gained experience, which is already planned to be implemented in the department's educational programmes.
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On 9 November 2023, as part of the FRHTB SAYS project, a guest
meeting with Olga Mishchenko, Head of Hotel Matrix, on the topic of
Benchmarking in the hotels was held as part of the Revenue
Management course.
During the meeting, topical issues of hotel analytics were highlighted, students got introduced to the features of the Hotel Matrix and Price Inspector software.
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We sincerely thank Olga Mishchenko for her support and cooperation, for the opportunity to use the latest software!
We are sincerely grateful to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the opportunity to work and develop!
Being in the trend of
professional events is about our academics!
On 30 October 2023, academics of the department attended the Salt Restaurant Innovation Conference, an innovative space for restaurant trends, innovations, strategies, and technologies. It is a great event for communication between businessmen, analysts, and academics for the development of hospitality both now and in the post-war period.
We sincerely thank Andriy Skipyan for organising and providing us with the opportunity to participate in such an event, and for creating a new history of hospitality in Ukraine! For being immersed in the environment of the modern restaurant business through communication with practitioners, showing practical cases of innovations, global trends, best Ukrainian practices, and the experience of restaurant business leaders.
Of course, we thank the Ukrainian Armed Forces! Our heroes!
Conference directions:
- The future of hospitality entrepreneurship, global trends and innovations.
- Foodtech trends as opportunities for restaurateurs: virtual brands, fast delivery and new consumer habits of Ukrainians.
- The main global trends that will shape the F&B industry in 2024.
- How to build a systematic work with trends and innovations in a restaurant.
- Inclusion in business and service. Challenges and experience of integrating a superhuman into the restaurant industry.
- Using artificial intelligence for restaurants
- How to increase profits, reduce costs and improve the quality of service in a restaurant through digitalisation.
- How Monobank's innovations help to develop the restaurant industry.
- "!FEST" 20 months in the life of the Holding of Emotions "!FEST". About trends during martial law, education, events, production and business growth.
- Love marketing in the restaurant business.
- Evolution of concepts and brands for different countries.
- Grant programmes to support hospitality businesses.
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The discussion of the content of the disciplines, the peculiarities of practical training with representatives of the professional environment, foreign and Ukrainian universities was creative, meaningful and constructive!!! Peter Vlahos, PhD, Associate Professor, International Tutor at the Department of Marketing, Events and Tourism, School of Management and Marketing, University of Greenwich, UK, shared his educational experience with us. The real areas of cooperation in practical training of students were presented by Andriy MAGALETSKY, co-owner of Restetika; Olga NASONOVA, director of the Analytical Centre "Restaurants of Ukraine", co-founder of NRA of Ukraine, owner of NasoNova consulting, consultant and restaurant business expert; Iryna MAGALETSKA, head of the Optima Hotels & Resorts Training Centre; Svitlana YANCHENKO, head of sales at Raddison Blu Podil Kyiv and other professionals.
Olga MISHCHENKO, Project Manager of Hotel Matrix, shared our joint academic experience in analytical research of the hotel and restaurant services market!
Extremely relevant information on student aspirations and requests for the educational process was presented by Andrii Sidliarenko, Head of Academic Innovation at Genesis!
The Dean of the Faculty Nadiia Vedmid presented a multi-format perspective of the faculty's educational programmes! Our colleague Professor Myroslava Bosovska successfully focused on successful cases of cooperation between business professionals and the university!
The moderator of the meeting, Margarita Boyko, summarising the results of discussion, noted that the symbiosis of practitioners + teachers + students in the training process is the philosophy of the educational activity of the department!
We thank the Rectorate for supporting the event! So we have started to implement the recommendations.
Boundless gratitude to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the opportunity to teach and learn!
The Department of Hotel and
Restaurant Business focuses on cooperation with the international
academic community
On 17 October 2023, with the assistance of the State University of Trade and Economics, a meeting was organised with representatives of the University of Salford (UK) for academic staff of SUTE's English-language study programmes, which was joined by the academics of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Tatiana Tkachuk and Maria Kulyk.
