Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science
Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science
Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science



of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

Individual day of SUTE entrant

A meeting with future entrants was held at the "Maloglushan Lyceum" of the Volyn Region, which was conducted by a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Technology and Business, Olga KATSEVYCH. She talked about the State University of Trade and Economics, shared her study experience, as well as exciting student life.

During the meeting, they discussed:

• The importance of choosing a future profession in the life of every person.

• Educational program for bachelors "Political science of international relations"

• Educational program for bachelors "Sociology of economic activity"

• Peculiarities of the creative professions of political scientist and sociologist

• Employment and career opportunities for graduates

Do not delay, choose your future profession and join our friendly university family!

The event was organized by Iryna PROKOPCHUK, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science


Meeting of the support group for specialty 033 "Philosophy" of the third educational and scientific level: discussion of topical issues of postgraduate training

On October 8, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of SUTE held a regular meeting of the support group for specialty 033 "Philosophy" for post-graduate students of the third educational and scientific level. The participants discussed the postgraduate education system, modern requirements and opportunities for young scientists. Particular attention was paid to dissertation research of 1st-year graduate students, their topics and scientific approaches.

The meeting was accompanied by an interesting scientific discussion, which allowed graduate students to immerse themselves in the philosophical discourse and demonstrate their research interests.

Leading scientists of the department joined the discussion, as well as an invited guest - doctor of philosophy, professor of the department of theoretical and practical philosophy of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University Svitlana KRYLOVA. Her insightful analysis of scientific problems and support of graduate students contributed to a productive and inspiring atmosphere.

We wish all participants good luck and creativity in scientific research!


Guest lecture by Leonid KOZACHENKO

On October 2, 2024, the students of the 3rd year of the "Politics of International Relations" educational program had a unique opportunity to listen to a lecture by Leonid KOZACHENKO, a well-known expert in the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

The topic of the lecture: "Agrarian industry of Ukraine: invincible stability and ways of post-war recovery”

The event was organized with the assistance of the Department of Public Management and Administration and the Department of World Economy of the State University of Trade and Economics. During the lecture, the challenges faced by the agrarian sphere of Ukraine during the war and the strategies for its further development and recovery were discussed.

We thank the speaker for an inspiring and meaningful lecture!


Congratulations to Olena KRASILNIKOVA on receiving an honorary diploma from SUTE

We congratulate our colleague Olena KRASILNIKOVA on receiving an honorary certificate of SUTE for the fruitful work, high professionalism, achieved success in professional activities and on the occasion of the Day of Education Workers.


This award is a testament to professionalism and dedication.


Inspire both your students and us, colleagues, to new achievements!

.We wish you even more success and new achievements on your professional path!


Individual day of SUTE entrant at Kostopil Lyceum No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko

11th grade students had a great opportunity to talk with SUTE student Yulia RYZHUK, who studies at the Faculty of Trade and Marketing. Important topics related to choosing a future profession and educational opportunities were discussed, in particular:

• Problems of choosing a future profession.

• Educational programs: "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity".

• Internship by political science and sociologist students.

• Demand for political scientists and sociologists in the development of democracy, civil society and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

• Employment and career opportunities for future graduates.

It is important to choose an interesting, sought-after and prestigious profession that will help not only to realize yourself personally, but also to contribute to the future of our country!

Join the social networks of  SUTE and the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science to learn more about educational programs, events and opportunities!

The event was organized by Iryna PROKOPCHUK, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.


Meeting of the student scientific club "Discourse"

The student science club "Discourse" continues the cycle of meetings to discuss current issues. The topic of the discussion club this academic year is Soft skills - flexible, super-professional skills that are necessary for everyone who wants to develop. Soft skills are not related to a specific profession, but help to do your job better, and also contribute to career growth. Soft skills include communication skills, creativity, emotional intelligence, ability to work in a team, leadership skills, determination and motivation, stress resistance and other important competencies.

On September 25, 2024, participants of the scientific club "Discourse" discussed how flexible skills affect academic performance. Presentations were made by third-year students of the Faculty of Technology and Business, Olena PANOVA, Anna PLEVAK, Viktoria NIKITAS, Diana KOLYADA, and Hanna ISMAGILOVA. During the discussion, the

 participants came to the conclusion that professional success has long ceased to depend only on how well you perform your immediate duties. To be a competent specialist, you need to develop Soft Skills, the so-called "soft skills".

We thank our students for their interesting presentations and invite everyone interested to join the discussion and share their thoughts on the importance of social skills for professional growth.

The event was organized by Olena KRASILNIKOVA, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.

25.09. 2024

Participation of SUTE students in the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Kyiv Philosophical Studies"

Students of the State University of Trade and Economics under the leadership of Tetyana BONDAR, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, are actively engaged in scientific activities and participate in scientific and practical conferences of the All-Ukrainian and international level.

In particular, student of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law V. Belyaev, as well as students of the Faculty of Trade and Marketing V. Germanova, M. Chernenko and S. Usachova took part in the work of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Kyiv Philosophical Studies". Abstracts of their speeches were printed in the collection of conference materials.

In addition, students of the 2nd year of the Faculty of International Trade and Law already in the current academic year took part in international scientific conferences and received participant certificates, which indicates their active participation in the scientific community and their desire to develop their knowledge at the international level.

Details about the collection of abstracts of the conference: https://fshn.kubg.edu.ua/images/stories/Departaments/kaf_f/KFS-2024/%D0%9A%D0%A4%D0%A1-2024_%D0%B7%D0 %B1%D1%96%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA_%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B7.pdf.


Meeting of the sociological research group "Sociology in action" 

On September 19, 2024, the active student community of the State University of Trade and Economics studying sociology took part in the regular meeting of the sociological scientific circle. The event was held under the leadership of Professor Natalia SHUST and with the participation of associate professors of the department Olga GORPYNYCH and Natalia KROKHMAL.

The topic of the meeting: "Conflict potential of youth in the period of martial law". The report was given by Evelina KHARCHENKO, a student of the 4th year of the 5th group of FITL.

Such events provide an opportunity not only to expand one's knowledge of sociology, but also to exchange ideas, forming a community of like-minded people.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the event! Together to new heights!


Meeting of master's students of the "Digital Sociology" educational program with the guarantor of the program

On September 6, 2024, a meeting of the 1st-year students of the "Digital Sociology" educational program, specialty 054 Sociology, took place with the guarantor of the educational program - an associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences of the Natalia KROKHMAL.

During the meeting, the students were introduced to the educational program, the competencies they will master during their studies, as well as the list of compulsory and optional academic subjects. The participants of the meeting discussed the key issues of the educational process and the peculiarities of the implementation of the educational program. Special attention was paid to issues of academic integrity, which is an important aspect of modern higher education.

The meeting was an important step for new master's students in understanding the structure of their studies and the prospects opened up by the "Digital Sociology" educational program.


Applicant Day at SUTE - Discover the future for yourself!

On September 7, 2024, the State University of Trade and Economics hosted an eventful Admissions Day.

• Master class "Who is a political scientist: an analyst or a puppeteer?" A scientist or a practitioner?" from the guarantor of the "Political Science of International Relations" educational program, Anna MISHCHENKO;

• Meeting with leading teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science;

• Tours of the university together with Lubomir HUBYTSKY.

It was a unique opportunity to meet our experts and see the university from the inside!

Your future begins here - at SUTE!


Meeting of the student scientific group "Sociology in action"

A meeting of the student scientific group "Sociology in action" was held online on September 5. The purpose of the work of the student scientific circle is to help and coordinate students in conducting research and in-depth study of sociology with the involvement of gifted, creative youth in scientific activity; acquisition of research skills and application of acquired knowledge in practice; discussion of current problems today. In the discussion of the formation of the club's work plan for 2024-2025 and concretization of topical issues, perspectives of studying the features of domestic discourse in the field of sociology were attended by: professor, associate professor of social sciences, professor of the department Nataliya SHUST, associate professor, candidate of philosophic sciences, associate professor of the department Nataliya KROHMAL and university students.


Meeting of first-year sociologists with a stakeholder

The educational process begins. First-year students of the specialty 054 "Sociology" met with a stakeholder, doctor of sociological sciences, professor, senior researcher of the Department of Social Expertise of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Olena KLYMENKO, who shared her vision of modern trends in sociology, talked about career prospects in this exciting field and how the specialty "Sociology" opens new horizons for future specialists.

Guarantor of the educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity", Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Olga GORPYNYCH spoke about the unique advantages of the educational program, focusing on practical experience and opportunities that await students during their studies.

Our first-year sociologists, we welcome you to the beginning of an exciting journey!

Let knowledge and skills become the key to success and professional development!


Meeting of first-year political scientists with a stakeholder

Our first-year political scientists start the semester interestingly! From a meeting with our stakeholder - candidate of political sciences, political consultant, leading researcher of the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I.F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by Rostislav BALABAN.

Mr. Rostyslav shared his views on modern challenges and peculiarities of the profession. He emphasized that a political scientist is exactly the profession that allows one to be successful. The main thing is to learn, try, experiment and not be afraid to ask questions. And also - formulate your goal. So it is a pleasure to start studying with such inspiration.

We wish all our first-year students sincere interest and a fruitful start.


Presentation of the study "Adaptive changes of the political field of Ukraine in the conditions of war"

On June 27, 2024, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Felix BARANOVSKY as part of the implementation of the cooperation agreement between the State University of Trade and Economics and the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I. F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine took part in the presentation and discussion of the study "Adaptive changes of the political field of Ukraine in the conditions of war".

During the presentation of the research results, the following blocks of questions were discussed:

* institutional changes in the political system of Ukraine during the war;

* the interaction of government and society in war conditions;

* integration of the political field of Ukraine into the global space.

The event was organized by the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I. F. Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Association of Political Sciences of Ukraine.

Join the discussion and follow new research in the field of political science!


Examination jury and defence of qualification papers at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

On June 18, 2024, our bachelor's degree holders of specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science" successfully defended their qualification papers!

Students demonstrated a high level of professional training and acquired competences, showed creativity and non-standard thinking in the study of selected topics.

We are proud of our students and wish them further success in their professional activities!


Applicant`s Day in SUTE

Discover future studies in the specialties 054 "Sociology" or 052 "Political science" at the State University of Trade and Economics.

• High-quality learning conditions

• Modern university

• Professional development

Choose your profession with SUTE and reach new heights with us!


Report of masters-sociologists on internship

On June 11, 2024, masters of sociology successfully reported on their internship at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The report was accepted by Olena KLYMENKO, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Social Expertise, Stakeholder of OP "Digital Sociology".

Our masters worked as a sociologist-specialist of the department. Nikita Omelchenko reported on behalf of the group.

The meeting was held in an informal setting. The masters had the opportunity to communicate with the employees of the department and exchange valuable experience.

Thank you all for your support and cooperation!

 Together we take important steps in the development of sociological science!


Meeting of teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science with students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Political Science"

A meeting of teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science with students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Political Science" took place. During the discussion, questions were raised regarding:

• Current performance during the semester

• Preparations for the examination session

• Discussion of the topics of future final qualification papers

This is a great opportunity for students to get answers to important questions and advice from teachers. We are grateful to everyone for their active participation and constructive dialogue!


SUTE Day and Admission Day!

May 25, 2024 is a special day for the State University of Trade and Economics! University Day and Admission Day!

Teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science took an active part in the festive events.

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor Andrii MOROZOV conducted excursions for the entrants and their parents who came from different corners of our country.

During a walk through the territory of the university, guests had the opportunity to see:

• Modern educational buildings and dormitories

• Auditoriums and laboratories

• Smart library

• Stadium and sports hall

• Language room for foreign language classes

They discussed the features of the 2024 admissions campaign and the prospects of the educational programs: "Sociology of Economic Activity" and "Political Science of International Relations".

The guests felt the friendly and benevolent atmosphere of the festive event, full of energy of youth, love and creative ideas

We are waiting for you in our big university family!


The single family of SUTE is a place of strength and inspiration


Inaugural internship conference of the students of the master's program "Digital Sociology"

On May 20, 2024, an important event took place for our first-year master's students of the "Digital Sociology" educational program - the internship conference. Our masters will undergo practice at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the Department of Social Expertise as a sociologist.

The head of the practice base - doctor of sociological sciences, professor, senior researcher of the department of social expertise Olena KLYMENKO took part in the conference. She outlined the duties performed by a specialist in the position of a sociologist and gave the students practice tasks.

Our students will also participate in the study of student youth in Kyiv on the topic "Labor market in the city of Kyiv: expectations of youth", which is conducted by the Institute of Sociology.

