Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law


Internet sources

of Administrative, Financial and Information Law


online resources of public authorities in Ukraine

http://portal.council.gov.ua/ – the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

http://www.president.gov.ua/EN / - site of President of Ukraine

http://www.kmu.gov.ua/ – the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

http://www.minjust.gov.ua/ – the website of the Ministry of justice of Ukraine

http://www.gp.gov.ua/ – the General Prosecutor's office of Ukraine

http://sbu.gov.ua/ – the website of the security service of Ukraine

http://www.rainbow.gov.ua/ – the website of the Council of national security and defense of Ukraine

http://www.kmu.gov.ua/ – the official web page of the Government on anti-corruption policy

http://www.mvs.gov.ua/ – the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine

http://acrc.org.ua/ – anti-Corruption portal, the website of the Bureau on anti-corruption policy

Internet resources of international organizations combating corruption

http://www.coe.kiev.ua/ – the website of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine

http://www.transparency.org/ – the website of the International anti-corruption organization ’Transparency International»

http://www.coe.int/ – website GRECO (Group of States against corruption)

http://www.u4.no/ – the site of anti-Corruption resource centre

online resources of public organizations in combating corruption in Ukraine

http://www.komitet-k.org.ua/ – the website of the Ukrainian public organization " Committee against corruption in government bodies, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and courts»

http://www.inter.criminology.org.ua/ - Odessa center for the study of organized crime and corruption

http://www.krmjua.org.ua/ – the website of the coordination Council of young lawyers of Ukraine at the Ministry of justice of Ukraine

http://www.s-pravdoy.ru/ website Interregional public organization promoting the protection of the rights of citizens "Justice"

Electronic resources library Fund

uba.org.ua — the Ukrainian library Association.

www.ukrbook.net — Book chamber of Ukraine.

rada.gov.ua/LIBRARY — the library of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

: www.nbuv.gov.ua — national library of Ukraine named by V.I. Vernadsky.

www.nplu.kiev.ua — the national parliamentary library of Ukraine.

www.library.gov.ua — the State scientific medical library of Ukraine (Kyiv).

www.gntb.n-t.org — the State scientific and technical library of Ukraine.

cgntb.dp.ua — the Central state scientific-technical library Gornometalurgijnij complex of Ukraine.

lucl.lucl.kiev.ua — the Public library named after Lesya Ukrainka (Kyiv).

www.library.vinnitsa.com — Vinnitsa state regional universal scientific library named Kaaza.

www.libr.dp.ua — Dnipropetrovsk state regional universal scientific library.

www.library.donetsk.ua — Donetsk state regional universal scientific library named after N. K. Krupskaya.

www.library.kr.ua — Kirovograd state regional universal scientific library named D. I. Chizhevsky.

www.library.lg.ua — Lugansk state regional universal scientific bplotECA behalf of A. M. Gorky.

www.lsl.lviv.ua — Lviv scientific library. Century Stefanik.

www.ognb.odessa.ua — Odessa state scientific library named C. M. Mechnikov

libr.rv.ua — Rivne state regional universal scientific library

libr.fk.lutsk.ua — Volyn oblast universal scientific library named. Olena Pchilka.

www.franko.crimea.ua — Crimean Republican universal scientific library named. I. J. Franco (Simferopol).

www.library.mksat.net — Mykolayiv oblast scientific library. O. Girava.

sumylib. iatp. org. ua — Sumy oblast universal scientific library NK Krupskaya.

www.library.kharkov.ua — Kharkiv oblast universal scientific library.

korolenko.kharkov.com — Kharkiv state scientific library named Century Garrincha.

www.library.te.ua/new_lib/index.php — Ternopil oblast universal scientific library.

www.ounb.km.ua — Khmelnytsky oblast universal scientific library named Nikolai Ostrovsky.

lib-gw.univ.kiev.ua — Scientific library. M. Maksimovic, Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko.

www.ukma.kiev.ua/ukmalib/UKRAINE/ukraine.html — Scientific library of National University " Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. 

www.academy.kiev.ua/library — the Library of the Ukrainian Academy of public administration under the President of Ukraine (Kyiv).

library.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua — Scientific-technical library. G. I. Denisenko, National technical University of Ukraine " Kyiv Polytechnic University. 

library.nuft.kiev.ua — Scientific-technical library of the National University of food technologies (Kiev, Ukraine).

library.vstu.vinnica.ua — Scientific-technical library of the Vinnitsa state technical University.

library.dongu.donetsk.ua — Scientific library of Donetsk national University.

donntu.edu.ua/library_web/index.html — Scientific-technical library of Donetsk national technical University.

www.zntu.edu.ua/base/Lib — Library of Zaporizhzhya national technical University.

library.zgia.zp.ua — Library Zaporozhye state engineering Academy.

library.zsu.zp.ua — Scientific library of Zaporozhye state University.

library.ucu.edu.ua/ukr — the Library of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv).

library.lnu.edu.ua/bibl — Scientific library of Lviv national University of Ivan Franko.

www.pstu.edu/l_u/today/library.shtml — Scientific-technical library of Priazovsky state technical University, Mariupol).

libonu.od.ua — the Research library of Odessa national University. I. I. Mechnikov

www.sumdu.edu.ua/pages/library — Library of Sumy state University.

library.tu.edu.te.ua — Scientific library of Ternopil state technical University named after Ivan Pul'uj.

www.khadi.kharkov.ua/library- — Scientific-technical library Harken automobile and highway University.

www.kpi.kharkov.ua/library — Scientific-technical library of the National technical University " Kharkiv Polytechnic University. 

www.ukrfa.kharkov.ua/cyr/lib.html — the Library of the National pharmaceutical Academy of Ukraine (X) - Rev.the years).

остання редакція 22.09.2014