Reflective concepts and methodology for improvement and academic development with a focus on transdisciplinary, integrated and hybridised learning for HE students were presented to the academic staff, which involves their focus on digital opportunities and the ability to adapt to the future professional environment, synergy of academic and professional learning, development of scenarios for working with an inclusive community, and development of confidence in decision-making.
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Representatives of the
Department joined the initiative of the Ministry of Communities,
Territories and Infrastructure Development of
We welcome the current decision to implement an effective state policy in the field of tourism and hospitality and join the initiative of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine on the need for constructive dialogue and unification of authorities, business, educational and scientific communities to develop a strategy and programmes for tourism development in the context of developing proposals for draft regulations in the field of tourism, improving the practice of applying legislation in the field of tourism, solving urgent problems of tourism.
The discussion was chaired by Deputy Minister Derkach Serhiy Anatoliyovych and attended by leading teachers of educational institutions.
We are confident that tourism in Ukraine is going to be!
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EU program "Digital
Guarantors and teachers of educational and professional programs of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Department of Hotel and Restaurant SUTE took an active part in the presentation event - EU Program "Digital Europe"
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine together with the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development and GIZ presented the Digital Europe program, during which they introduced the National Contact Point of the program, as well as
- how the Digital Europe program works
- what you need to do to get funding for your project
- how to become part of the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs
The Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business of SUTE is grateful to the Ukrainian and international speakers of the event: Mikhail Fedorov, Renata Nikolai, Valeria Ionan, Andrey Remizov and other top guests.
As a result of the event, the department's lecturers discussed and identified priority areas for improving the OPP QA, as well as formed an idea project for its further implementation within the framework of grant programs offered by the EU.
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International Day of Peace
The International Day of Peace is a day dedicated to promoting peace and reducing conflict around the world. This important event is celebrated annually on September 21. The department did not stand aside and, at the invitation of the Merkur Academy of Vocational Education (an international stakeholder of the department), participates in events dedicated to this important event in Kosice (Slovakia) together with representatives of almost 15 countries and, most importantly, our soldiers who are currently undergoing rehabilitation in this hospitable Slovak town. Thus, representing Ukraine and SUTE is an important mission! Dean Nadiia Vedmid, Head of the Department Margarita Boyko, Professor Myroslava Bosovska introduced the audience and colleagues to the university's social projects, educational programs of the department, features of the educational process and the university project "We are strong when we are together"! Associate Professor Oksana Poltavska held the International Hospitality Day, presenting educational programs, admission rules and requirements depending on the levels of higher education and the specifics of educational programs!
So, on this day, we must realize our shared responsibility for peace in our beautiful Ukraine, the importance of peace as the most valuable gift that not only ensures security and stability, but is a prerequisite for sustainable development.
Let's work!
Glory to Ukraine!
Graduates of educational programs - partners
of the educational process of the
On September 18, 2023, Bachelor's students for the 1st year of the 10th group, educational program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" (supervisor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zikiy N.L.), and Master's students of the educational program "International Hotel and Restaurant Business" as part of studying the discipline "Revenue management" (lecturer, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kulyk M.V.) had the opportunity to visit the Hilton Kyiv International Hotel in the format of a study visit, which was welcomed by Natalia Filonenko, a graduate of the International Hotel Business educational program and now the Guest Service Agent manager.
The Bachelor's students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the hotel rooms; the specifics of organizing and providing additional services; international service standards; loyalty programs for both customers and staff; and innovative equipment.
The Master's students got acquainted with the peculiarities of using information technologies Hotel Matrix and Price Inspector to determine the performance indicators of hotel business activities, standards of international hotel chain management and operational processes.
The hotel managers familiarized the students with the possibility of internships, staff requirements and employment opportunities for the future.
The staff of the department expresses its sincere gratitude to Guest Service Agent Natalia Filonenko, HR Manager Antonina Forostianaya and Front Office Manager Valentina Pavlova for the informative tour.