We wish our masters a fruitful and interesting practice!


Individual applicant day at "Kyrilivskyi" Lyceum No. 17

On May 17, 2024, in the 10-11th grades of "Kyrilivskyi" Lyceum No. 17 of the Podilskyi district of Kyiv, an online individual applicant day was held.

They discussed the possibilities of studying in the following specialties:

• 054 "Sociology" according to the educational program "Sociology of economic activity"

• 052 "Political science" under the educational program "Political science of international relations"

We are sure that everyone will be able to find their vocation and realize their dreams precisely at DTEU.

Building a world where every thought, every idea matters, our university is ready to help you develop your potential and take the first step to a successful career.

We invite everyone who dreams of quality education and interesting scientific activity to join our friendly student community at the State University of Trade and Economics.

The event was organized and conducted by Andrii MOROZOV, professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.


Celebrations on the occasion of Science Day at SUTE

We are pleased to announce the remarkable achievements of our teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, the Faculty of International Trade and Law!

This year, the honors were awarded to:

• Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy Alla KRAVCHENKO - Thank you from the head of the Desnyan District State Administration in the city of Kyiv for years of conscientious work and significant achievements in professional activity.

• Doctor of Historical Sciences Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY - Honorary certificate of DTEU for significant contribution to strengthening the scientific potential of the university.

Congratulations to our colleagues on their awards! We wish you further success and new achievements!


Individual applicant day of SUTE at "Poltava Secondary School of I-III Levels No. 11 of the Poltava City Council of the Poltava Region"

On May 13, an individual applicant day took place in the communal institution "Poltava Secondary School of I-III Levels No. 11 of the Poltava City Council of the Poltava Region"

Current topics were discussed:

• Choosing a future profession is a key matter for every entrant.

• Educational programs "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity"

• Demand for the professions of political scientist and sociologist on the labor market

This meeting was extremely informative for our future inductees, and we are grateful for their active participation!

Join the community of DTEU students, your future awaits you!

The event was organized and conducted by Nataliya HUSEVA, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.


Joint meeting of the groups providing educational programs "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity"

On May 9, 2024, there was a joint meeting of the groups providing educational programs "Political Science of International Relations" and "Sociology of Economic Activity".

The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

• Preparation for state certification of fourth-year students: strategies and recommendations for successful certification were discussed.

• Completion of the schedule for the preparation of final qualifying papers: the importance of timely and high-quality performance of papers for the successful completion of studies is emphasized.

• Adherence to the rules of academic integrity: detailed recommendations on avoiding plagiarism and other violations of the ethics of scientific activity are provided.

• Plagiarism check procedure: methods and tools used to ensure the integrity and quality of scientific research are discussed.

We closely monitor the quality of education and compliance with the requirements of the highest standards, so we are sure that the joint efforts of all participants will contribute to the achievement of high results.

We wish all students and teachers success in their studies and scientific activities!


The individual applicant`s day in SUTE took place in the city of Khmelnytskyi

Daryna BONDAR, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Trade and Marketing, carried an individual day at Lyceum No. 18 in the city of Khmelnytskyi with students of the 11th grade, where they discussed a number of interesting topics:

* The problem of choosing a future profession is a very important and relevant topic for every entrant.

* Educational programs for bachelors "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity" - programs that develop the best aspects of the modern world.

* Demand for the profession of political scientist and sociologist - we are proud of how our students help shape the future of the country.

This event was extremely informative for the prospective inductees, and we are grateful for their active participation!

Do not miss the opportunity to join the community of SUTE students - your future awaits you!

The event was organized by Tetyana BONDAR, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.


Meeting with the stakeholder of the educational program "Digital Sociology" Larisa MOSKALENKO

On May 3, 2024, an online meeting was held with the stakeholder of the educational program "Digital Sociology", the head and founder of the public organization "International Center of Informal Education" Larisa MOSKALENKO

Students of specialty 054 "Sociology" took part in the All-Ukrainian sociological research on the topic "Measurement of opportunities and needs in online education of people of the Silver Age".

The purpose of the study is to study the factors that influence the involvement of Ukrainians in online learning, as well as to determine the educational needs that are relevant for people of the Silver Age.

At the meeting, the results of the pilot study regarding the approbation of the questionnaire as a tool of sociological research were summarized.

Current problems and questions related to the approbation of tools, the work of interviewers, and cases of sociologist's work in the "field" were also discussed. Students provided their recommendations for improving the quality of the questionnaire.

This meeting will be an excellent source of information for writing term papers and qualification papers. The knowledge gained during communication will be useful in practice in the future!


International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Society: History, Present Time, Future"

On April 11, 2024, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science organized and held the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Society: History, Present Time, Future".

More than 90 people took part in the event, including scientists of leading scientific institutions and institutions of higher education, practitioners of Ukraine and the world.

Anatolii MAZARAKI, rector of the State University of Trade and Economics, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, opened the conference and addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. He emphasized the urgency of the productive transformation of the experience gained by Ukraine as a result of a full-scale military invasion, through its reflexive inclusion in the context of fundamental studies of the problems of a globalized society.

The key speakers of the conference were: Adam AKUSZEWICZ, dr hab. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy (UKW), Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland; Rostyslav BALABAN, candidate of political sciences, leading researcher of the I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Vitalina NIKITENKO, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Zaporizhia National University; Regina ANDRYUKAITENE, Doctor of Social Sciences, PhD. Sciences (management), lecturer at the Lithuanian University of Sports, Lithuania; Valentina VORONKOVA, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Zaporizhia National University; Mateusz KAMIONKA, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies Faculty of International and Political Studies Jagiellonian 

University, Poland; Roman DODONOV, doctor of philosophy, professor, acting director of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University; Elena SEITZ, co-founder, vice-president and program director of the International Cultural Education Association (ICEA), co-founder, and vice-president of the Ukrainian American Association of College Educators (UAACE), United States of America; Sholpan ALPEISSOVA, PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Department of Management, S. Seifullin Kazakh 

Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan; Olena KLYMENKO, doctor of sociological sciences, professor, senior researcher of the Department of Social Expertise of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Alla KRAVCHENKO, Doctor of Philosophscal Sciences, associate professor of the State University of Trade and Economics; Feliks BARANOVSKYI, doctor of political sciences, professor of the State University of Trade and Economics.

The participants of the conference highlighted the current issues of social, political, philosophical, cultural dimensions of the information and digital reality and the prospects of globalization in the 21st century. They have analysed the ethical discourse in modern sciences and professional practices, the paradoxes of education and the socio-cultural potential of science in the information and digital world, considered the impact of war as organized violence on the development of all spheres of social life.

As the results of the conference the collection of report abstracts will be issued and published on the SUTE website.

We sincerely thank the participants of the conference for their fruitful work!

Alla Kravchenko, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, SUTE.


Applicant Day at the State University of Trade and Economics

Today, April 6, the State University of Trade and Economics celebrated the Admission Day. A special atmosphere of sociability and openness prevailed at the event, which was full of positive emotions and useful information.

Our excellent tour guides from the department of philosophy, sociology and political science - associate professor Serhiy HUDKOV, professor Lyubomyr GUBYTSKY, and student of the faculty of international trade and law, Tetiana DZYUMAN, who is studying under the educational program "Politics of International Relations", talked about the unique opportunities of the university and shared useful information about studying at SUTE.

And also, the master class "Politicians of international relations as drivers of post-war reconstruction", conducted by associate professor Iryna PROKOPCHUK, impressed all the guests with its interesting and relevant topic.

Spring is the time for the awakening of nature and the time to choose your future profession! If you haven't chosen your path yet, we invite you to join SUTE and make your dreams come true with us.

Do not miss the opportunity to become part of our friendly and professional family! Join SUTE, this is where your success begins!


Individual applicant day of SUTE for future entrants from Chasiv Yar

On April 4, first-year student Anzhelika POLISHCHUK, who studies at the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business of SUTE, gathered and held an online meeting with students of general secondary education institution I - III degrees No. 17 in Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region, who are today in different corners of our country and the world and dream of peace and admission to the university. Chasiv Yar is the hometown of our student.

Angelica spoke about the State University of Trade and Economics: the peculiarities of the admissions campaign, her experience of study and admission, interesting and varied student leisure time, life in a comfortable dormitory, which is very important for those who are forced to leave their own homes.


• The importance of choosing a future profession in the life of every person

• Educational programs for bachelors "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity"

• Peculiarities of the creative profession of a political scientist

• Employment and career opportunities for graduates

Choose an interesting future profession! The path to peace and victory together with DTEU!

The event was organized by Iryna PROKOPCHUK, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science


Individual applicant day of SUTE at school #233 (Kyiv)

On April 3, Maria YARMOLENKO, a first-year student of the Faculty of Trade and Marketing of the State University of Trade and Economics, held a friendly meeting with students of grades 10-11 of school No. 233 in Kyiv.

They talked about the possibilities of studying in specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science" at our university. We are sure that everyone will be able to find their vocation and realize their dreams precisely at SUTE. Building a world where every thought, every idea matters, and at our university we are ready to help develop your potential and take the first step to a successful career.

I invite everyone who dreams of quality education and interesting scientific activity to join our friendly student community at the State University of Trade and Economics. Let this spring be a symbol of your beginning! Come to us, and together we will make your dreams come true!

Register for the admission day on April 6, 2024 at the link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gIjms5A05kaylaNuS-IHKId5r8D_EUxJjPnEdoJbdxJUMUg1NjhWNVJONFREWUtFRzhEQlZJNlA4VC4u

The event was organized by the professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Mykola LIPIN


Individual applicant day at SUTE

On April 2, Yaroslav NAUMENKO, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, visited and discussed important issues regarding admission to the specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political Science" with students of the 11th grade in the Veliky Dymer comprehensive educational and educational complex of Brovar district, and a 2nd-year student of the faculty of trade and marketing, Yuliya BATRAK met with the students of the 11th grade of the Grebinkiv secondary school, grade 1-3, grade #4, Poltava region.

If you also dream of a career in the field of sociology of economic activity and political science of international relations, join us at SUTE! Join our individual entrant days and learn more about your opportunities!

The event was organized by Tetyana BONDAR, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.


Individual applicant Day of the SUTE in "Vypasnyansky lyceum" of Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky district

The beginning of April is full of interesting meetings with our future entrants. Iryna ABRAMOVA, a student of the State University of Trade and Economics, held a career orientation meeting at the "Vypasnyanskyi lyceum", Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky district, Odesa region.

Future entrants discussed:

• Various aspects of education at SUTE.

• Free time and free time from studies at SUTE.

Special emphasis:

• Specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science".

• Personal learning experience of student Iryna ABRAMOVA at SUTE.

Meetings with our talented students will help entrants choose their future major and help them choose an educational institution.

We invite you to the day of admission in the walls of SUTE (April 6, 2024!). Join our educational community!

The event was organized by the professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Mykola LIPIN.


Individual applicant Day at SUTE

What profession to choose? Choosing a profession is one of the most important steps in every person's life, so the problem of choosing a profession has always been and remains relevant.

As part of the career guidance work, on April 1, 2024, the first-year student of the State University of Trade and Economics, Iryna KALINICHENKO, held a meeting with students of the 9th and 11th grades of Vasylkiv Lyceum No. 6 (Vasylkiv).

During the conversation, they discussed information about admission to the university and the peculiarities of studying at SUTE, as well as opportunities for developing abilities in extracurricular time - in scientific or social work, in sports and cultural and popular life. The main attention was paid to specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science".

We hope that the meeting was useful for students in the process of choosing their future profession.

We invite you to the Day of entrants to SUTE (April 6, 2024) and the Day of the Faculty of International Trade and Law (April 18, 2024)! https://knute.edu.ua/

The event was organized by Olena KRASILNIKOVA, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.


Meeting of the student scientific club "Discourse"

On March 27, 2024, the regular meeting of the student scientific club "Discourse" was held under the leadership of the assistant professor of the department of philosophy, sociology and political science Olena KRASILNIKOVA and student curator Oksana YAROVA on the topic: "Etiquette of the 20th-21st centuries: preservation of traditions and innovations."

Why do you need etiquette? How are politeness, etiquette and morality related? What behavior is called decent? Under what circumstances can the rules of etiquette be violated? Such questions were discussed by the participants of the event.

During the discussion, the participants emphasized that etiquette is an integral part of our lives and plays a key role in modern society. Compliance with etiquette promotes mutual understanding between people in the process of business communication, ensures its expediency and practicality. It is important to understand that etiquette is not limited to formal rules, but also includes ethical principles and universal human values.

