of Digital Economy and System Analysis
- the Department of economic Cybernetics of Odessa national
economic University;
- the Department of economic Cybernetics of the Kharkov national
economic University;
- the Department of economic Cybernetics of the Kharkov national
University im.karazina;
- the Department of economic Cybernetics of Zaporizhzhya national
- the chair of economic Cybernetics, Kiev national University of
technologies and design;
- the Department of Economic Cybernetics, Kiev national
University. T.Shevchenko;
- Poltava national technical University. Yuri Kondratyuk;
- Poltava University of Economics and trade;
- Educational-scientific complex "Institute for applied system
analysis" MAN of Ukraine;
- the Institute of Cybernetics. V.M. Glushkov MAN of
- Corporation PARUS
- 1C Company
- LLC "Corporation "the Galaxy»
the Cooperation is carried out
through the implementation of joint agreements, contracts,
participation in conferences and seminars, internship and exchange
of information.
In February 2013 associate
Professor S.A. Bannikova took part in the international
professional conference in the city of Leipzig - WI 2013 -
MultikonferenzderWirtschaftsinformatik, February 28, 2013,
Leipzig, Deutschland - http://mkwi2013.de:

In October 2013 the efforts
of the Department was organized all-Ukrainian Round table of
the Use of Microsoft software SAIL training young scientists
and entrepreneurs". http://www.parus.com.ua +
остання редакція 07.10.2024