Let's develop professional education together!
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to study and work!
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Hospitality Day at the Optima
On September 2, 2023, students of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business together with their mentor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bovsh L.A. visited the hotel of the local Optima chain brand (rebranded Reikartz). The competencies and staff profile were discussed. As well as the possibility of studying at an online school under the Optima program for our students and teachers.
We thank our stakeholder Olena Lifirenko for her hospitality and useful materials.
Participation of teachers of
the department in the seminar of the National Organization of
In order to reflect global, sectoral and regional trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant business in educational programs, the teachers of the department took part in the seminar #National_Organization_of_Ukraine on 08/15/2023. The seminar provided an opportunity to get acquainted in detail with new international and national standards for business entities in the hospitality industry, in particular, with the standard for modern hotels - State Standard of Ukraine ISO 22483: 2022 Hotels. Requirements for services, which was adopted in Ukraine on April 1, 2023 and has a recommendatory nature.
We are extremely grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to study and work!
SUTE is a leader in the
number of applications for Hotel and Restaurant Business and
Management programs
SUTE confidently maintains its annual leadership in the number of applications submitted by applicants for the Hospitality and Management programs (1st place in Ukraine)! The team is strength, results and opportunities.
We thank the applicants for their trust. The staff of the department will not disappoint you!
Gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to work for the development of our beautiful Ukraine!
The Department of Hotel and
Restaurant Business held a fruitful meeting with representatives of
the Business School (University of Greenwich,
On July 11, 2023, Head of the Department Margarita Boyko, Doctoral Candidate Maria Kulyk, Head of the International Department Daria Ivashchenko held a fruitful meeting with representatives of the Business School (University of Greenwich, London) Dr. Nataliya Rumyantseva and Dr. Peter Vlachos. They discussed with foreign partners the educational programs of the department, educational components, areas of research of PhD students and priorities for further cooperation!
Internship at Maria
Curie-Skłodowska University
From February 24 to June 30, 2023, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Maria Kulyk had an internship at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, as part of the international grant scholarship program for researchers Kirkland Research Program. The purpose of the internship was to implement the research project "Cooperation of Hotels in Ukraine and Poland" with the support of the Polish-American Foundation Leaders of Change and the Freedom Foundation.
The experience, knowledge, and positive practices which were gained will be implemented in the Department's research activities and in the educational process.
Senior Lecturer of the
Department Zikiy N. is a nominee of the Annual Prize "Young
Scientist of the Year"
The staff of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business sincerely congratulates the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Natalia Zikiy, who was nominated for the Annual Prize "Young Scientist of the Year" in the nomination "Hotel and Restaurant Business.
We wish you further success and new scientific achievements!
Participation of the Department's
lecturers in the "Visiting professor" program
The Head of the Department Margarita Boyko, Professor Myroslava Bosovska and doctoral Candidate Maria Kulyk realized new opportunities for international mobility by participating in the Visiting Professor program at the Higher School of Social and Economic Studies in Przeworsk (Poland). The program allows to join not only the teaching of academic disciplines, but also opens up new opportunities for promoting Ukrainian science in the international educational environment!
Participation of the Department's lecturers in the week of international mobility within the framework of the Erasmus + program at Ljubljana Business School
Representatives of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, the Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Margarita Boyko and Doctor of Economics, Professor Myroslava Bosovska, took part in the week of international mobility within the framework of the Erasmus + program at the Ljubljana Business School (Slovenia).
Among the participants of the international event were representatives of 13 partner educational institutions from 9 countries - Albania, Bhutan, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Montenegro and Ukraine.
The week-long event included trainings, communication between representatives of higher education institutions on the internationalization of the educational process, and exchange of experience. The final large-scale event was the scientific conference "Future challenges of Management", where a report on "Strategy of Sales & Communication of Hotel services during the war" was presented.
We express our sincere gratitude to Katarina Aškerc - Vice Dean for Quality and Internationalization, Špela Pregl - Erasmus+ coordinator and Lidija Weis - Dean of Ljubljana School of Business.