We express our gratitude to all participants for their active participation and interesting performances. We hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will be useful for your further professional activities.

Anyone interested is welcome to join the discussion and share their thoughts and research on this topic.


News of the world of sociology!

On March 22, 2024, an important meeting of the support groups for the educational programs "Sociology of Economic Activity" (BS "Bachelor") and "Digital Sociology" (BS "Master") took place:

Among the participants are our stakeholders:

• Natalya Soboleva, doctor of sociological sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

• Ellina Pozdnyakova-Kyrbyatieva, doctor of sociological sciences, professor, director of the Institute of Sociological Research and Public Initiatives.

• Olena Klymenko, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Senior Research Fellow of the Social Expertise Department of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

During the meeting, the issue of practical training of sociology students was discussed.

This year, the department concluded cooperation agreements with the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Sociological Research and Public Initiatives, where our students undergo internships. This step is important in providing practical experience for our future sociologists and will contribute to the development of their professional skills.

We wish all our sociology students fruitful studies and success in their practical activities!


Individual applicant Day at DTEU!

On March 22, in the Educational and Educational Complex No. 183 "Fortuna" with an in-depth study of foreign languages in the city of Kyiv, Sofia SAGUN, a first-year student studying at the Faculty of Trade and Marketing, held a meeting with future entrants and shared her experience of studying at the State University of Trade and Economics.

Future entrants discussed:

• Various aspects of education at DTEU.

• Educational programs "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity"

• Practice and professional training.

• Leisure and free time of students at SUTE.

Special emphasis: Specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science".

Choose your future profession.

Come to the SUTE Enrollment Days meeting.

Learn more and join our educational community!

The event was organized by the professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Mykola LIPIN


As part of the study of the discipline "Business Ethics", the teacher and students took part in the international scientific conference "Intelligencja emocjonalna menedżerów z słowieżność ością - perspektuja international"

On March 21, associate professor of the department Nataliya KROKHMAL took part in the international scientific conference: "Inteligencja emocjonalna menedżerów z słowieżnością - perspektuja interpolationa", the purpose of which is to create space for in-depth thoughts, exchange of international experience and discussions about the role of emotional intelligence from an interdisciplinary point of view, as well as the promotion of equal opportunities and building social support in the labor market for managers with disabilities.

The organizers of the conference were the Faculty of Management and Technical Sciences of the Academy of Applied Management Sciences in Warsaw within the framework of the program called "Science for Society", under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland.

The conference brought together scientists from Poland, Bulgaria, and Ukraine. Nataliya Krokhmal gave a speech "Emotional intelligence in management: a sociological analysis".

Students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business within the scope of studying the discipline "Business Ethics" joined the work of the conference.


Meeting of the support group for specialty 054 "Sociology" EP "Digital Sociology"

On March 20, 2024, a meeting of the second (master's) level of the "Digital Sociology" educational program, specialty 054, was held.

At this meeting, the master's students had the opportunity to consult with teachers on the preparation of the theoretical sections of their qualifying papers and report on the writing of articles for the scientific collection.

This meeting was another important step in the development of our program, where every student has the opportunity to reveal their potential and receive professional support.

We wish our master's students inspiration and success in further scientific research!


The teachers of the department took part in the online training "Creating an inclusive university climate"

We are sincerely grateful for the opportunity to participate in the fourth module of the online training "Creating an inclusive university climate", which is implemented within the framework of the Jean Monnet project 101084925 - CreatIUC - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH.

This is an interesting and useful experience shared by colleagues: project coordinator, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Ellana MOLCHANOVA, teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science - Prof. Alla KRAVCHENKO and Prof. Mykola LIPIN , candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of modern European languages Natalya TESLENKO, PhD/ doctor of philosophy of the department of software engineering and cyber security Karina KHOROLSKA, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of international economics of Kyiv National University of Economics Kateryna KOVTONYUK.

We would like to thank the team for an important initiative that was extremely useful and interesting. We wish continued cooperation and successful implementation of all projects in the future.


Individual applicant Day of the SUTE at the "Elint" collegium in the city of Zaporizhia

Individual Day of the entrant at the State University of Trade and Economics online On March 15, 2024, an online event was held at the "Elint" collegium in the city of Zaporizhia, organized by the associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the State University of Trade and Economics, Olga GORPYNYCH.

Prospective entrants held interesting and productive discussions about specialties:

054 "Sociology", educational program "Sociology of economic activity"

052 "Political science", educational program "Political science of international relations"

Join our social networks to learn more about our activities and events.



Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a partner of SUTE

Ceremonial signing of the Agreement on cooperation between the State University of Trade and Economics and the Institute of Political and Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine took place on March 13, 2024.

The purpose of signing the contract is to effectively use the professional, expert and informational potential of the parties and establish joint work in their areas of activity, in particular in the creation of scientific research, informational and analytical and expert materials, organization of conferences, implementation of joint projects under grants, competitions, organization and holding practices, internships, consultations.

The meeting was attended by the director of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of historical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, vice-president of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleg RAFALSKY; rector of SUTE, doctor of economic sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Anatolii MAZARAKI; first vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of SUTE, doctor of technical sciences, professor Nataliia PRYTULSKA; Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, Candidate of Legal Sciences Yuliia HONCHAROVA; Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Alla KRAVCHENKO, Doctor of Philosophy, as well as representatives of the Dean's Office and departments of the faculty.

The signing of the agreement will open up new prospects for cooperation and will become a solid basis for cooperation in the field of scientific research and educational activities, promote the exchange of experience between educators and scientists of both institutions, the growth of achievements and the creation of innovations.







Online meeting with a stakeholder

On March 11, a meeting of sociology students took place with the deputy head of the research company Smart Data Service, Master of Sociology Anna DEMCHENKO.

Anna told the students about her path in sociology from call center operator to deputy manager. About the peculiarities of work at each stage of his career: assistant manager in a large research company, leading specialist in the field of media research in the international company. In the conversation, Anna drew attention to the peculiarities of sociological research in wartime conditions, to the difficulties faced by Ukrainian sociologists today.

We discussed current problems and issues that can become the basis for the qualification works of our students.

Thank you Anna for an incredibly interesting meeting and a high level of insights!

Expect new interesting speakers and events in the future!


The new issue of the Japanese "Journal of Oriental Studies" of Soka Gakkai - the international partner of the State University of Trade and Economics

On February 28, 2024, the annual issue of "The journal of oriental studies", published by the Institute of Oriental Philosophy (Tokyo, Japan) on the basis of the international organization Soka Gakkai - the largest Japanese organization of secular Buddhists, which conducts scientific, educational and social activities around the world.

The founder of Soka Gakkai is Daisaku Ikeda, an outstanding Japanese writer, Buddhist philosopher, poet, teacher, social and political activist. Since 2003, Daisaku Ikeda has been an honorary doctor of the State University of Trade and Economics. He was also awarded the "Excellent in Education of Ukraine" badge.

In the last (No. 33 for 2024) issue of the "Journal of Oriental Studies" an article by Andriy Morozov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of State University of Trade and Economics, was published on the topic "Ontological dimensions of the main ethical categories: freedom, conscience, equality and dignity" (in English). The article is devoted to the understanding of ethics as a philosophical science of morality from the standpoint of the fundamental constants of being.

The latest issue of the "Journal of Oriental Studies" can be found at the link: https://www.totetu.org/en/publication/jos-en/2633.html


Applicant Day at the State University of Trade and Economics

A special day for entrants, which provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the atmosphere of SUTE during exciting tours and lectures by professional teachers was held.

The tour of the university took place under the leadership of the professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Lubomyr HUBYTSKY, as well as the 1st-year student of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, Oksana YAROVA, who is studying under the "Politics of International Relations" educational program.

• Lecture "Political Scientists vs. Sociologists: Competitors or Colleagues?":

• Sociologists are architects of society.

Political scientists study what it's like to have a monopoly on power and manage society.

They talked about it together with Olga GORPYNYCH and Natalia KROKHMAL, associate professors of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.

Express your impressions and thoughts in the comments. What aspects of sociology and political science interested you the most?


Individual applicant Day at Academic Lyceum "Vektor" Gymnasium No. 18 (Bila Tserkva)

On March 1, at the Academic Lyceum "Vektor" of gymnasium No. 18, first-year student Tetyana DZYUMAN, who is studying the "Political Science of International Relations" educational program at the State University of Trade and Economics, shared her experience from the "Political Science of International Relations" educational program.

Future entrants discussed:

• Various aspects of education at SUTE.

• Educational disciplines of OP "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity"

• Academic program, scientific research and professional training.

• Free time and free time from studies at SUTE.

Special emphasis:

• Specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science".

• Personal experience of studying at SUTE of student Tetyana DZYUMAN.

We believe that such meetings:

o Help applicants choose their future profession.

o They will facilitate the choice of an educational institution.

o They will encourage a meeting within the walls of SUTE.

Join our educational community!

The event was organized by the associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Vitaly RAZITSKY


Training "Creating an inclusive university climate"

On February 29, the fourth online training module "Creating an inclusive university climate" started, which is implemented within the framework of the Jean Monnet project 101084925 - CreatIUC - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH.

The purpose of this training is to deepen the understanding of the principles of inclusion and develop the skills of cooperation and mutual understanding within the university community.

The training will be useful for everyone who is interested in an inclusive model of higher education as a system of educational services. During the training, participants will get acquainted with the world and Ukrainian experience of higher education institutions in creating an inclusive environment, strategies and tactics for planning university development, the social responsibility of higher education institutions in creating an inclusive environment, as well as the EU experience in intercultural communication and educational interaction.

We are glad to announce that the trainers are teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science - Prof. Alla KRAVCHENKO and Prof. Mykola LIPIN.

Many interesting topics and practical skills await the participants of the training. Develop your capabilities and be part of an important initiative! Let's be open, tolerant and ready to learn new things together!


Report meeting on practice results

Students of the 2nd and 4th years of the educational program "Politics of International Relations" defended the results of practical training.

Practice is a great way to immerse yourself in real adult life and try yourself in different guises. What did our students do?

• modelled the reform of local self-government;

• documented international crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression;

• interpreted data from sociological surveys;

• analysed decisions of international courts;

• learned to make monitoring and digests.

And a lot more interesting things did they do!

Congratulations on a successful defence! And forward to new achievements.


Individual applicant Day at the Economic and Legal Lyceum in Kyiv

February 29, 2024 became special for the 11th grade of the Economic and Legal Lyceum! Doctor of historical sciences, professor Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY, held a friendly meeting with future entrants.

What were you interested in?

In the focus of special interest was the State University of Trade and Economics and its faculties. Educational programs "Sociology of economic activity" and "Political science of international relations".

What did you learn?

Professor Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY shared important information about training, gave answers to all questions and held consultations regarding registration for the National Multidisciplinary Test (NMT), which starts on March 14.

Invitation to the SUTE applicant Day!

Graduates received a special invitation to the SUTE applicant Day, which will take place on March 2, 2024. Where they are waiting: tours, getting to know teachers and students, interactive presentations and answers to all questions.

Are you ready for a new stage?

Let this meeting become an impetus on the way to successful training and professional development! The start of great opportunities - you are with us!


Report meeting on the results of practice of students of the 4th year of the educational program "Sociology of economic activity"

On February 27, a report meeting was held on the results of the practice of students of the 4th year of the educational program "Sociology of economic activity.

The internship took place at the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where students took part in the All-Ukrainian study on the topic of "Employment strategies of modern students".

The meeting was attended by the head of the practice base, doctor of sociological sciences, professor, senior researcher of the social expertise department of KLYMENKO Olena and head of the social expertise department, doctor of sociological sciences, leading researcher of CHEPURKO Gulbarshin.

The results of the students' practical activities were presented, the data obtained from the research were also discussed and valuable advice was given for further research work.

The event reflects the importance of scientific and practical work in the field of sociology of economic activity and promotes the exchange of experience.


Individual applicant day at SUTE

On February 27, an extremely interesting meeting with Oksana YAROVA, a first-year student of the "Political Science of International Relations" educational program at the State University of Trade and Economics, took place at the Uman City Lyceum No. 3!

Oksana shared her impressions of studying and her experience of choosing a university.

During the meeting, lyceum students actively shared their questions and were interested in aspects of admission. Oksana answered all questions and provided important advice on choosing specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political science"

"I believe that this was useful information for future students. A year ago I was in your shoes and I didn't always have answers to my questions. I am glad that I am currently studying political science at SUTE and I want as many progressive young people as possible to learn about our specialty," Oksana shared her thoughts.

