Department of World Economy
Department of World Economy
Department of World Economy



of World Economy


Research activities of the Department of World Economy 

The scientific activity of the Department of World Economy is planned, is organized and carried out in accordance with the requirements of the laws of Ukraine "On education", "On higher education", "On scientific and scientific and technical activity" and so on an integral component of the educational process, its scientific basis. Planning and organization of scientific work is carried out considering personal scientific interests of the department's teachers, the needs of the university and business requirements. 

The strategic areas of research work are: research prerequisites and determinants of the development of national economies in the conditions geopolitical conflicts and challenges, transformational processes in the field foreign economic relations; problems of foreign economic optimization policies of Ukraine, in particular, in the field of tariff and non-tariff regulation; international and managerial aspects of economic diplomacy; monitoring and analysis of current trends in the world market of goods and services; formation effective mechanism of business activity in the format of institutional limitations of the WTO system; development of domestic export strategies enterprises in the conditions of the war with the russian federation. 

Execution of research topics 

Every year, the teachers of the department take part in the development of scientific research works commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, during the implementation in which the scientific and methodological support of the disciplines of specialties is formed, Dissertation studies of post-graduate students of the department are being carried out, scientific papers are being prepared articles and monographs, in particular: 

• "Geospatial diversification of foreign trade of Ukraine" (2020-2023) 

• "Strategy of structural reorientation of the economy of Ukraine in the conditions pandemic" (2020-2023) 

• "The potential of import substitution in Ukraine under conditions of formation post-industrial economy" (2019-2021) 

• "Formation of the national brand of Ukraine in the international environment" (2018-2020) 

• "Trade and economic wars: national and international dimensions" (2018-2020) 

• "Export promotion of Ukraine in conditions of global destabilization trade regulators" (2017-2019) 

• "Global imperatives for the development of international production networks" (2017-2019) 

The topic of the SRD is relevant, professionally oriented: they are revealed mechanisms of regulation of foreign trade under the conditions of globalization and geopolitical challenges, the effects of the integration development of modern Ukraine on the state of its economic security, conceptual principles of structural reorientation foreign trade of Ukraine to ensure sustainable economic development and economic sovereignty of the country. 

They lead the implementation of scientific research in various directions leading experts of the department: Prof., Doctor of Economics Duginets G.; Prof., Doctor of Economics Korzh M.,  Prof., Doctor of Economics I. Fedun, prof., doctor of economics Bokhan A., prof., candidate of economic sciences Kudyrko L. Except for implementation of state budget and state self-financing topics postgraduate students, graduates of the department, as well as students are involved as teachers. All of them researches are relevant and meet modern requirements science and practice. Research results (in the form of publications, presentations at seminars, conferences and business forums, implementations in practical activities of enterprises) have scientific and practical significance. 

In recent years, head Department of World Economy Prof. Ganna Duginets  actively works in the direction of integration of domestic economic science in European grant programs. In particular, we took part in several projects financed by EU funds. 

Reviewing and opposing the results of scientific research 

The teachers of the department systematically act as opponents and reviewers of dissertations, abstracts, scientific articles, training manuals, textbooks, etc. In recent years, leading scientists of the department have spoken opponents of 18 dissertation studies for obtaining a candidate's degree of economic sciences and doctor of philosophy; participated in the review 10 dissertations. 


In 2022, teachers and graduate students of the department prepared 54 theses and 5 articles for results of scientific and practical conferences (14 of them are in collections materials of foreign conferences). 

Scientific publishing activity 

Publishing activity remains one of the priority directions research work. Teachers and graduate students of the department according to the results a significant amount of scientific research is constantly published monographs, training manuals, scientific and methodical literature. In 2022 4 chapters were published by teachers and graduate students of the department foreign monographs, 57 articles (39 of them in Ukrainian publications, 15 articles in foreign editions), 1 textbook was published and submitted for printing, 2 educational and 1 scientific and methodical manuals in co-authorship. In 2022, 52 scientific publications were published by the teachers of the department, with of which: 14 articles - in journals indexed in the Scopus database; 5 articles – in journals indexed in the Web of Science database; 37 articles - in magazines that Index Copernicus and other databases are indexed. 

Approbation of the results of scientific research 

The results of scientific research of the department are implemented in practice activities of enterprises and state administration bodies of various levels by holding conferences and round tables, seminars, exchanges information, practical assistance to specialists, analytical preparation materials in the form of methodological recommendations, as well as thanks to the introduction of new disciplines into the educational process, the updating of educational methodological support of the taught disciplines. 

Postgraduate and doctoral studies of the department 

The Department of World Economy has a scientific school, which is a centre scientific work of teachers and graduate students of the department. Scientific school at the department started by a doctor of economic sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine A. Mazaraki. Continuation of the specified vector of research is also carried out by other researchers of the department Prof. Ganna Duginets,    Prof. Maryna Korzh, Prof. Ludmyla Kudyrko and others. As of November 2022, the department's graduate program has 15 full-time graduate students, part-time and evening forms of study and 1 full-time doctoral student. 

Student scientific work 

Full-time students are actively involved in the research work of the department and correspondence forms of education. Forms of student involvement in scientific work there is their participation in the SRD of the department, work in scientific circles, participation in student circles scientific conferences, Olympiads and competitions, preparation of publications, essays, coursework and final qualification papers. 

The number of published articles in 2022 with the participation of students is 7 / volume 5.4; of them single-person 1 / volume 0.5; theses of reports 6 / volume 1,2. 10 students participated in 7 conferences, 2 of them all-Ukrainian, 5 international, for outside Ukraine 1. 

In co-authorship with teachers and students of the Department of World Economy 6 articles were published.  

остання редакція 20.01.2024