Winning the National
competition "Young Scientist of the Year"
Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Candidate of Economic Sciences Tkachuk Tetiana won in the nomination "Ukrainian Scientific Newspaper" of the National Competition "Young Scientist of the Year", which was held by the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to recognize the achievements of young scientists in various fields. The competition was organized into 4 thematic blocks, which include 100 different nominations: 31 nominations are related to the popularization of science, 50 nominations are dedicated to the fields of knowledge, 12 nominations are for the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and 7 nominations are for the Junior Academy of Sciences.
We sincerely congratulate Tetiana and wish her new scientific achievements!
Student of the Faculty of
Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business Wins the National Grant
from IDMedia
IdMedia advertising agency announced a competition for a grant scholarship to support and motivate students of Ukrainian higher education institutions. Based on the results of the review of the competition entries, according to the decision of the judging panel of the IDMedia directorate, Anastasia Slobodianik, a bachelor's student of the Hotel and Restaurant Management program at SUTE (supervisor - Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Tetiana Tkachuk), took 1st place and was awarded a grant of UAH 10,000.
To participate in the competition, the student prepared an article on "Marketing strategies in outdoor advertising. Marketers' tricks: review and analysis of the main ones" with a focus on providing opportunities for advertising information for an inclusive environment. The winner's article was marked by the uniqueness and creativity of the material presented, its content, and a modern view of the problems of implementing marketing strategies in outdoor advertising for an inclusive society.
Congratulations on winning the competition and we wish Anastasia further success in the scientific development!
International Scientific and
Practical Conference "Tourism of XXI Century: Global Challenges and
Civilizational Values"
Despite the external challenges, on 23 May 2023, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tourism of XXI Century: Global Challenges and Civilizational Values" was held and we received positive feedback from our foreign partners! Thanks to Peter Vlachos for the high evaluation of the scientific event!
Accreditation of the
educational program "Hotel and Restaurant
Dear students, colleagues, stakeholders and academics of the department we sincerely thank you for participation in the formation and development of the educational program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" of the initial level (short cycle) of higher education!
The accreditation of this program began on 23 February 2022, and the next day russia's war against our beautiful Ukraine began.
Almost a year later, thanks to our Armed Forces of Ukraine, we returned to the the accreditation process again!
We would like to thank the expert group of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance Lyudmila Tranchenko, Yulia Zemlina, and Karina Vlasyuk for their professional expertise!
We thank everyone who was involved! We are proud to be the first university in Ukraine received accreditation with the definition of "exemplary"in a short cycle of higher education!
Participation in the European
Economic Congress
From 24 to 26 April 2023, associate professor and doctoral student of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Maria Kulyk, who is in Poland on an internship as part of the Kirkland Research project, participate in the XV European Economic Congress, during which experts discuss the role, opportunities, and tactics of Europe in the context of a changing environment and challenges that occur in climate, energy, logistics or the global economic situation. Among the speakers of the congress, who represents business, the world of politics and leading institutions:
Jerzy Buzek – Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Parliament 2009–2012; Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland 1997–2001; head Program Council of the EU.
- Chris Barton is Her Majesty's Trade Commissioner to Europe, United Kingdom.
- Waldemar Buda - Minister of Development and Technology of Poland.
- Johannes Hahn - European Commissioner for Budget and Administration.
- Yulia Svyridenko - First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy.
The experience, knowledge, and positive practices of experts are recommendations for effective solutions will be implemented in the department's scientific activities.
Scientific studies of
hospitality and tourism are the focus of our
From 10-12 April our creative students participated in the International competition of student scientific works "Black Sea Science 2023", organized by the Odesa National University of Technology, in the scientific direction "Tourism and hotel and restaurant business".