Such interactive and dialogic activities contribute to the improvement of career orientation of young people, helping them to make informed choices regarding their future education and career.

We wish the students success on their chosen path and are grateful to Oksana for the interesting and useful experience she shared!


Student Science Club "Discourse"

On February 27, 2024, a meeting of the student science club "Discourse" was held, the head of which is the associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Olena KRASILNIKOVA.

The topic of the meeting: "International courtesy as the basis of diplomatic protocol and etiquette."

The participants of the event discussed the importance and relevance of studying various aspects of diplomatic protocol and etiquette, namely, they considered the main components of international politeness; protocol and etiquette of symbols of state sovereignty; peculiarities of the protocol practice of honoring the state flag; analyzed examples of violation of diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

During the discussion, the participants came to the conclusion that international courtesy is not only an ethical and moral requirement, but also an effective tool for achieving peaceful cooperation, joint development and solving global problems. It not only reflects the basic principles of ethics and supports mutually beneficial relations, but also affects the dynamics of international relations and can have a significant impact on global peace and stability.

We thank our students for their interesting presentations and invite everyone interested to join the discussion and share their thoughts and research on this topic. Let our research contribute to deepening the understanding of the importance of mutual respect and civility in international relations.


"Formation of a stable economic basis for the victory of Ukraine"

Today, students of the 1st and 4th courses of the EP "Politics of International Relations" had a unique opportunity to attend a guest lecture on the topic "Formation of a stable economic basis for the victory of Ukraine". The lecture was conducted by JHALILO Yaroslav, Deputy Director-Head of the Center for Economic and Social Research of the National Institute of Strategic Studies, Honored Economist of Ukraine.

Students showed great interest and participated in a lively discussion on economic sustainability, structural change, resource depletion, institutional change and ensuring resilience for our Victory

Thank you Mr. ZHALILO Yaroslav for an informative and fascinating lecture!


Opening of scientific horizons

We share the scientific work of teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.

On February 14, 2024, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Mykola LIPIN took part in the work of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Leadership and Giftedness: Modern Scientific Discourse and Educational Practice", and spoke at the plenary session with the report "Group Leadership in Education".

The range of issues discussed at the conference:

• Leadership and elitism in conditions of war

• Leadership is natural and nurtured: what is the conflict

• True and destructive leadership: causes, forms, manifestations

• Education of leadership qualities of gifted students

• Intellectual giftedness and leadership

The conference was attended by: scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; teachers of higher education institutions; representatives of departments and departments of education, institutes of 

postgraduate education; administration of educational institutions, teachers, class leaders, psychologists, social pedagogues; graduate students and master's students.

Scientific work and active participation in conferences are a key element in the development of a scientist, allowing expanding knowledge, exchanging ideas and presenting the results of one's scientific work.

You can familiarize yourself with the work of the conference by following the link on the YouTube channel;



Meeting of the support group for specialty 052 "Political science"

In some places, the meetings of the educational program support groups are similar to the meetings of secret societies. When do you really want to share good news? And who knows more about this than political scientists?

So today was a meeting of the group providing the educational program "Politics of International Relations". with the participation of students. And the opinion of education seekers is very important to us when forming the curriculum of the future master's degree.

And while we are brainstorming to fit all the most interesting things, stay tuned for news from us


We congratulate our graduates of the correspondence form of education with the successful defense of their qualification papers!

On February 13, 2024, at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, the defense of the qualification papers of students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 054 "Sociology" of the correspondence form of education took place. Natalya SOBOLEVA, a stakeholder of the educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity", Doctor of Sociological Sciences, leading researcher of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, was invited as the head of the examination commission.

7 students presented their qualification works, researching issues of gender equality and gender transformations, social activity of young people, their social well-being and value orientations, features of youth unemployment in Ukraine and free time of student youth.

We congratulate our graduates on the successful defense and awarding of the "Bachelor of Sociology" qualification! Let this success be just the beginning of your professional journey!


Training "EU Gender Security" (EUGENSEC)

Olena KRASILNIKOVA and Olga HORPYNYCH took part in the training "EU Gender Security" (EUGENSEC), which is co-financed by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program in 2024. During the training, they gained knowledge about gender security, the main principles of the EU in the field of gender equality and the empowerment of women in the EU and Ukraine. The topics of creating an inclusive environment to increase innovation, anti-crisis measures and methods of state policy to ensure the stability of the economy were also covered.

We would like to thank the lecturers - Yulia HONCHAROVA, Oksana VINSKY and Volodymyr TOKAR for exciting lectures and interesting discussions!

You can read information about the project at the link: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=46795&uk


Applicant day at the State University of Trade and Economics!

Today, February 3, 2024, the entrants who came to our university immersed themselves in the world of knowledge and opportunities of SUTE, where Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Felix BARANOVSKY, held a master class and introduced the participants to the educational programs "Political Science of International Relations" and "Sociology economic activity".

As part of the event, the entrants learned not only about the possibilities of studying at SUTE at the department of philosophy, sociology and political science, but also received important information about places and positions of employment of graduates.

Our future specialists will receive not only deep knowledge, but also understand their career prospects.

We invite everyone to join our big SUTE family! Together we build a bright future and reveal the potential of every student.


Briefing before practice

Today, January 29, 2024, lecturers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Anna MISHCHENKO and Hanna VOROBYOVA, conducted an instruction on practical training for students of the Faculty of International Trade and Law of the 2nd and 4th year of the specialty 052 "Political Science" of the educational program "Political Science of International Relations" .

The purpose of the briefing was to familiarize students of the 2nd and 4th year of the specialty 052 "Political Science" with the process of practical training. Thanks to the information provided during the meeting, the students got a clear idea of the important aspects and requirements for practical experience in the field of political science.

The teachers emphasized that this practice will give students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real conditions and develop their skills in the field of political science of international relations.

Informative instruction will qualitatively prepare students for the challenges of the practical part of the educational program.

We wish you success and fruitful practice!


Congress of the Association of Political Sciences of Ukraine and the First International Forum of Political Scientists in Ukraine

Participation in international forums and the development of political science is very important. On January 25, 2024, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of SUTE, Doctor of Political Sciences, Felix Baranovsky, took part in the Congress of the Association of Political Sciences of Ukraine and the First International Forum of Political Scientists in Ukraine.

The main topics of discussion were:

• Presentation of the Development Strategy of the Association of Political Sciences of Ukraine.

• Establishment of a new scientific publication in the field of political sciences.

• Discussion of practical and theoretical innovations and trends in political science and practice.

• Analysis of key aspects of political science and modern politics both in Ukraine and abroad.

Positive exchange of ideas for further achievements in the world of political science. The path to new knowledge together with teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science is fruitful.


Day of Ukrainian diplomacy!

Students studying under the educational program "Politics of international activity" of SUTE attended the online presentation of the study "Global trends 2024, scenarios of the development of the international system and their impact on Ukraine."

The following guests shared their conclusions about the prospects for 2024:

• Serhiy Gerasimchuk, Deputy Executive Director of the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism"

• Understanding in chaos - prospects for the development of the situation in the USA

• Oleksandr Kraev, Director of the "North America" program of the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism"

• Comments from stakeholders

• Andrii Najos, deputy head of the department for foreign policy and strategic partnership, Office of the President of Ukraine

• Vadym Galaychuk, People's Deputy of Ukraine, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Integration of Ukraine into the EU

Moderator: Kristina Zelenyuk, TSN

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss global trends and their impact on Ukraine together with experts and representatives of the authorities. Together we will be ready for the challenges of the future!


Meeting with students of specialty “political science”!

Today, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science had the opportunity to communicate with our talented political science students as part of a meeting with the head of the department, the guarantor of the educational program and group mentors.

The main issues of discussion included:

• Assessment of students' academic progress during the first semester.

• Favorite subjects and topics that aroused special interest.

• Cooperation with teachers and colleagues.

• Prospects of professional development in the field of political science.

Students expressed their views and ideas, and together we discussed opportunities to improve the educational process and cooperation of the entire academic community.


Individual day of SUTE entrant!

On December 18, 2023, an individual day of admission to SUTE was held, organized by Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Felix BARANOVSKY. The event was attended by students of 10-11 grades of Specialized School I-III degrees No. 207 with in-depth study of English in the Desnyan district of Kyiv.

They talked about:

  • Advantages of studying at the prestigious State University of Trade and Economics.
  • Comprehensive information about the educational programs of the department: "Political science of international relations" and "Sociology of economic activity".

Why you should visit an individual admissions day of entrant:

• Find out how to get a high-quality education at the State University of Trade and Economics.

• Getting to know the teachers and the opportunity to discuss issues that interest you.

Do not miss a unique opportunity to expand your horizons and take the first step to your dream university!

Stay tuned for our further news and events!


The politics of memory, the experience of Europe for Ukraine

Alla KRAVCHENKO, Iryna KYZYMENKO, Nataliya HUSYEVA, Olena KRASILNIKOVA, lecturers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science took part in the International Scientific Conference "MEMORY POLICY, EUROPE'S EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE" (November 17-18, 2023, Zaporizhzhia)

The conference was held within the framework of the European Union project under the Erasmus+ program, directed by Jean Monnet "Tailoring European Memory Politics for Peacemaking in Ukrainian Society" (620386-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE)

Our teachers participated in the exchange of research ideas, shared their knowledge and gained unique experience, in particular, presenting theses on the topic "Cultural heritage of Ukraine during russian aggression 2022: the politics of memory".

Cultural heritage is the property of all humanity, a testament to the cultural diversity of the world, and a link between human generations. In the conditions of war, the preservation of cultural heritage becomes an extremely important and extraordinary mission.

This project paves the way for understanding the importance of preserving and developing national identity in difficult times, promotes national consciousness and peace building.

Together we study, adapt and apply the best practices of Europe in memory policy to preserve the cultural heritage of Ukraine.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the conference!


SUTE students took part in the online event "Woman in diplomacy: a challenge or a mission?"

On December 15, 2023, students of the State University of Trade and Economics, Faculty of International Trade and Law, 1st year, 3rd group, studying under the "Political Science of International Relations" educational program, took an active part in the discussions and discussions that took place during the online event " A woman in diplomacy: a challenge or a mission?

The meeting was a favorable platform for the exchange of ideas and views on the role of women in the world of diplomacy. The challenges faced by women in this field were considered, and the potential and contribution of women in international relations were discussed.

The event highlighted the importance of equality and inclusiveness in diplomacy, and highlighted the roles already being played by outstanding women diplomats around the world.

We thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate in this event and express our hope for similar initiatives in the future.


Internship for students of sociology at SUTE

The beginning of practical training for students of sociologists in the correspondence form of education became the starting point for further practical training of master's and bachelor's sociologists of the State University of Trade and Economics!

The basis of practice was the Communal Research Institute "Research Institute of Socio-Economic Development of the City", with which the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science plans to enter into a cooperation agreement.

At the founding conference, students were presented with tasks and revealed modern approaches to studying the city space using visual methods.

Our sociologist students had the opportunity to participate in an exciting study conducted by the "Research Institute of Socio-Economic Development of the City".

This is an incredible opportunity to develop your potential and acquire practical skills in social research. We wish all participants fruitful practice and interesting research!


Master class "Sociology: What? Where? Why?" in SUTE!

Today, the Admissions Day at the State University of Trade and Economics turned out to be useful and interesting!

Entrants had the opportunity to join the friendly atmosphere of our university, and took part in the master class "Sociology: What? Where? Why?", conducted by Nataliya KROKHMAL and Olga GORPYNYCH.

Study and understand the important aspects of sociology in the economic field and learn how it can change your future!

On Entrants Day at SUTE, you can expect:

• Meeting with highly qualified teachers.

• Answers to all questions about the specialty.

• Immersion in the atmosphere of our university.

Let your choice become even more conscious and deliberate!

Seize the opportunity to change your future together with the State University of Trade and Economics!


Individual day of SUTE entrant

On November 23, 2023, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, and Political Science of the State University of Trade and Economics held an individual admissions day.

  It was an interesting event, where the entrants had a unique opportunity to talk with a leading specialist in the field of sociology, Professor Natalia SHUST and Master of the department Nikita Omelchenko.

• They learned about all the intricacies of the educational process at SUTE.

• They talked about student research and the secrets of successful studies.

• Considered important details of the educational program "Sociology of economic activity".

We are waiting for you in the auditoriums of SUTE!

