Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


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of Computer Science and Information Systems


  • Head of the department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Purskyi O.I.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.E. Kraskevich
  • Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor T.V. Pidgorna
  • Candidates of technical sciences, associate professors — 4 teachers (P.G. Demidov, V.V. Kozlov, O.M. Paraschak, T.V. Tomashevska ).
  • Candidates of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professors — 2 teachers (A.T. Samoilenko, T.O. Filimonova).
  • Candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors — 2 teachers (Bazurin V.M., VV Dyvak).
  • Senior teacher A.V. Selivanova
  • Assistants — 2 assistants (I.A. Tyshchenko, Yurchenko Y.Y.).
  • Graduate students — 2 graduate students (Selivanova A.V., V.V. Khilko ).
  • Laboratory staff — 2 laboratory assistants ( Ivanova O.M.,  Mehed L.M.).

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (head of the department – Ph.D. .Science, Professor Oleg Ivanovich Purskyi) is a graduation for majors  122 "Computer science" and 126 "Information systems and technologies"  "Junior Bachelor" educational degrees. "bachelor", "master" and "PhD".

Specialists of specialties 122 "Computer science" and 126 "Information systems and technologies" have modern professional knowledge and are able to solve complex problems related to modeling, design, software implementation and use of information systems with the use of network technologies and mechanisms of intelligent data analysis, construction of the IT infrastructure architecture of enterprises and administration of information systems.

Education by specialty 122 "Computer Science" and 126 "Information Systems and Technologies" will provide an opportunity for successful employment as a programmer, application or system programmer, software developer, web programmer, database or network administrator, system administrator, computer network analyst, information systems designer, manager  IT projects, software engineer, etc.

The purpose of educational programs is to provide quality,  education competitive in the labor market, by training highly qualified specialists who have mastered modern achievements in the field of computer science and information technology, have theoretical knowledge and are able to formulate and solve practical problems in complex systems of various nature using fundamental and applied computer methods; computer sciences and information technologies, including, based on distributed systems and using intelligent mechanisms of data analysis and processing, which provides an opportunity to effectively solve tasks in professional activities.

The list of basic competences that must be mastered by the holder of the degree of higher education "bachelor" specialties 122 "Computer Science" and 126 "Information systems and technologies":

  • Ability to project activities in the professional field.
  • Ability to build and apply models to describe objects and processes.
  • Ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in technical and other documentation.
  • Ability to conduct analysis of the design object and subject area.
  • Ability to develop and apply knowledge mapping models, strategies for logical derivation of technologies and tools construction of information systems.
  • Ability to use modern design technologies in algorithmic and software development.
  • The ability to design, implement and operate modern ICT in various fields of human  activity.
  • Ability to manage the quality of ICT products and services.
  • Ability to use mathematical and computer methods and models to analyze and optimize human activity.
  • Ability to use server technologies for creating web applications, ability to apply methods and tools for their design.
  • Ability to solve problems of scalability, support of remote components in distributed systems.

Specialists of the degree of higher education "bachelor" of specialties 122 "Computer Sciences" and 126 "Information systems and technologies" can occupy the following primary positions:

  • Professionals in the field of computing (computerization).
  • Professionals in the field of computer systems.
  • Developers of computing systems.
  • Programming professionals.
  • Developers of computer programs.
  • Technical specialists in the field of computing.

Qualification level JUNIOR BACHELOR

Specialty 122 "Computer science"

