PhD studies
Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Regulation on development and implementation of Cycle 3 programs
Conception of internal quality assurance of Cycle 3 programs
PROCEDURE for the Training of Doctors of Philosophy
Regulation оn the organization of the educational process for PhD students
REGULATION on the assessment of PhD degree candidates at the State University of Trade and Economics
Regulation on Assessment of Students and PhD Students' Learning Outcomes
studies at State University of Trade and Economics have been
available since 1966.
Today the PhD
studies training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical
staff is carried out in the following scientific fields:
- 033 Philosophy
- 051 Economics
- 052 Politology
- 053 Psychology
- 071 Accounting and taxation
- 072 Finance, banking, insurance and Stock Market
- 073 Management
- 075 Marketing
- 076 Entrepreneurship and trade
- 081 Law
- 122 Computer sciences
- 181 Food technologies
- 281 Public Management and Administration
- 292 International Economic Relations
- 293 International law
The training is based on the state order and at the expense of legal entities and individuals on the terms of the contract. People with higher education, Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree are admitted to the PhD studies on a competitive basis.
Off-job training period does not exceed three years, and on-job training – four years.
Each PhD student is appointed a supervisor by the corresponding order of the Rector; as a rule this a Doctor of Sciences, or by the decision of the University Academic Council, a Candidate of Sciences.
The supervisor carries out the academic advising of the thesis, monitors the implementation of the individual plan and is solely responsible for the quality of the thesis. Thesis subject and individual work plan of the PhD student are approved by the University Academic Council of the faculty no later than three months after his admission to the PhD studies.
An individual work plan of the PhD students envisages qualifying exams in specialty, foreign language and philosophy, and, if necessary, additional examination, defined by the Specialized Academic Council of the institution where the thesis, and credits in the disciplines defined will be defended. It also anticipates the publication of no less than 3 articles on the topic of the thesis in specialized publications before the last certification, participation in scientific and practical conferences, participation in research projects with a state registration number, teaching practice.
The PhD student works on an individual work plan, twice a year (March, September) he reports at the Department meeting and is annually (September) certified by the supervisor.
The certification results allow the student to be moved up to the next year of study, or dismissed from the PhD studies by the appropriate order of Rector.
PhD students have the right to:
- use educational, industrial, scientific, cultural, and recreational facilities of the University;
- get all kinds of open scientific information and scientific advice;
- participate in the scientific activities of the Department;
- receive state scholarships in case of the off-job training by the state order;
- interrupt the study for valid reasons with its further undertaking;
- annual vacation for up to two calendar months, which are included in the total training period in case of the off-job training;
- work part-time in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
- safe and healthy learning and labour conditions;
- accommodation for the single - in case of having the off-job training by the state order;
- further employment in accordance with the agreement in case of enrollment under the state order or contract (in case of training outside the state order).
PhD students must:
- comply with the law, moral and ethical standards;
- acquire deep knowledge, practical and professional skills, raise their general cultural level;
- master the methodology of scientific research;
- perform an individual work plan on the thesis;
- report on the implementation of the thesis at meetings of the Department and University Academic Council of the faculty;
- defend a thesis or present it to the Specialized Academic Council in determined time;
- adhere to the Charter and internal Regulations of SUTE.
Mutual responsibility of the PhD student and the University are defined in the agreement, which is signed within 10 days after admission to the PhD studies.
A PhD student may be expelled from the doctoral studies for gross violation of the internal regulations of the University, for unlawful acts, as well as for failure to comply with an individual work plan without any good reasons.