Do not miss your chance to become part of the dynamic and innovative environment of our university. Together with us, you will be able to reveal your potential and get a high-quality education in the field of sociology!

Choose your path to success with SUTE!


Meeting with a stakeholder of the Educational Program "Digital Sociology"

On November 28, 2023, sociology students of the EP "Digital Sociology" Master's program had the opportunity to talk with Olena KLYMENKO, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professor and senior researcher of the Social Expertise Department of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The topic of the meeting: "The work of a sociologist - the possibility of manipulating data."

Olena KLYMENKO, using specific sociological research, shares examples from practice and reveals common mistakes in data presentation.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider the mechanisms of data manipulation so that future sociologists are ready for the challenges of today.

Questions and answers:

Olena Klymenko opened a space for discussion of the future profession of a sociologist and answered questions about modern requirements for sociologists and sociology in general.

Future sociologists: educated, open to dialogue and aware of the importance of ethical data use.

We are always open to new knowledge and discussions.

On November 24, 2023, the charity event "Donor Days" took place at the State University of Trade and Economics!

Our university united students, teachers and staff to support an important cause - blood donation. This action allows us to contribute to saving the lives of all those who need help.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all participants who took part in the event, as well as to those who have already become donors. Your willingness to help and selfless initiative deserve the highest praise.

Let our joint contribution to the life-saving cause of blood donation be an example for others.

Thank you all for your active participation and huge contribution to an important cause!


Meeting with students of faculty of international trade and law (1st year, 3rd group of EP "Political science of international relations"

On November 23, 2023, a meeting was held with students of the 1st year of the 3rd group of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, studying under the educational program "Political Science of International Relations"

The head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Professor Alla KRAVCHENKO and the mentor of the academic group, Professor Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY, held a constructive conversation with our first-year students.

Main topics of discussion:

• Success and pace of group development during the semester control.

• Anxiety and preparation for the first exam session.

• Elective subjects: interests and priorities of the educational program.

The group demonstrated a high level of responsibility and self-organization by creating an interactive blitz chat and voting on discipline choices.

We are grateful for your active participation and desire for joint improvement of the educational process!


International Student Day

Every year on November 17, we celebrate International Student Day - a holiday that unites young people from all over the world in one big family of learning and hope!

Student years are full of joy and faith in a bright future.

Today, at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, we celebrate this holiday together as one big family!

The best time is the time spent with mentors of academic groups, such as Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY, who greeted his 1st-year students studying in the "Political Science of International Relations" educational program.

We not only learn, but also support each other on the way to victory!


Individual Day of an entrant at the State University of Trade and Economics!

Today, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science opened its doors for future entrants, students of the 11th grade of the Princely Lyceum of Brovar city council of Brovar district of Kyiv region.

Our guests had a unique opportunity to talk with the head of the department, Professor Alla KRAVCHENKO and Professor Lyubomir HUBYTSKY, and learned more about the educational programs "Sociology of Economic Activity" and "Political Science of International Relations".

We are waiting for our future students in the auditoriums of SUTE!

Let this day be the beginning of your journey to your dream university!


All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sociocultural Foundations of Economy and Politics: Interrelationships, Trends, Contradictions"

On November 16, 2023, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science held the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sociocultural Foundations of Economy and Politics: Interrelationships, Trends, Contradictions"

More than 80 people took part in the event, including scientists from 10 leading universities of Ukraine as well as practitioners.

The Vice-Rector for Research, Pedagogical Affairs and International Relations, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Anzhelika GERASYMENKO and the Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Yuliia

HONCHAROVA gave a welcome speech. They focused attention on the relevance of the issues of the conference, identified its key vectors and tasks and inspired the participants for a fruitful scientific discussion and the generation of significant scientific and practical results.

The key speakers of the conference were: Ukrainian politician, public figure, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 8th convocation Boryslav BEREZA, Dr. Sciences, professor, rector of the Poltava University of Economics and Trade Oleksiy NESTULIA, Ph.D. of Sciences, associate professor, director of the educational and scientific institute of leadership of the Poltava University of Economics and Trade Svitlana NESTULYA, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Yaroslav the Wise National Law University Ihor 

POLISHCHUK, Doctor of Social Sciences, professor, senior researcher of the Department of Social Expertise of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Olena KLYMENKO, Ph.D., leading researcher, Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies named after I.F. Kuras NAS of Ukraine Rostyslav BALABAN.

The participants of the conference highlighted the current issues of the relationship between the economy and politics in the context of the European integration of Ukraine, the deepening of the analysis of world political and economic trends, the determination of the sociocultural principles of the interaction of political and economic factors in the development of a transitory society, which is under the influence of external challenges and threats.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of theses will be issued and published on the SUTE website.

We sincerely thank the participants of the conference for their fruitful work!


Scientific cooperation with Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

On November 15, 2023, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY took part in the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES", which was held on the basis of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

At the conference, Professor Lyubomyr HUBYTSKY delivered a report on the current topic "The ban on the import of Ukrainian grain to Poland in 2023: a misunderstanding or a deliberate step?"

At the conference, colleagues from Poland Professor Andrzej Wawryniuk and Professor Oksana Voytyuk shared their own results of scientific research. Research by scientists has become a source of new thoughts and approaches to understanding the complexities of international relations.


Cooperation with Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

We continue to work with the staff of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the topic "Professional ethics of a civil servant. Business and official etiquette".

We are looking for answers to questions:

• * What should a modern ethical leader be: kind or tough, authoritarian or democratic?

• * What for is etiquette in the 21st century?

• * Does the state of war allow violation of the protocol?

Docendo discĭmus. We learn by teaching.


Round table on the topic "Historical past and present of Ukraine in the context of Russian aggression"

Today, November 14, 2023, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, led by Candidate of Historical Sciences Vitaly RAZITSKY, held a student round table in an online format on the topic "Historical past and present of Ukraine in the context of Russian aggression". The participants of the round table touched on topical issues of Ukraine's historical past and present.

Our aspiration lies in the in-depth understanding of complex historical processes affecting the present.

Thanks to all participants who joined the discussion and shared their views and opinions

We hope that such events will become an important step in understanding the recent history of our country.


Meeting of students of the 3rd and 4th year of the FITL with the dean of the faculty and the head of the department

Today, students of the 3rd and 4th year studying in the educational program "Political Science of International Relations" met with the Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, Yulia GONCHAROVA, and the Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Alla KRAVCHENKO

Discuss key issues regarding the educational process. An important exchange of ideas took place regarding the preparation for the session and the prospects of future study at the master's degree.

We thank Julia GONCHAROVIA for her dedication to students and interest in their development

Together we are building the future of education, where every voice matters!


Round table "Sociology in the career of a young specialist"

The round table "Sociology in the career of a young specialist" was held on November 8, 2023 at the State University of Trade and Economics.

Under the leadership of Professor Natalia SHUST and with the participation of associate professors of the department Olga GORPYNYCH and Natalia KROKHMAL, the participants of the round table explored the important role of sociology and sociological methods in the self-determination of young specialists.

This event helped to expand knowledge about sociological methods in various sectors of society and contributed to the popularization of specialty 054 "Sociology". Students had a great opportunity to exchange ideas and deepen their knowledge of sociology.

We remind you that the professional growth and career achievements of young specialists depend on deep knowledge and innovative scientific approaches.

Many thanks to everyone who joined this event!


Evening in memory of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi

On November 5, 2023, an evening was held in memory of an outstanding personality of Ukrainian history - Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi. His activities had a huge impact on the development of the national and religious life of Ukraine.

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi was not only a spiritual leader, but also an active public figure, he supported education, culture and humanitarian values. His faith and devotion to the Ukrainian people prompted him to act at the most important moments in Ukrainian history.

The evening in memory of Andrey Sheptytsky became an important occasion to honor the historical memory of an outstanding personality. Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Lubomyr HUBYTSKY took part in the event. This event shows the importance of studying the history of Ukraine and the activities of prominent figures who influenced its development.

We believe that the memory of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi inspires us to further search for historical truths, develop culture and education, and support the Ukrainian spirit

May his legacy live on in our hearts and inspire us to do great things.

Applicant`s Day at the State University of Trade and Economics

On November 4, 2023, the State University of Trade and Economics hosted the Applicant`s Day.

Master class "Political scientists of international relations as drivers of post-war reconstruction" was conducted by candidate of political sciences, associate professor Iryna PROKOPCHUK. She shared her many years of experience in the field of political science and international relations, inspiring young people to pursue a successful career.

Associate Professor Serhiy HUDKOV led an exciting tour of our university. Entrants had the opportunity to get acquainted with our educational institution and its infrastructure.

The professional training and career opportunities of a political scientist and sociologist aroused considerable interest of the entrants. We believe that our future students will make history and make significant contributions to social and international affairs.

Thank you to everyone who came and participated in our Applicant`s Day!

We are planning many more exciting events in the near future, so stay tuned.


Round table "Philosophy of art and creativity"

On October 31, 2023, the active student community of the State University of Trade and Economics, studying philosophy under the leadership of Professor Andrii MOROZOV, took part in a round table dedicated to deep issues that unite philosophy and art.

Such events help to expand the worldview, deepen the understanding of creativity and develop personal potential.

  Participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas, learn new concepts and deepen their knowledge.

We believe that such initiatives help to grow both intellectually and culturally.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in our event!


Meeting with first year students of faculty of international trade and law, (EP Political Science of International Relations)

On October 27, 2023, a meeting was held with the students of FITL, 1st year, 3rd group (EP Political Science of International Relations), which was attended by the head of the department, Professor Alla KRAVCHENKO and the mentor of the group, Professor Lyubomir GUBYTSKY.

Many topical issues related to student life, everyday life and communications with management were discussed.

Students exchanged opinions, ideas and plans for improving the academic environment.

The joint work of students and teachers always leads to positive changes, We plan to actively cooperate on solving important issues in the future.

Together we are capable of a lot, and are ready to overcome new challenges together!


Round table "Civic education as a means of forming civic and national identity"

On October 26, 2023, a round table was held at the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The topic of the round table was "Civic education as a means of forming civic and national identity". It was attended by well-known experts in the field of education, who were joined by teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, in particular Associate Professor Nataliya Krokhmal who shared her experience and noted the importance of civic education for the formation of civic consciousness and national identity.

The participants of the event actively discussed various aspects of civic education, in particular:

- Conceptual foundations of civic education.

- The special role of civic education in the conditions of war and for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

- Experience of civic education in the member states of the European Union.

- Peculiarities of civic education at different levels of education.

The round table has become an important platform for the exchange of opinions and ideas in the field of civic education. The participants of the event are sure that such initiatives will contribute to the further development of education in Ukraine and the formation of active and responsible citizens.


New horizons in media sociology and sociology of consumption!

On October 20, 2023, students of the 1st year of the master's degree, students of 4th year of the bachelor's degree in "Sociology" and students of the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree in the educational program "Commodity Science and Commercial Logistics" of the Faculty of Trade and Marketing gathered at an interesting workshop.

Our guests today are the StarLight Brend Content company (Starlight Media) and the Brend Booster integrated solutions agency. Ivan Sorokin, a sponsor project management specialist, shared with students the latest ideas and approaches to integrating brands into content.

The topic of the meeting: "Sociological dimension of brands and content: management of sponsorship projects and cross-media integrations."

Ivan Sorokin told about his own story of professional career development on television and answered students' questions.

We sincerely thank you for an interesting and fruitful meeting that brought invaluable knowledge and inspiration to the young generation of students!


"The war of identities, the way to victory - historical truth"

On October 19, an interesting event took place at our university, a meeting with candidate of historical sciences, director of the public organization "Strategic Development Center" Andrii Nitsoi.

University is not only about studying, it is an opportunity to meet interesting speakers and learn something new and important!

A charge of positive mood, exciting discussions, active questions and unforgettable impressions - that's what we got after this event!

Move forward with us!


Round table "Qualification gap: ways to overcome it by higher education. Forecasts"

On October 17, 2023, within the framework of the discipline "Sociology of Economy and Trade", students of the 3rd year of the bachelor's degree in the specialty 054 Sociology of the educational and professional program "Sociology of Economic Activity" attended the round table "Qualification gap: ways to overcome it by higher education." Forecasts", conducted by the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. The scientists of the institutes that organized the event gave reports on the comparative analysis of the requirements of the labor market and the standards of higher education and educational programs, decision-making and information support of the labor market, "green" competence, skills and abilities in Ukraine, the dynamics of requirements for digital abilities and skills, etc., as well as rector of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management Oleksandr Bondar, professor of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management Tetyana Galushkina, head of the Expert Advisory Committee on Digital Technologies in Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, external expert on digital competences Ministry of Digital Transformation Tetyana Nanaeva and others. We thank the organizers of the round table for the opportunity to participate in the discussion of important issues and problems for Ukraine.


