Department of Economics and Business Finance
Department of Economics and Business Finance
Department of Economics and Business Finance

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of Economics and Business Finance

Ressevera est verum gaudium

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   Mission of the Department: training of highly professional specialists in the field of economics and finance of the enterprise, formation of special in-depth theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the field of Economic and Financial activities and economic security of the enterprise; preparation for successful mastering of higher education (PhD) programmes, for teaching activities, scientific consulting in business structures.
    Head of the department: Prof. Dr.  Hanna Blakyta.
   The Academic Staff of the Department  consists of 23 lecturers, including six professors, 15 associate professors and 2 senior lecturers. 
The Department was established in 1966 and until 1993 was called the Department of Trade Economics.  From the first years of its existence it became one of the leading departments of the Kyiv Institute of Trade and Economics. Subsequently, the Department of Trade Management (Department of Management at present) and the Department of Trade Organization (Department of Marketing at present), and later  the Department of Foreign Economic Activity (two departments at present: the Department of World Economy and the Department of International Management). Since 2012, the Department is called the Economy and Finance of the Enterprise.

Degree Programmes

Bachelor's degree

Subject Area 051 «Economics»

Business Economics
Economics of Trade

Subject Area 072 «Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market»

 Corporate Finance

Study level «Master»

Subject Area 051 «Economics»

 Economics and Business Security

Subject Area 072 «Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market»

Subject Area 073 «Management»

 Financial Management(including English language program)

     Scientific school work on the basis of the Department:
          - Prof. Dr. Igor Blank (honorary member of the Department),

   Scientists of the Department have a significant amount of educational and methodological and scientific publications, including in publications included in scientometric databases. The lecturers of the Department are involved in the jury of all-Ukrainian subject Olympiads and Olympiads in economic specialties, branch competition commissions of all-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers and dissertations in various free educational institutions of Ukraine. The leading scientists of the Department take an active part in legislative activity, in scientific and public councils, commissions, programmes, are executors of research works. 

     Research interests of the Department: • economic justification of innovative projects for the development of commercial enterprises;
 • management of the development of the domestic consumer market of Ukraine and individual regions;
 • financial and economic problems of trade development, its separate subsectors and enterprises;
 • problems and prospects of business development in Ukraine;
 • financial, investment, innovation and crisis management of the enterprise;
 • development of financial and economic training of specialists in the field of entrepreneurship.


  The Department carries out scientific cooperation in various forms with 45 institutions. Work on establishing international cooperation is active. Cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Department of Financial Policy of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship Development, the Ukrainian Fund for Entrepreneurship Support, the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Union medium and privatized enterprises of Ukraine, the Union of Crisis Managers of Ukraine, the Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Antimonopoly Committee, the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Association of Business Incubators and Innovation Centers.

The Department has established and maintains partnership relations with a large number of enterprises of various types of economic activity.

    Practical training and internship of students. In this direction, the Department actively cooperates with leading enterprises in the production and trade spheres, in particular: "Epicentr-K" LLC, "Obolon" PJSC, "Dytyachii Svit" PJSC, "Silpo-Food" LLC, "Lantmannen Aksa" LLC, LLC Bayadera Logistics, Granat LLC and others.

Contact telephones of the Department:

531-48-19 (internal 12-93) - A-437;
531-48-18 (internal 12-94) - A-452a;

остання редакція 17.12.2024