Scientific work
of Economics and Business Finance
Research Activities of the Department of Economics and Business Finance
profile at Google Scholar
Scientific activity of the Department of Economics and Business Finance of SUTE is planned, organized and carried out in accordance with the laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», «On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities» and is an integral part of the educational process, its scientific basis . Planning and organization of scientific work is carried out taking into account the personal research interests of teachers of the Department, the needs of the university and the requirements of business.
main directions of research and cooperation with business
Implementation of Research Topics
The Department of Economics and Business Finance of the enterprise constantly carries out a variety of topics and forms of scientific work. Employees of the department participate in the implementation of state budget and self-supporting topics, work on writing PhD and doctoral dissertations, are engaged in publishing activities.
The main areas of research in recent years have been:
- Financial Support for the Development of Enterprises (Q1 2008 - Q4 2010).
- Organizational and Economic Aspects of Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation of Ukrainian Enterprises (Q1 2008 - Q4 2010).
- Improving the Scientific and Methodological Principles of Teaching a Series of Normative Professional-Oriented Disciplines in the Specialties of «Economics and Entrepreneurship» (Q1 2008 - Q4 2010).
- Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Improving the Efficiency of Trade Business (Q1 2008 - Q4 2010).
- Management of Trade Turnover of Retail Trade Enterprises (Q1 2011 - Q4 2013).
- Economic Management of the Enterprise (January 2012 - December 2013).
- Financial Planning at Trade Enterprises (Q1 2013 - Q4 2014).
- Competition and Competitive Relations in the Market of Medicines (April 2014) (interdepartmental research).
- Economic Substantiation of Innovative Projects of Development of Trade Enterprises (Q4 2012 - Q4 2015).
- Management of Economic Potential of the Trade Enterprise (term of performance: Q1 2016 - Q4 2018).
- Management of the Formation of the Value of the Trade Enterprise (deadline: Q1 2015- Q4 2017).
- Restoration of Economic Growth of the Trade Enterprise (Q1 2017 - Q4 2020).
- Formation of the System of Economic Security of Entrepreneurship of Ukraine (deadline: Q1 2017 - Q4 2019) - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Improving the Solvency Management System of the Trade Enterprise (2019) - at the request of the enterprise.
- Business Incubator in the Innovation Ecosystem (deadline: Q1 2018 - Q4 2020).
- Adaptation of Corporate Finance Management to Global Challenges (deadline: Q1 2019 - Q4 2021).
- Management of Innovative Development of the Trade Enterprise (term of performance: Q1 2020 - Q4 2022).
- Strategy for Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprises in Conditions of Instability and Global Fluctuations (Q1 2021 - Q4 2023).
- Retail Development in the Context of Global Challenges (Q1 2021 - Q4 2023).
- Assessment of the Socio-Economic Potential of the Enterprise (2021) - by order of the enterprise.
- Systems for Assessing the Economic Effectiveness of Corporate Information Protection (Q3 2022 - Q4 2024).
Leading specialists of the department are in charge of research in various areas: Prof. Blakyta H.V., Prof. Guliaieva N.M., Prof. Sytnyk G.V., Prof. Vysochyn I.V., Associate Professor, Doctoral Student Bagatska K.V. In addition to teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, applicants of the department, as well as students are involved in the implementation of state budget and self-supporting topics. All studies are relevant, meet modern requirements of science and practice. The results of research (in the form of publications, speeches at seminars, conferences and business forums, implementation in the practical activities of enterprises) have scientific and practical significance.
Scientific schools of Professor I.O. Blank «Financial Management» and «Investment Management» provide the opportunity for further study in graduate and doctoral studies in Subject Area 051 - Economics. Also at the department gives a scientific school «Management of Economic Development of Trade», the founder of which is Prof. Blakyta H.V.
Leading scientists of the department also take an active part in
scientific and public councils, commissions, programs,
The lecturers of the
department systematically act as opponents and reviewers of
dissertations, abstracts, scientific articles, textbooks, textbooks
and more.
Publishing Scientific Activity
Publishing remains one of the priority areas of research. The lecturers and graduate students of the department based on the results of scientific research constantly publish a significant number of monographs, textbooks, scientific and methodological literature. Thus, for the last five years the teaching staff of the department has published more than 1000 scientific and scientific-methodical works.
The lecturers of the department are quite active in publishing the results of their research in foreign publications and publications related to scientometric databases (Scopus, Web Of Science, Index Copernicus, etc.).
Approbation of Research Results
The results of scientific research of the department are implemented in the practice of enterprises through regular conferences, in particular, the International scientific-practical conference «Problems and prospects of entrepreneurship in Ukraine» and round tables, seminars, information exchange, practical assistance to specialists, and through implementation in the educational process new disciplines, updating the educational and methodological support of the disciplines taught.
The Department regularly holds the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems and Prospects of Entrepreneurship in Ukraine», which is of great importance for deepening the interaction of science, business and government; stimulating state support for small business in Ukraine.
Over the past 5 years, the lecturersof the department have made about 500 reports at conferences of various statuses, round tables, business forums, which is also a confirmation of the effectiveness of scientific work of faculty.
Student Scientific Work
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of full-time and part-time study are actively involved in research work of the Department.
Involvement of students in the research of the department is carried out in the following forms:
- selection of research topics and preparation of scientific abstracts by the 3rd and 4th year students of the Bachelor’s degree programme;
- scientific developments of the 4th year students of the Bachelor’s degree programme and Master’s degree students during the preparation of course and final qualifying works;
- scientific developments of master's students, including the publication of the «Collection of Master's Articles»;
- scientific reports on research materials at student conferences;
- participation of students in competitions of final qualifying works;
- participation of students in competitions of business plans within the framework of the Business Incubator;
- participation of students in the competition for the best expert in the disciplines of «Economics of Trade» and «Financial Management of Enterprises and Associations»;
- participation of students in all-Ukrainian subject Olympiads, competitions of scientific works;
- scientific publications.
In the context of cooperation with state institutions and business structures for students of SUTE, the department systematically organizes and conducts a number of problem lectures with representatives of various institutions and enterprises, which discuss current issues of business development.