Term of study: 2 years

Name of specialization / educational program Computer Science
Degree of higher education Junior Bachelor
Description of specialization The main purpose of training is training of specialists who possess theoretical knowledge and practical skills and are able to formulate and solve practical problems using fundamental and applied methods of computer science, which makes it possible to solve tasks effectively in their professional activities. To provide high-quality education in the field of information technologies, competitive in the labor market, to prepare students with a special interest in issues in the field of computer science, ready for undergraduate study.
Education Program Partners Svit IT LLC, State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy.
Bases of practices State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy (Kyiv), leading domestic IT companies,  enterprises of various forms of ownership, national and international trading companies.
Curriculum disciplines
  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Foreign language by professional direction
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Computer technologies of data processing and visualization
  • Algorithmization and programming
  • Optimization methods and models
  • Numerical programming methods
  • Application programming tools
  • Electrical engineering
  • Engineering and computer graphics
  • Automated design systems
  • Vector and tensor analysis
  • Linear algebra and analytic geometry
  • Mathematical logic
  • Theory of algorithms
  • Differential equations
Employment opportunities Education by specialty 122 "Computer science" OS "Junior Bachelor" will provide an opportunity for successful employment as a programmer, application programmer, software developer, database administrator, information systems developer, software engineer, etc.
Olympiads, competitions Students of the specialty are awarded prizes in the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in programming and informatics, participate in all-Ukrainian and international competitions.
Department contacts

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


e-mail: compdep@knute.edu.ua

Qualification level BACHELOR

Specialty 122 "Computer Science"

Term of study: 4 years

Name of specialization / educational program Computer science
Degree of higher education Bachelor
Description of specialization Bachelors of Computer Science carry out professional activities aimed at the development, modification, operation, maintenance and administration of distributed information management systems, design of application support based on information technologies with the use of tools.
Education Program Partners Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Bases of practices State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy (Kyiv), leading domestic IT companies,  enterprises of various forms of ownership, national and international trading companies.
Curriculum disciplines
  • Introduction to computer science.
  • Computer technologies of data processing and visualization.
  • Application programming tools.
  • Cross-platform programming.
  • Technologies of distributed systems and parallel computing.
  • Software development and testing technologies.
  • Databases.
  • System programming.
  • Numerical programming methods.
  • Machine learning.
  • Artificial intelligence.
  • Intelligent systems.
  • Fuzzy models and networks.
  • Administration of server systems.
  • Raid data arrays and distributed server systems.
  • Designing information systems.
  • Algorithmization and programming.
  • Systems theory and system analysis.
  • Simulation modeling.
  • Corporate network administration systems.
  • Theory of algorithms.
  • Programming  Java Script.
  • Security of information systems and networks.
  • Web design and Web programming.
  • Data analysis technologies.
  • Digital systems and technologies.
Employment opportunities Education in the specialty 122 "Computer science" will provide an opportunity for successful employment as a programmer, application or system programmer, software developer, web programmer, database or network administrator, system administrator, computer network analyst, information systems designer, manager  IT projects, software engineer, etc.
Olympiads, competitions Students of the specialty participate in programming and informatics competitions, present their own products at various scientific events.
Department contacts

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


e-mail: compdep@knute.edu.ua

Bachelor's qualification level

Specialty 126 "Information systems and technologies"

Term of study: 4 years

Name of specialization / educational program Information systems and technologies
Degree of higher education Bachelor
Description of specialization Theoretical and methodological foundations and instrumental means of creating and using information systems and technologies; assessment criteria and methods of ensuring quality, reliability, fault tolerance, survivability of information systems and technologies, as well as models, methods and means of optimization and decision-making in the creation and use of information systems and technologies.
Education Program Partners State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy, Kyiv.
Bases of practices State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy (Kyiv), leading domestic IT companies,  enterprises of various forms of ownership, national and international trading companies.
Curriculum disciplines
  • Fundamentals of the theory of information systems.
  • Information systems and technologies.
  • Architecture of computer systems.
  • Computer technologies of online startup design and administration.
  • Corporate network administration systems.
  • Automated design systems.
  • Technologies of applied programming.
  • Theory of management in information systems.
  • Knowledge presentation and processing technologies in intelligent systems.
  • Systems theory and system analysis.
  • Computer data visualization systems.
  • Expert systems.
  • Intelligent systems.
  • IT project management.
  • Algorithmization and programming.
  • Security of information systems and networks.
  • Mathematical logic.
  • Numerical programming methods.
  • Designing information systems.
  • Raid data arrays and distributed server systems.
  • Technologies of distributed systems and parallel computing.
  • Machine learning.
  • Cross-platform programming.
  • Simulation modeling.
  • Theory of algorithms.
  • Java technology.
  • Mobile application development technology.
Employment opportunities Education by specialty 126 "Information systems and technologies" will provide an opportunity for successful employment as a programmer, application or system programmer, software developer, web programmer, database or network administrator, system administrator, computer network analyst, information systems designer, manager  IT projects, software engineer, etc.
Olympiads, competitions Students of the specialty are awarded prizes in the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in programming and informatics, participate in all-Ukrainian and international competitions.
Department contacts

