Department of Finance
Department of Finance
Department of Finance


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of Finance

The Department of Finance
is a graduate for professionals in the field of knowledge
07 "Management and Administration", 23 "Social Work"
in specialties
072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance and Stock Market", 232 "Social Welfare"


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Department background. The department was established in 1993. The department trains specialists in the specialty "Finance and Credit" specialization "Public Finance", "Taxes and Taxation". Since 1996 the department has been training specialists for the State Treasury Service of Ukraine. Since 1998 the department has been training specialists in insurance.

Head of the Department: Ihor Chuhunov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology

Academic Staff: specialists who have high scientific and practical work experience, which provides an opportunity to qualitatively carry out educational and methodological activities, supervision of the scientific work of students, graduate students and doctoral students.

Partners of the Department. The main areas of cooperation of the Department of Finance with partners are: conducting relevant scientific research, scientific and practical conferences and seminars; professional development of employees of central state administration bodies; internship of the lecturers of the department in central bodies of state administration; involvement of employees of central state administration bodies to be heads of examination commissions, the undergraduate internship of the students of the department.

The department has concluded cooperation agreements with central government agencies, and local authorities, where students of the department have an internship and have the opportunity to get a job, in particular:

Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

Accounting Chamber

State Tax Service of Ukraine

State Treasury Service of Ukraine

State Audit Service of Ukraine

Pension Fund of Ukraine

Kyiv City State Administration

Social Insurance Funds of Ukraine

Leading domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners hold open lectures on the development of public finance, budget and tax policy, and insurance management.

Department science. Among the scientific interests of the department is research on the development of the state financial management system, the formation and implementation of the budget and fiscal policy.

The main research topics of the department: "The development of the budget system of Ukraine", " Public finance management as a component of socio-economic development of the country", "State expenditures as a component of the system of budgetary regulation of the economy", "The formation of local budgets in the conditions of economic transformations", "Financial mechanism ensuring social and economic development of Ukraine", "Financial policy in conditions of economic transformations", "Budget policy in conditions of limited financial resources", "Institutional architecture of the formation of budget revenues in the system of financial and economic regulation", "Financial support of the system of social protection of the population in modern economic conditions", "Budget strategy of economic growth".

On the basis of the department, there is a research school on issues of the financial and budgetary strategy of the socio-economic development of the country (head: Doctor of Sciences (Economics), professor, head of the department of finance I.Ya. Chuhunov).

A number of graduates of the department continue their studies in postgraduate and doctoral studies There is a specialized academic council D. 26.055.03 for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Economics) and PhD in Economics in specialty 08.00.08 - money, finance and credit.

Head of the specialized scientific council – Chuhunov I.Ya, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor

Scientific secretary of the specialized scientific council - Adamenko I.P., PhD in Economics

14 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Economics), 80 dissertations for the degree of PhD in Economics were defended In the specialized academic council.

International cooperation. International activity. An important area of ​​work of the Department of Finance is an international activity aimed at integration into educational and scientific world space, cooperation with leading foreign institutions of higher education, research institutes, and ensuring the participation of students and teachers in international educational and scientific programs.

Students and graduates of the department. Students of the Department of Finance are multiple winners of All-Ukrainian contests of student scientific works, All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in the specialty "Finance and credit" ("Finance, banking, insurance and stock market"). All-Ukrainian student scientific conferences.

Graduates of the Department of Finance work as heads of relevant departments of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, the State Audit Service of Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the Pension Fund of Ukraine and other central state administration bodies and local authorities.

остання редакція 06.05.2024