Startups were presented:
Performers: Maryna Muravyova, Victoria Mazyar
Supervisor: Alla Rasulova
Performer Vladyslav Pavlyuk
Supervisor: Lyudmila Bovsh
Performers: Tytenko Amalia, Skrypnik Daria Borodavko Elizaveta
Supervisor: Olga Salimon
We are proud! Your achievements for the benefit of the restoration of our beautiful Ukraine!
Infinite thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine soldiers for the opportunity to study and teach!
Online education at Greenwich
To fulfill the tasks of integrating the university into the global educational and scientific space, in the period from 13 to 27 March 2023, online learning was conducted for students of educational programs (Anastasia Zagoruyko, Daria Kapralova, Anastasia Slobodianyk, Valeriya Kesya, Kristina Tyshenko, Kateryna Lugova, Kateryna Hurova, Yulia Antonyuk) and academics (head of the department M.G. Boyko, doctoral student Kulyk M.V.) at one of the best universities in Britain, "Greenwich University", (London, Great Britain), which was organized by Peter Vlachos, doctor of economics, Principal Lecturer of the School of Management and Marketing of Greenwich University.
The educational structure of online education combines cultural (acquaintance with the unique history of hospitality, culture, and education of Britain) and professional forms of the educational process (acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of tourism). Students of the department of hotel and restaurant business took part in seminars-classes on the topics of "Hospitality Industry", "Food and Beverage Management", "Development of Destinations", "Tourism, Events, and Hospitality", "Tourist Destinations and Places of Extraordinary Events", " Market incentives", "Forecasting tourism until 2050". etc. The creative format of the online class combined the interaction of a lecturer and a specialist in the field of hotel and restaurant business in Britain.
The involvement of experienced foreign lecturer Peter Vlachos and industry practitioners in the educational process of the department's programs is an effective method of adapting and disseminating the European experience to ensure the high quality of higher education.
We express our sincere gratitude to our partner Greenwich University for the extraordinary opportunity for Ukrainian students and teachers to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of the educational process, to deepen their professional Soft & Hard Skills.
We thank Dr. Peter Vlachos and, through him, the British people for their support of Ukraine!
Training workshop with
Service and Communication
On 13 March 2023, a Zoom meeting was held featuring certified business trainer Oleksandr Chornyi and students of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, on the topic "Specifics of Communication Hotel with Guest: Current Sales Channels." The interesting topic gathered 100 listeners, who had the opportunity to discuss with the mentor the features of communication and effective sales in B2B, and B2C formats, determine the distinguishing features of the guest and the client, prices from value, model the guest's portfolio, justify effective sales channels. We are proud that students had the opportunity to demonstrate a high level of hard and soft skills.
The students of higher education and academics of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business are sincerely grateful to Mr. Oleksandr for the relevant, constructive, interesting, and debatable lecture!
Meeting with representatives
of Ribas Hotels Group
The unique platform introduced at the Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism provides exclusive opportunities for professional communication between students, faculty, and anyone with business practices in the hotel and restaurant business.
On 14 October an atmospheric meeting was held with Ribas Hotels Group representatives Alina Radchenko (Head of Reservation Service) and Olena Tymchuk (Head of Guest Services) on the topic: " What are the taboos in communicating with a guest?".
During the meeting, the main psychological features of different types of guests were discussed, the necessary skills for staff for effective and professional communication, and real cases in a practical environment were considered.
Thank to Ribas Hotels Group!
The main results of the meeting will be implemented into the educational programs of the department.
Internship at the Premier
Fort Beach Hotel (Bulgaria)
As part of the agreement between SUTE and the company "Fort Knox OOD", university students had a great opportunity to do an internship at the hotel "Premier Fort Beach Hotel" - the leader of the hotel business in Bulgaria, located on the picturesque coast of the Black Sea in the city of Sveti Vlas
During May-September 2022, FRGTB students worked on the formation of professional competencies, which in the future will guarantee the necessary skills for a successful and productive career in the field of hotel and restaurant business.
For the successful completion of the internship, the students were awarded diplomas of SUTE of international standard, which will become the foundation for starting their career path
We wish success to our students!