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


e-mail: compdep@knute.edu.ua

Qualification level MASTER

Specialty 122 "Computer science"

Term of study : 1 year 6 months

Name of specialization / educational program Computer Science
Degree of higher education Master
Description of specialization The Master of Computer Science carries out professional activities aimed at the development, modification, operation, maintenance and administration of distributed information management systems, design of application support on based on information technologies with the use of tools.
Education Program Partners Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Bases of practices State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy (Kyiv), transnational corporations, leading international and domestic IT companies.
Curriculum disciplines
  • Situational modeling.
  • Knowledge presentation and processing technologies in intelligent systems.
  • Computer design technologies.
  • Technologies for creating distributed databases and knowledge.
  • Corporate information distributed systems.
  • Decision-making support systems.
  • Grid systems and cloud computing technologies.
  • Modern management theory in information systems.
  • Enterprise Java programming.
  • Functional and logical programming.
  • IT law.
  • Methodology and organization of scientific research.
  • Functional and logic programming.
  • Cloud and GRID technologies.
Employment opportunities Education in the specialty 122 "Computer science" will provide an opportunity for successful employment as a programmer, application or system programmer, software developer, web programmer, database or network administrator, system administrator, computer network analyst, information systems designer, manager  IT projects, software engineer, etc.
Olympiads, competitions Students of the specialty participate in programming and computer science competitions, present their own products at various scientific events.
Department contacts

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


e-mail: compdep@knute.edu.ua

Qualification level DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

Specialty 122 "Computer science"

Term of study : 4 years

Name of specialization / educational program Computer Science
Degree of higher education PhD
Description of specialization Providing theoretical knowledge and practical abilities and skills of independent scientific research activities. ONP is aimed at relevant aspects of the specialty, within the framework of which a further scientific and teaching career is possible. Acquiring the necessary research skills for a scientific career, teaching special disciplines in the field of information technologies, as well as commercialization of the results of research activities and technology transfer.
Curriculum disciplines
  • Methodology of scientific research.
  • Intellectual property in the scientific and research sphere.
  • Data mining.
  • Systemic and methodological foundations of the information space.
  • Service-oriented technologies.
  • Information technologies in scientific research.
  • Mathematical modeling in scientific research.
  • Statistical methods of analysis and forecasting.
  • Data analysis technologies.
  • Stochastic modeling.
  • Designing complex systems.
  • Artificial intelligence.
Bases of practices State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of the Economy (Kyiv), transnational corporations, leading international and domestic IT companies.
Employment opportunities Jobs in research institutes NAS of Ukraine, universities of MEU of Ukraine, scientific centers and high-tech companies, relevant departments and divisions of state administrations of various levels.
Teaching and Learning Lectures, laboratory classes, elaboration of publications in leading professional publications of a technical profile, consultations with teachers, writing essays, preparation of a dissertation.
Competences Ability to solve complex problems in the field of information technologies, to carry out research and innovation activities, which involves a deep understanding of the existing and the creation of new integral knowledge, as well as the practical implementation of the obtained results.

Structure and organization of the educational program

Additional information on the organization of the educational process under the educational and scientific program

Department contacts

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


e-mail: compdep@knute.edu.ua







MS Excel

MS Access

Corel VideoStudio









The following certificates are required for admission:

  • Ukrainian language and literature.
  • Mathematics.
  • Physics or a foreign language.

To submit an application, it is necessary to create a personal account of the applicant at http://ez.osvitavsim.org.ua, then submit an application.

Please note that according to the admission rules, the competitive score can be multiplied by the corresponding coefficients.



остання редакція 11.10.2024