Online meeting of masters-sociologists with the project manager of the NGO "Eastern Ukrainian Center of Public Initiatives" Alina Serga

On October 6, 2023, an interesting and useful online meeting of our 4th-year bachelor's and master's students in sociology took place with the project manager of the NGO "Eastern Ukrainian Center of Public Initiatives" - Alina Serga!

Students had the opportunity to ask questions about the role of sociologists in the center's projects and talk with a practicing sociologist on important topics for Ukrainian society.

The Eastern Ukrainian Center for Public Initiatives is a non-governmental human rights organization that works to restore justice and peace in Ukraine. They document human rights violations, provide legal assistance to victims, and stimulate public dialogue on issues important to overcoming the consequences of war.

Learn more about the work of this organization at the link: https://totalaction.org.ua/

We are grateful to the NGO "Eastern Ukrainian Center for Public Initiatives" for the opportunity of such an interesting meeting, and we believe that the joint work of sociologists and human rights defenders is important for the development of our society and building a just future.

Join us and take an active part in important social initiatives!


Admission day at the State University of Trade and Economics!

October 7, 2023 became a productive day for everyone who dreams of studying at the State University of Trade and Economics.

Our team is happy to answer all your questions and share useful information of interest to you, prospective students!

Master class from Natalia KROKHMAL and Olga HORPYNYCH:

Learn more about the unique educational programs that we offer:

  • "Sociology of economic activity" - where you can reveal and develop your analytical potential and join the development of the state, having acquired unique knowledge and skills.
  • "Political science of international relations" for those who seek to understand the modern political picture of the world and participate in shaping the future.

Come and join our university community!

Don't miss your chance to get information from professionals and discover the world of knowledge and opportunities offered by the State University of Trade and Economics!


Joint round table "European integration processes in Ukrainian education"

An important event organized by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of SUTE together with teachers and students of Specialized School No. 189 with in-depth study of English and German in Kyiv.

This event was an important stage of career orientation work and dialogue about the future of Ukrainian education. Thanks to the work of the round table, we were able to deepen our understanding of the European integration processes taking place in our country.

At the meeting, interesting reports were presented by the department's associate professors Olga GORPYNYCH and Natalia KROKHMAL, history teachers Natalia KONON and Alla MAYAKA, as well as students - Anna SHESTOPALOVA and Anna SAMOILENKO.

The interest and active participation of the students gave us the impression that the young generation of our country is ready for important changes and actively participates in the discussion of key issues of European integration of Ukraine.

We would like to thank the Specialized School of I-III degrees #189 with in-depth study of English and German in the Desnyan district of Kyiv for the opportunity to share knowledge and ideas. This event was an important step on the way to improving the educational process in Ukraine!


Individual Applicant day

On October 5, an individual applicant day was held, organized by the associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Nataliya KROKHMAL for students of the 11A and 11B classes of the Specialized School I-III degrees #189 with in-depth study of English and German in the Desnyan district of Kyiv.

29 gifted students took part in the event, and it was a great opportunity for them to familiarize themselves with the study opportunities at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of SUTE. At this meeting, they received comprehensive information about current and modern specialties:

 - Sociology (EP "Sociology of economic activity")

 -  Political science (EP "Political science of international relations")

At the meeting, students learned about the advantages of each specialty, prospects for career development after receiving the appropriate education, and received all the necessary information about the admission process to the State University of Trade and Economics.

The participants of the event were invited to the Day of DTEU entrants, where they will be able to get to know the educational process and atmosphere of the university in more detail.

Want to learn more? Join us for Applicant Day!


Hello freshman!

We are happy to welcome you to the family of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of International Trade and Law of SUTE

Congratulations on your first year of student life

Despite everything, we continue to live, study and work, and start a new academic semester with new strength and inspiration for present and future generations!

We wish you new achievements and a peaceful sky above your head!

With faith in victory and with love in the heart of SUTE, Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science


Among the air raid sirens, an Open Day was held at SUTE

On August 20, 2022, an Open Day was held at SUTE between air raid sirens.  Among future entrants, specialties of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, in particular, political science of international relations and sociology of economic activity, are of interest. Visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the material base of the university, received answers to topical questions about educational programs, specialties and specializations and about the implementation of the admission campaign. We are looking forward to seeing new students in the SUTE family!

The first graduation of bachelors of the educational program "Sociology of economic activity"

Congratulations to the first graduation of bachelors of the educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity" of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the Faculty of International Trade and Law!

Good luck to our graduates! You became the first bachelors of the educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity", and your success is the embodiment of our joint enormous work and efforts.

During your studies, you have mastered deep knowledge of sociology, economics and political sciences, which will undoubtedly be useful to you in your future professional activities. You studied the complex relationships between the economy and society, analyzed problems and trends in the modern world. Now you are ready to contribute to the development of society and help understand complex socio-economic processes.

The acquired skills of analysis, research and understanding of social processes in the economy will be valuable for companies, organizations and institutions that seek to understand their consumers, develop effective strategies and implement socially responsible approaches.

We are proud of you and are confident that you will become excellent professionals capable of making positive changes in the field of sociology of economic activity. May your career be full of exciting challenges, successes and achievements!

May your knowledge, experience and perseverance always support you on the way to achieving your dreams and conquering new heights!

We are proud! Together to victory!


Applicant`s Day at the State University of Trade and Economics

We always look forward to welcoming new students to the State University of Trade and Economics. The admission campaign (the entrance campaign) will begin soon.

We understand how important it is for you to choose the best university to get a quality education and create a future career.

STEU is an educational institution that opens many opportunities for your professional growth and personal development.

Stay with us and join the STEU admission campaign to learn more about admission requirements, dates of admission tests and much more! Follow our pages in social networks and the official knute.edu.ua website - https://knute.edu.ua/fmtp

Do not miss the opportunity to join the academic family of SUTE!

  SUTE is a set of prospects and successful ways in the future.

We look forward to meeting you, applicants!

knute.edu.ua (https://knute.edu.ua/fmtp)


Final meeting of mentors of academic groups of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

Today we would like to share the results achieved in working with students during the academic year at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.

This academic year has been a time of countless achievements and exciting explorations, thanks to the tireless work of our talented students and their dedicated mentors. The exciting energy and interest in our academic groups has been a real force for learning and development.

During the year, students of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science researched various topics, conducted their own scientific works and actively participated in discussion groups. They showed high independence, critical thinking and the ability to work collectively. Thanks to this, they have achieved impressive results in their student projects, conferences and publications. Students of the 2nd year of the 5th group of the "Sociology" specialty were nominated for the title of "Best Group of the Faculty".

The Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science is also proud of its mentors, who supported students with great enthusiasm and dedication throughout the year. Your professional expertise, mentoring qualities and ability to inspire and support students deserve the highest praise.

Of course, the academic year was full of challenges, but our students and mentors showed great resilience and endurance. They have faced new ideas, societal challenges and challenging research tasks, proving that they have the potential to become leaders in their fields.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our students for their hard work and passion for learning.

We also thank our mentors for their dedicated work and constant support. You put your heart and soul into forming the next generation of sociologists and political scientists.

Let the next academic year bring even more success, research and mutual understanding. Together we build unforgettable academic memories and move forward to new achievements.


Realization of practical competencies of the students of faculty of international trade and law while studying the discipline "Sociology"

The discipline "Sociology" forms the practical competencies of future specialists in terms of knowledge of the laws of social development and conducting quantitative and qualitative sociological research using modern methods for the purpose of qualitative analysis and forecasting of the development of Ukrainian reality. As part of studying the discipline, students Anastasia Khymenko (2.4), Valeriya Fedorchuk (2.3a), Ihor Chernyavskyi (2.3a) conducted their own research on relevant topics: peculiarities of migration processes in the period of external threats, social aspects of religion in modern Ukrainian society, social - the economic consequences of the aging of the Ukrainian population in the system of external factors and threats, the introduction of compulsory military service for women. Some of the articles that were prepared on the basis of these studies were accepted to the student scientific platform of the University of Cambridge, and a part is placed on the electronic scientific resource "Academy".


Sincere congratulations to our first bachelors of specialty 054 "Sociology" (Educational Program "Sociology of economic activity")

Our important achievement is the successful defense of qualification works! The time you invest in your undergraduate years researching the sociology of economic activity will surely pay off in the future. We hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will be extremely useful to you in your career.

We wish you an endless search for new knowledge, success in further studies, as well as many interesting opportunities for professional growth. May your future steps be filled with great achievements and you will have a great opportunity to make the world a better place thanks to your sociological expertise.

Congratulations once again and we wish you great success on the way to improving your achievements!

  Great job Bachelors!


Results of the academic year: achievements and successes.

Our teachers participated in a number of grant projects, which confirms their high professional level and active activity in the scientific field.

Research grants were successfully obtained in the following key areas:

Doctor of historical sciences, professor Lyubomyr GUBYTSKY, thanks to a grant provided in 2022 by the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Canada, University of Alberta), worked on collecting materials in the archives of Lviv and Lutsk to highlight the problem of "Organized aid to the starving in Ukraine by Ukrainians of Zakerzonny in 1932-1933".

He completed an internship at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" (Uniwersytet Warszawski) at the expense of the NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange) scholarship. Research topic: "Trade of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Hetman Ukraine in the 18th century."

Doctor of Philosophy Alla KRAVCHENKO and Mykola LIPIN participate in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet grant project "Creating inclusive University Climate", from October 1, 2022 - 2025. This project is of great importance for the formation of the administrative and pedagogical staff's understanding of the need to introduce new tools management, the driving forces of which will be a new comfortable inclusive university climate.

We are proud of our teachers, who work fruitfully on their own scientific development and actively participate in grant projects. Their efforts are aimed at constantly improving the quality of education and developing innovative approaches. This makes it possible to provide students with the opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of the modern labor market.

Working on grant projects, teachers of the department contribute to the creation of a network of scientific partnerships and cooperation with other universities and scientific institutions. This allows you to exchange experience, get new ideas and deepen scientific knowledge.

We continue to work on new challenges and tasks in order to further expand our scientific achievements and contribute to the development of education and science.


Meeting of the labor team of our department

The teachers gathered together to discuss a number of important issues related to our academic process, the development of the department and the modernization of the educational space.

Focus on achievements, cooperation and innovation - these are the key aspects noted by the Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, Yulia Goncharova.

We are proud of our large community, which joins all initiatives and makes the department and faculty a special place for learning and professional growth.

We are confident that these new initiatives and updates will help us reach even greater heights! The Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science is always open to new ideas and cooperation!

Do not forget to follow the updates on our pages and join the cooperation. Together we create an unforgettable learning environment for all of us!


State University of trade and economics donor days

Leading specialist of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Svitlana Kazmirchuk joined another line of defense - she donated blood for our defenders. To be a donor is to share goodness. We help together with DTEU.


Admission Day at the State University of Trade and Economics

The admission day at the State University of Trade and Economics includes educational programs of State University of trade and economics, unforgettable tours of the university, getting to know teachers and students, interesting master classes, and a tour of classrooms and the university campus:

* is to see everything with your own eyes and enter your dream specialty.

* this is the first step towards your dream.

Choose the right professional career path!


State University of Trade and Economics unites!

The big family of the State University of Trade and Economics - all generations of graduates, students, teachers, employees and our partners year after year support the friendly tradition of gathering together on University Day. We sincerely believe in our victory! Power together! Until the new meetings of SUTE!


Congratulations from the staff of the department to the head of the department Kravchenko Alla Anatoliivna with an honorary award

The team of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science sincerely congratulates Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Alla Kravchenko with the honorary award "Excellence of Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine!

We are proud! Together to victory!


Meeting with a stakeholder

A meeting with Shapovalov Vladyslav, a stakeholder, a leading specialist-practitioner, a candidate of mathematical sciences, a doctor of philosophy, an associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko. The meeting was attended by teachers of the department, postgraduate students of the majors "Philosophy", "Political Science", "International Economy". The meeting began with an opening speech by Dr. Ph.D., professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Andriy Morozov, who introduced the invited guest to the audience and introduced the audience to the general circle of problems of metaphysics and its relevance for the philosophical discourse of the 21st century. Vladyslav Shapovalov presented a report-presentation on the topic "The metaphysical problem of the mental being as a theoretical foundation of the modern philosophy of artificial intelligence." The report touched on interdisciplinary issues at the intersection of philosophy of knowledge, philosophy of science, mathematics and cybernetics, and naturally caused a lively discussion, in which teachers and graduate students took part. The results of the meeting were summarized by the head of the department, Ph.D., Professor Alla Kravchenko, noting the fruitfulness of such discussions both for scientific work and from the point of view of exchange of experience and cooperation between scientists of SUTE and KNU named after Taras Shevchenko.