Practical lesson at the hotel
Accompanied by academic staff of the department, Professor Okhrimenko A.H. (guarantor of the educational program)., Associate Professor Salimon O.M. and Associate Professor T.M. Sydorenko (group supervisor) held a practical lesson on the discipline "Hotel business" for students of SUTE 1st year of the faculty of restaurant-hotel and tourism business, specialty "Management of tourism and hotel-restaurant business" in a hotel in the center of Kyiv with the symbolic name - "Ukraine".
We are grateful to Kateryna Protsenko, head of the marketing and reservation department of the "Ukraine" hotel, for presenting the functioning of the hotel's main departments.
We are glad that the management of SUTE stimulates and promotes the professional development of academic staff and students.
And we thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for safety and opportunities for study and work! Glory to Ukraine!
Practical training at the
Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business
According to the educational process and the signed cooperation agreement regarding practical training under the educational programs "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and "Hotel and Restaurant Management" between Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the international hotel operator DBI Hotel Management, practical training for bachelor's students has commenced at the Ramada Encore Kyiv hotel in an online format.
As part of the uniquely developed program online training for practical training, students will acquire professional practical skills and abilities that will make it possible to ensure the maximum effectiveness of personnel training per the real requirements of the global field of hospitality, increase the level of competitiveness of university graduates in the conditions of globalization and shorten the period of their adaptation in the professional activity
We express our gratitude to our partner Yuliya Mozgova, HR Development and Training Manager at the Ramada Encore Kyiv hotel, for the opportunity to implement practical training for students.
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Participation of KNUTE
representatives in the annual online marathon of
On 25 January 2022, representatives of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Nadiya Vedmid - Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business, Margarita Boyko - Head of the Department, Myroslava Bosovska - Professor of the Department, Lyudmila Romanchuk - Associate Professor of the Department, Tetyana Tkachuk — associate professor of the department, took an active part in the annual meeting of representatives of the COLD START hotel industry, the purpose of which was to discuss the priorities of the sustainable development of the industry through the collaboration of stakeholders.
During the online marathon, the main conclusions were summarized and the prospects for the development of the hotel business in Ukraine were demonstrated, including the dynamics of the hotel market, the analysis of international tourist arrivals, the prospects for the expansion of the hotel sector and the introduction of international experience in hotel categorization, the presence of international and Ukrainian leaders of hotel brands, etc.
An interactive component of the meeting was a survey of the attitudes of hoteliers and the identification of the main problems and catalysts of market development.
We express our gratitude to the President of the Association of Hotels and Resorts of Ukraine (UHRA) Iryna Sidletska and the leading speakers of the online marathon for the opportunity to participate in the discussion of debatable issues regarding the further development of the hotel industry. The key results of the meeting are planned to be used for fundamental research of the department of hotel and restaurant business with the aim of their implementation in the educational process.
Practical training of
students of the restaurant, hotel, and tourism business faculty
within the framework of dual education
In accordance with the signed Memorandum on the initiation of a dual form of education under the educational program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" between the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the international hotel operator DBI Hotel Management, students of the initial (short) and first (bachelor) cycles of higher education underwent practical training in a hotel Ramada Encore Kyiv.
As part of the implementation of the pilot project, 92 students acquired professional practical skills and abilities that made it possible to ensure the maximum effectiveness of personnel training per the real requirements of the global hospitality sector, increase the level of competitiveness of university graduates in the conditions of globalization and shorten the period of their adaptation in professional activities.
According to the results of practical training, the best students of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel, and Tourism Business under the educational program "Hotel and Restaurant Business" were recognized and awarded diplomas from the stakeholder Ramada Encore Kyiv.
The Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel, and Tourism Business expresses its gratitude for the possibilities of implementing a dual form of education to the rector of KNUTE Anatoly Antonovych Mazaraki, and our partners - CEO of the international hotel operator DBI Hotel Management Kristina Serezhechkina and HR Development and Training Manager of the Ramada Encore Kyiv hotel Yulia Mozgova.