of financial Analysis and Audit
April 2023
Olga Romanenko, PhD (in Economics),
Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis and
Audit of the State University of Trade and Economics published
school textbooks for grades 5-6 with the seal of the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine.
Textbook "Health, safety and well-being" for the 6th grade with the
seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Authors
(Zoya Khytra, Olga Romanenko). Electronic version on the website of
the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:
Video presentation:
March 2020
Teachers of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit invite
Volodymyr Ihorovych Ariev, People's Deputy of Ukraine, to an open
lecture; Ukrainian politician and journalist; the author of the
project "Closed Zone"; PACE Vice President (2015 and 2018);
Chairman of the PACE Committee on Culture, Education, Science and
Media; member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital
Transformation. The topic of the meeting was "Anti-corruption audit
as a modern trend of state development". The event will take place
on March 24, 2020 at 10:05. (audience D-301).
Everyone is invited!
Teachers of the Department of Financial Analysis and Auditing
together with the stakeholder of the educational program "Financial
Control and Audit" - the international auditing company KPMG -
invite you to an open lecture on "Due Diligence. World Experience
”, which will take place on March 10, 2020 at 10:05 (room
Everyone is invited!
February 2020
21.02.2020 at 10:05 (room D-307). Teachers of the Department of Financial Analysis and Auditing together with the stakeholder of the educational program "Financial Control and Audit" invite you to the presentation of the qualification program Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), a world leader in accounting and taxation.
Everyone is invited!
19.02.2020 at 10:05 (room D-307). Teachers of the Department of Financial Analysis and Auditing together with the stakeholder of the educational program "Financial Control and Audit" invite you to the presentation of the qualification program Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Everyone is invited!
December 2019
On December 17, 2019, the graduation of masters under the world program "Financial Control and Audit" will take place
Competition for the best final qualification project from the stakeholder of the educational program "Financial Control and Audit" - the audit firm "Grant Thornton Ukraine". Date of the competition: from 2 to 5 December 2019.
Based on the results of the competition, the best works will be selected, which reveal innovative approaches to the audit of financial statements and auditing activities. The winners will be awarded diplomas and valuable gifts on December 17, 2019.
November 2019
On November
20, 2019 at 10:00 a master class of a leading scientist and
practitioner in the field of audit and information technology
Dmitry Olegovich Tkachenko will take place.
Theme of the event: "IT solutions for your business: audit,
accounting, analytics".
Everyone is invited! CaseWare Ukraine
On November 1,
2019, there will be an open lecture by leading scientists and
practitioners in the field of consulting and auditing, stakeholder
of OS "Financial Control and Audit" Lyubarenko Igor Nikolaevich and
Sitnikov Sergei.
The topic of the lecture is "Internal control and restoration of
Lyubarenko Ihor Mykolayovych - Head of Golden Trust Consulting
Company, Managing Partner for Consulting and Auditing Paper Cloud
Sitnikov Serhiy - Managing Partner for Accounting Outsourcing and
Auditing Paper Cloud Accounting
October 2019
On October 31,
2019 at 12:05 there will be an open lecture by a leading scientist
and practitioner in the field of audit Olendi Ostap Tarasovych on
the topic "Auditor's assessment of the internal control
Olendiy Ostap Tarasovych - Candidate of Philology econ. Sciences,
Certified Auditor, Diploma of international financial reporting
ACCA, partner of the audit firm "Grant Thornton Ukraine".
Everyone is invited!
Today, October 31, at 14.00 in D-301 will be an open lecture by
the world leader in the world of audit and consulting, stakeholders
of OS "Financial Control and Audit" - the audit company "Big Four"
- "Ernst & Young" (EY) on international practices audit.
We offer to join the event of the successful!
For reference: EY revenue as of 2019 was $ 36.4 billion.
Everyone is invited to the open lecture!