From May 17 to 30, 2023, a series of lectures entitled "A CLOSER LOOK AT UKRAINE: WAR AND TESTIMONIES ON LIFE" was held at Jaume I University in Spain. Teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of International Trade and Law - Natalya LYTVYN and Vitaly RAZITSKY took part in the event.

During the lectures, presentations were made in a foreign language on the following topics:

1️⃣ "The historical past of Ukraine in the context of the military events of February-March 2022"

2️⃣ "Never say never: testimonies of refugees from Ukraine"

3️⃣ "Russian military invasion through the prism of the European vector of Ukraine's development"

The following issues were brought up for discussion:

✔️ Revolution of Dignity

✔️ Annexation of Crimea

✔️ Military operations in Donbas

✔️ Hybrid war and the Ukrainian experience of confrontation

✔️ War crimes in February-March 2022

The lectures were recorded on video for further use in the educational process of students at Jaume I University (Spain)

Together we create a conscious society, spread the light and hope of Ukraine on the way to peace and justice. Share this post and join the discussion!


An educational event for the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Genocide of the Crimean Tatar People

The participants of the event returned to the distant year 1944, when the first echelon of Crimean Tatars was sent to Central Asia from Crimea and the terrible word "deportation" sounded which crippled many human destinies and took hundreds of lives of the indigenous population of Crimea. Many families were separated forever.

Today, every Ukrainian shares with the Crimean Tatar people the pain of the tragedy of May 18, 1944. This date reminds us that it is possible to criminally take away the people's land, but it is impossible to take away the people's spirit and will.

About the tragic pages of our history from the department's qualified researchers, candidates of historical sciences: Nataliya HUSYEVA, Olena KRASILNIKOVA and Iryna KYZYMENKO.


If you are interested in history and want to learn a lot of new things, we invite you to our thematic events.

 International student round table on the topic "Ukraine and Europe in the XXI century: past and future"

"Ukraine and Europe in the XXI century: past and future" international student round table at the State University of Trade and Economics at the Faculty of International Trade and Law together with Spanish colleagues from Jaume I University at the Faculty of History, Geography and Art.

Together with Ukrainian and Spanish students, they discussed the most important issues of today that require attention and research.

Ukraine and Spain:

o common aspects of history;

o past and future relations in Europe;

o Eurocentrism as a philosophical problem;

o from the post-Soviet generation to the Maidan generation;

o Ukraine's challenges and integration prospects in the context of Russian aggression in 2022.

The interest in Ukraine as a state, its common history with European countries testifies to the relevance of the event and prospects for further cooperation.

We give our sincere thanks to all participants for their fruitful work!


Meeting with students of the 4th course of the specialty 052 "Sociology"

4 years of difficult student life in the conditions of a pandemic and war flew by very quickly, in time to prepare for the defense of a bachelor's thesis and the prospect of entering a master's degree under the "Digital Sociology" educational program.

Obtaining a master's degree demonstrates a high level of academic ability and shows the ability to deeply analyze information, independent thinking and research work. This can be an important criterion when entering positions with high requirements and in a competitive environment.

Choosing to enter the master's program is an important step in the in-depth study of the chosen field, the expansion of career opportunities and the acquisition of new knowledge that can be used to make a significant contribution to the world of sociology and social sciences.

We wish our students to achieve their goals and realize themselves on the chosen path.


Joint meeting of the groups for the provision of specialties of the third level of higher education 033 "Philosophy" and 052 "Political science"

Scientific work with graduate students is one of the priority directions of the department's activity. The general strategy of this work is formed by the joint efforts of political scientists, sociologists, and philosophers. Exchange of ideas, brainstorming, formation of a joint strategy - this is the general format of today's meeting. At the meeting, project work on improving the structure of dissertation research and improving the quality of work with graduate students was discussed.


Round table on "Global threat to peace"

"Global threat to peace" round table was held at which the most relevant issues of today, which require further attention and research, were discussed:

• - the crisis of the international security system in the context of the current escalation of Russian aggression;

• - the geopolitical basis of the Kremlin's foreign policy system;

• - research of the security potential of the Ukrainian state in a long-term confrontation with Moscow;

• - Russian historical narratives in the information war.

We express our sincere thanks to all participants for their fruitful work!

Receive interesting information and follow our announcements.


Individual day of the applicant

Today, students of schools in Chernihiv, Poltava, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Izmail, Kryvyi Rih, Kyiv and Kyiv region attended the Individual Admission Day at the State University of Trade and Economics to learn more about majors 052 "Political Science" and 054 "Sociology".

The teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science told future entrants and their parents about new educational programs, active participation of students in scientific, artistic and sports events, as well as their achievements. Entrants had the opportunity to ask questions about studying at the university, organizing leisure time and living in dormitories.

If you want to learn more about our university, meet with teachers and representatives of the admissions committee, write to us at kfs@knute.edu.ua.

Do not forget that the meeting can take place both offline and online. We are waiting for you!


"Business ethics as a means of establishing effective business relations"

The student round table discussed issues that are particularly relevant in the current conditions and require more attention and further study:

• strengthening of morality, ethical principles in the social and economic spheres;

• formation of trust between business partners;

• business etiquette: principles of communication with partners;

• national peculiarities of business ethics in different countries of the world and the image of a business person.

We express our sincere thanks to all participants for their fruitful work!

To receive interesting information, follow our announcements.


Is a tribunal on Russian propagandists possible?

Teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, World Economy answered this question together with students during a round table. The event was held on the topic "Information warfare in the context of Russian aggression: how propaganda can become evidence of the commission of war crimes."

Inna Polyanska, senior analyst of the hybrid threat analysis group of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, visited us and talked about the main narratives of Russian propaganda for 2022.

Students prepared answers to current problems of the negative impact of propaganda and gave practical advice on how ordinary Ukrainians can help in documenting war crimes.

They also talked about the information policy of Ukraine and the EU in the context of a hybrid war, assessed the main challenges and threats, and looked for practical ways to counter the negative influence of Russian propaganda.

Thank you to the participants of the round table for their participation!


Political scientists vs Sociologists: competitors or colleagues?

We asked ourselves this question at our university lecture hall.

Sociologists without political scientists run the risk of never influencing social trends (and, to hide the sin, will be left without many profitable orders).

Political scientists without sociologists are like blind kittens, forced to build strategies only on assumptions (and because of this, they constantly fail).

So they came to the conclusion that political scientists and sociologists together are love and a fruitful union.

Want to know why, according to political scientists and sociologists, Harry Potter defeated Voldemort?

Follow our events!


Congratulations to future students!

Entrants from Kryvyi Rih, Kherson, Kyiv, Stryi, Zhytomyr, Boryspil and other parts of Ukraine attended an individual Entrant's Day at the State University of Trade and Economics to learn more about majors 052 "Political Science" and 054 "Sociology".

The teachers talked about new educational programs, as well as the active participation of students in art events and sports competitions.

Future applicants asked many questions and showed interest in our university. We believe that DTEU will help them get a decent education and realize their potential.

Future students, we will be glad to see you in our big family! We look forward to new meetings and wish you success in your studies!

Monograph "Human Life Cycle"

In March 2023, the Naukova dumka published the collective monograph "Human Life Cycle", prepared by the joint efforts of authoritative Ukrainian scientists, professors of the State University of Trade and Economics, the National Academy of Managerial Personnel of Culture and Arts, and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. One of the co-authors of the monograph is our colleague, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Andriy Yuriyovych Morozov.

The monograph is devoted to the modeling of the human life cycle. The person himself is considered as an open, complex, self-organizing system. The research shows that the origins of the birth, development, aging and death of a person are laid even during the emergence of life as such and acquire characteristics during the long evolutionary process. The final part of the book presents a philosophical view on the problems of life and death, as well as the role of mystical (trans-personal) experience in personal spiritual development.

The book will be of interest to all those who want to obtain scientific data on complex worldview problems of life and death in different cultures of the world.

Excursions in State University of trade and economics

Unforgettable Admission Day took place at the State University of Trade and Economics! We were happy to welcome students and learn about their impressions of student life. Our student representatives shared their admission experience and talked about important moments in student life.

Master classes from professional teachers and tours of the university were especially interesting. Our best tour guides from the department of philosophy, sociology and political science, Svitlana Radchenko and Svitlana Kazmirchuk, led an unforgettable tour, showing the most beautiful places of our university.

We are sure that useful information about our educational programs and specialties will help you with the vector of choosing your future profession! Join our family and become part of the best educational community in the country! Join the State University of Trade and Economics today!

Master Class in Political Science

Even the morning air raid did not prevent SUTE from introducing future entrants to the University.

Do you know what has changed this year from our experience of conducting master classes within the framework of Open Days? More and more young people are wondering how they can be useful to Ukraine. And when choosing a specialty, they are motivated by the answer to this question.

So, the choice of the educational program "Political Science of International Relations" at SUTE is an opportunity to directly influence both the political future of our country and its position in the international arena. After all, PR and advocacy of national interests are up to us.

Educational meetings with the curator are an effective form of interaction between students and teachers at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

The days and weeks of the academic semester in wartime have passed extremely rapidly, and the moment has already come when it is necessary to sum up the results of learning. On December 27, 2022, Lyubomyr Vladimirovich Hubytskyi held a meeting with his wards of the 3rd year students of the 5th group, studying under the educational program "Political Science of International Relations" at the Faculty of International Trade and Law. All the challenges of the difficult educational process 2022 have been overcome, the New Year 2023 and faith in victory are ahead!

They discussed life and study in wartime conditions, safety rules during an air raid and expressed sincere gratitude for the high professionalism of the teachers at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science and interesting training at SUTE.

With faith in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and mutual warm and sincere wishes, hope and optimism, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Meeting with 4th year students of specialty 052 "Sociology"

Between power outages, difficulties with the Internet, air raids, and with great faith in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on December 23, 2022, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science held a meeting with 4th year students, future bachelor's graduates in 2023.

It is a pleasure to communicate with adults, smart students who four years ago joined the SUTE family and chose the educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity". Many issues were discussed: the difficulties of the educational process in the conditions of war, the quality of academic performance for the semester, the features of the educational program, practice and the future dream diploma. There are still many things to do, among which admission to a master's degree program is important.

We wish our talented students to achieve their goals, realize themselves, reach hitherto unconquered heights, let the knowledge gained at our university help to rise to a much higher quality level.

Happy New Year!


Interesting meetings with specialists in the field of sociology at the State University of Trade and Economics continue: another useful master class "Profession-sociologist" from Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Myroslava Pavlivna Kukhta.

"A sociologist must be active, he must be public – to be in the thick of things, to address society in order to know the laws of social functioning or life and to choose the right model of its future," said M.P. Kukhta.

The educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity" at the State University of Trade and Economics is comprehensive, systematic, thorough and provides an opportunity to implement theoretical knowledge in practice. Qualified teachers work with students in a modern dialogue style, which contributes to the formation of sociologists as real social analysts.

Round table on the topic: "Communication paradigms of our time"

On November 28, 2022, on the basis of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, a student ROUND TABLE WAS HELD ON THE TOPIC: "COMMUNICATION PARADIGMS OF OUR TIME". The purpose of the round table was to highlight topical issues and prospects for studying the theories and practices of social interaction in the context of dynamic changes in modern societies. The reports were prepared and presented by 2-4 year students majoring in "Sociology". The issues of modern risks and threats of communication, gender, cross-cultural interaction, transformation of communication practices as a result of migration processes, etc., were raised. The teaching staff of the department also took part in the discussion of an important topic. The round table was held at a high level in an atmosphere of lively discussion, despite all technical obstacles.



Despite the difficult situation in the country, constant shelling of critical infrastructure, power and Internet outages, the university works and continues its scientific activities.  The conference was a good opportunity to unite all like-minded people, scientists and students. After all, only by uniting, we will win.

The topics of the conference, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the Faculty of International Trade and Law of the State University of Trade and Economics, found a lively response from the scientific community.

Participants of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Online Conference "SOCIO-CULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND GEOPOLITICAL CHALLENGES IN A MULTIPOLAR WORLD" presented their research in seven sections in the following areas: "Geopolitical Interests of Ukraine in the XXI Century", "Social Transformations in a Multipolar World", "New Social Movements and Forms of Social Self-Organization", "Social Conflicts and Inequalities", "Political Choice and Management of Social Change", "COVID-19 as a Tool Geopolitics", "Ukraine in the Global Political Dimension".

Scientific discourse, creative approaches, sincere interest, debatable nature – this is the atmosphere in which the conference took place.

The participants of the event noted its high scientific and organizational level, informativeness and interest of the reports. The problems of the conference, consonant with the realities of today, which affect everyone both at the societal and individual, personal levels, did not leave anyone indifferent. The wish was expressed to support and develop the work of the conferences in the future.

Student Round Table "Along the Paths of Hryhoriy Skovoroda's Philosophy" to the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of the Outstanding Philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda

The Ukrainian land is rich in names that changed not only history, but also science, education, and personality. Among the outstanding figures that Ukrainian people are proud of is the name of Hryhoriy Savych Skovoroda, who went down in the history of the whole world as an original, free, unusual, powerful personality who left in history his own worldview understanding of the universe, worldview of the spirit, the roots of consciousness. In Skovoroda's life and thoughts there is all the greatness of the indomitable Ukrainian people, its source...

On November 23, 2022, teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, together with students of the faculties of FIT, FTM and FRGTB of the State University of Trade and Economics, who study the discipline "Philosophy", organized and held a student round table "Ways of Philosophy of Hryhoriy Skovoroda", dedicated to topical issues of the work of the outstanding philosopher.

During the round table, students' reports were presented, in which the conceptual philosophical views of Hryhoriy Skovoroda were thoroughly studied, in particular, the concepts of freedom, love, happiness, the philosophical paradigm of the Ukrainian cordocentric tradition. In addition, the students discussed the formation of the philosophical views of the wandering philosopher, as well as the problems of preserving the artist's cultural heritage during the military aggression of 2022.  In particular, a report was presented on the destruction of the H.S. Skovoroda Museum in the village of Skovorodynivka, Kharkiv region. The reports were accompanied by an active discussion and a lively discussion.

We sincerely thank the participants of the round table for their fruitful work!

Meeting of the group for the provision of specialty 033 "Philosophy" of the third level of higher education

On November 21, 2022,  a meeting of the support group for the specialty 033 "Philosophy" of the third level of higher education was held. At the meeting, the issues of organization of scientific and educational work of first-year graduate students were discussed.

The guarantor of the specialty, Alla Kravchenko, acquainted the graduate students with the list of elective components, their presentations and focused on how each discipline can be useful for conducting scientific research, in accordance with the selected scientific topics. First-year graduate students Ihor Kivliuk, Pavlo Oblap, Yaroslav Segen expressed their wishes regarding the choice of disciplines to be included in the plan of postgraduate students' educational work. They emphasized that the choice of disciplines is sufficient, and their topics correspond to the research interests of young scientists. Supervisors supported the choice of graduate students.

Professor of the department Mykola Lipin guided the graduate students on the algorithm of further scientific work, noting that their first scientific achievement - abstracts of speeches at the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Socio-Cultural Transformations and Geopolitical Challenges in a Multipolar World" will be published in two days. Congratulations on your first steps in science!

Meeting with 2nd year students of the 4th group of FMTP

Educational work at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science is implemented through individual work of teachers with students, where in the process of joint dialogue with the head of the department, mentor, important issues of the educational process are solved in this difficult time for the country.

On the eve of the beginning of the session and the defense of term papers, a meeting was held with 2nd year students of the 4th group of the FMTP, studying under the educational program "Political Science of International Relations".

Urgent issues of safety at the session were discussed, and what to do when the light, thoughts and impressions of students from the semester disappear during the exam, and the most important thing is to support each other.

During the 9 months of the war, we got used to finding a way out of the most difficult situations, so this time we will certainly cope. Yes, it's hard for everyone, but we know why. Educated youth is a guarantee of the success of our state.

Let's win together!

Career guidance work of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science for the Admission Campaign 2023!

On November 9, 2022, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the FMTP Horpynych O.V. conducted career guidance work among graduates of the "Elint" collegium in the city of Zaporizhzhia.

 At the online meeting, a presentation of the department in the specialties 054 "Sociology" and 052 "Political Science" was presented. Future entrants, through video materials, got acquainted with the advantages and opportunities of studying at SUTE, with the material base of the university, received answers to topical questions about educational programs, specialties and specializations and features of the admission campaign in 2023.

We are looking forward to seeing new students from the city of Zaporizhia in the SUTE family!

Let's win together!

Sociologist is a modern and unique profession

On November 10, 2022, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science organized a meeting of 4th-year sociology students with a young sociologist Anna Demchenko.

From 2015 to 2020, Hanna worked at GfK Ukraine in various positions. Since 2017, she has been working in the media research department as an assistant manager of media research. Since 2021, she has opened her own business and works independently as a sole proprietor organizing sociological research. Her company cooperates with such leading organizations as KIIS, Factum Group, INFO SAPIENS, New Image and others.

Hanna shared her experience in sociological research, told how and where a sociologist is in demand today. How to find the first job for a sociology graduate and what are the requirements of employers today for employees.

Students had the opportunity to ask questions that interest them and get professional answers from an expert. The conversation was very interesting and useful for future sociologists.

Student Round Table "Ukraine in the Global Geopolitical Space"

On November 16, the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of SUTE held a student round table "Ukraine in the global geopolitical space".

Together with students and teachers, they discussed the role of Ukraine in the modern geopolitical space and the formation of a new architecture of justice.

What kind of tribunal awaits Russian war criminals, in particular, propagandists?

How to punish as many perpetrators of international crimes as possible: from masterminds to perpetrators?

Will the UN be reformed and does it depend on Ukraine?

We were looking for an answer, discussing, offering options.

Thank you to everyone who contributed. A conscious nation is the way to victory.

Entrant's Day offline at the State University of Trade and Economics on November 5, 2022!

The Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science presents master classes for future students of the OP "Political Science of International Relations" and "Sociology of Economic Activity". An interesting master class about humanity, about prospects, about an incredible time of great changes, about creativity in politics, about pragmatism and creativity - all this was told by the teachers of the department, associate professors Mishchenko A.M. and Vorobyova G.Y.

We invite you to the educational programs "Political Science of International Relations" and "Sociology of Economic Activity"! We look forward to new meetings with future political scientists and sociologists!

We work together, we will win!

Graduating class of the Specialized School of I-III degrees No. 202 in Kyiv visiting the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

The Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science is actively conducting career guidance work for the 2023 Admission Campaign!

On November 5, 2022, on the Day of the Entrant of the State University of Trade and Economics, we invited the graduating class of the Specialized School of I-III degrees No. 202 with in-depth study of natural and mathematical sciences of the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv.

Open Days at SUTE are a great opportunity to personally get invaluable first-hand information!

Future entrants talked in a friendly atmosphere with the head of the department prof. Kravchenko A.A.  and teachers of the department, in particular assoc. prof. Kyzymenko I.O.  and received thorough answers to all questions about the conditions of study, educational programs "Sociology of Economic Activity" and "Political Science of International Relations" and visited a virtual tour of the university.

Even in the most difficult times, the SUTE family is one well-coordinated, effective mechanism. Let's win together!

Career guidance work among entrants of the Center for Pre-University Training

Student Round Table "Sociology of Trade and Branding"

On October 18, 2022, in a friendly and creative atmosphere, the Department of  Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science together with the Department of Marketing of the State University of Trade and Economics held a joint student round table on the topic: "Sociology of Trade and Branding" online.

The round table under the leadership of Professor Natalia Shust and Associate Professor Iryna Fedoryshyna was attended by students, teachers and graduate students of the university.

During the event, the issues of consumer behavior of the population, features of the sociology of trade and branding were discussed. The issues of the social role of the brand, the brand behavior of the target audience of the war period were considered.

The reports of the Head of the Department of World Economy Hanna Duginets, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law Anna Gurzhiy, Professor of the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management Olena Sydorenko aroused great interest and interest of the participants of the round table. Candidate of Economic Sciences Tetiana Yankovets, students of higher education, graduate students: Valentyna Kravchuk, Elizaveta Kybets, Daria Lagoda, Maria Malii, Kateryna Medvedeva, Solomiya Pavlyk, Vladyslav Popadin, Anastasia Shaeva, Ksenia Sholomitska took an active part in the discussion.

We are sincerely grateful for the interesting and useful meeting!

Hello everyone!

Having chosen the specialty 054 "Sociology" and the educational program "Sociology of Economic Activity", we are confident and convinced that the specialty is interesting and promising in the near future. Listening to lectures on the disciplines "General Sociological Theory" and "History of Sociological Thought", we confidently master sociological science.

I, Anastasia, believe that sociology will help me establish communication in society, knowing what worries everyone, analyzing internal and external factors that affect us all here and now.

I, Maria, am of the opinion that by mastering certain sociological theories and concepts about society, I will be able to easily anticipate and avoid problems that will occur in life.

I, Angelina, am sure that sociology will help me better understand the needs of people, it will give me a bonus when communicating. After all, yes, I will have professional communication with the interlocutor!

That's right, each of us has already highlighted the advantages and benefits of studying sociology! And we are sure that the number of our arguments will only increase in the future!

Thank you for your attention!

SUTE Hospitality Day in Drohobych

October 17, 2022  The Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, represented by Hubytskyi Lyubomyr Volodymyrovych, held the SUTE Hospitality Day at the Vyacheslav Chornovil Lyceum No. 3 in the city of Drohobych, between air raid sirens.  Among the students of both graduating classes, the specialties of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, in particular, the Political Science of International Relations and the Sociology of Economic Activity, aroused interest. Through presentations and videos, students got acquainted with the material base of the university, received answers to topical questions about educational programs, specialties and specializations, and features of the admission campaign in 2023. We are strong - when we are together!

Meeting of students of sociology with a leading specialist in the field of sociology

On September 26, 2022, on the basis of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, a leading specialist, a well-known scientist in the field of sociology, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Social Expertise of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Head of the Department of Monitoring and Social Research of a separate subdivision of the Association Triangle Generation Humanitaire Ukraine Klymenko Olena Yuriivna.

The topic of  the speech "The main questions of beginners regarding participation in grant competitions"  met with a lively response from students majoring in "Sociology". During the speech, important issues were discussed: who is a grantor, a beneficiary, where to start working, what mistakes beginners make more often, how sociological education affects winning the competition, and many others.

Students had the opportunity to ask questions that interest them and get professional answers from an expert. The conversation was very interesting and useful for future sociologists.

Meeting of sociology students with the Head of the NGO "International Center for Non-Formal Education"

On September 22, 2022, on the basis of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, a meeting was held between 4th year sociology students and the Chairman and founder of the public organization "International Center for Non-Formal Education", Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Larysa Moskalenko.

The main topic of the meeting was the discussion of the employment of graduates of the specialty "Sociology" in today's conditions. During the speech, important issues of online learning, prospects for further educational, professional development, and life self-realization of students were discussed. Sociological research conducted by a public organization on the topic of youth employment was considered.

Sociology students presented their own research "Structure of employment of graduate students majoring in "Sociology" at the discretion of the expert, and also took part as respondents in the All-Ukrainian survey "Problems of youth employment in wartime".

The topic of the meeting met with a lively response from students majoring in "Sociology". Students had the opportunity to ask questions of interest to them and receive professional answers from a specialist, join a sociological study, as well as act as experts.

Today, September 12, is the Day of the Political Scientist! Congratulations to all political scientists and those who are interested in political science on their professional holiday.

We wish your work to be your vocation, and not just as a profession. Patience, inspiration and constant self-improvement on the way to curbing the turbulent political life!

Remember that you are doing an important thing for the country. And we are waiting for all those interested in political life within the walls of our university at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science!

Hello freshman!

We are happy to welcome you to the family of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of International Trade and Law of SUTE

Congratulations on your first year of student life

Despite everything, we continue to live, study and work, and start a new academic semester with new strength and inspiration for present and future generations!

We wish you new achievements and a peaceful sky above your head!

With faith in victory and with love in the heart of SUTE, Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science

Among the air raid sirens, an Open Day was held at SUTE

On August 20, 2022, an Open Day was held at SUTE between air raid sirens.  Among future entrants, specialties of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, in particular, political science of international relations and sociology of economic activity, are of interest. Visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the material base of the university, received answers to topical questions about educational programs, specialties and specializations and about the implementation of the admission campaign. We are looking forward to seeing new students in the SUTE family!

остання редакція 12.02.2025