Department of Management
Department of Management
Department of Management


Educational disciplines

of Management


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Brief abstract

Brief abstract

Disciplines intended for the training of students of the bachelor's degree


Agricultural Management

The essence, subject and competencies of agricultural management. Forms of ownership and business organization in the agricultural sector of the economy. General functions of agrarian management. Making and implementing management decisions in agribusiness. Human resource management, social responsibility and ethics in agribusiness. Management of land resources. Management of energy resources of the enterprise. Financial management in agribusiness. Enterprise cost management system. Quality management of agricultural enterprises. Environmental management in agricultural enterprises. Management of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises. Performance and efficiency management in agribusiness. Management of competitiveness of agribusiness enterprises


Team Building

Psychological phenomena of personality behavior in society. Behavior of the individual in the group. Group dynamics as a basis for team formation. Team form of labor organization. Types of teams in management. Management of the dynamics of intra-team processes. Life cycles and models of team development. Distribution of roles in the team. Organization of work in the team. Team cohesion, rivalry and conflict. Leadership in team building (tearmbuilding). Monitoring team performance. Group dynamic training. Team coaching. The concept and development of team potential. Communicative interaction in a group (team). Communication management and communication competence. Forms of communicative team interaction. Internet interaction and team competition. Formation of a team management system


Category management

Conceptual foundations of category management. Category management as a modern approach to managing the product range. The essence of the product category as an object of management. Distribution of the range of goods into categories. The concept of the product category movement cycle. Differences between the traditional procurement system and assortment management by product category. Features of category management for supplier and consumer. Formation of category management at the enterprise of wholesale and retail trade. The main stages of the enterprise's transition to a category management system. The position of a category manager: functions, responsibilities, qualification requirements, key performance indicators



Management as a specific sphere of human activity. Development of modern management theories. The essence, role and place of organization theory in the system of scientific knowledge. Organization as an object of management. Laws, patterns and principles of management. Management functions and management process. Planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and regulating as general management functions. Management methods as a tool for implementing management functions. Management decisions in management. Information and communication in management. The concept of leadership and power in management. Concepts, concepts and models of leadership in management. Organization of manager's work. Business communication in management: essence, importance and types. Conflicts in managerial activity: essence and types. Responsibility and ethics in management. Culture of organization and management. Efficiency and effectiveness of management.


Management of the food industry enterprise

The essence and characteristics of the management of the food industry enterprise. Life cycle of the enterprise. Organization of management of the food industry enterprise. Organizational engineering. Personnel management of the enterprise. Organization of management activities. Management of the food industry enterprise in conditions of risk and crisis situations. Efficiency of enterprise management in the food industry


Management of a light industry enterprise

The essence and characteristics of enterprise management. Organization of production of textile enterprises. Organization of production of garment enterprises. Organization of production of enterprises for the manufacture and processing of leather. Marketing management of light industry enterprises. Personnel management of light industry enterprises. Management of light industry enterprises in conditions of risk and crisis situations. Territorial location of light industry enterprises. Organizational engineering. Environmental management. Efficiency of management of light industry enterprises


Operations management

Theoretical foundations of operational management. Product development and process selection in the manufacturing sector. Operating systems. Service development and selection of service process. Queue management. “Industry 4.0: integration of virtual reality into modern material production. Robotic production and smart factories. Smart goods. Design of production facilities and location of the enterprise. Designing the location of material and technical facilities. Planning and control in the operational management system. Operational strategies. Management of operational performance. Operational consulting and information support in operational management.



The essence and technology of recruitment in the personnel management system. Personnel marketing and recruitment planning. Search and selection of employees in the organization. Organization of work with providers in the recruitment system: cooperation with recruitment and staffing agencies and the work of a full-time recruiter. Selection of personnel in the recruitment system. Types of interviews in the recruitment process. Hiring candidates for vacant positions in the organization. Development of recruitment technology in the personnel management system.


Risk management

Essential characteristics of risks and their classification. The process of risk management. The place of risk, uncertainty and risk management in the system of scientific knowledge and social functions. Basic methods of applying general scientific approaches to the development of strategic directions of the organization's development under conditions of uncertainty and risk to ensure the goals of its development. Methodological foundations of risk analysis, identification, assessment and management. Decision-making criteria based on risk assessment. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of business risks. Substantiation of managerial influences on risk.


Risk Management in international business

Essential characteristics of international business risks and their classification. The process of risk management in international activities. The place of risk, uncertainty and risk management in the international activities of the enterprise. Basic methods of applying general scientific approaches to the development of strategic directions for the development of an organization in international business in conditions of uncertainty and risk to ensure the goals of its development. Methodological foundations for analyzing, identifying, assessing and handling risks in international business. Decision-making criteria based on risk assessment in international business. Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment of international business. Substantiation of management impacts on risk in international business.



Theoretical foundations of self-management. Scientific organization of the employee's activity. The main types of division and cooperation of labor. Planning of personal work of the employee. The concept of time management. Concepts of leadership. Planning and organization of the employee's workplace. Business communication in the employee's activity. Rationalization of the process of conducting telephone conversations. Technology of business meetings. Organization and conduct of business negotiations. Self-motivation and self-control of the employee. Human behavior in stressful and conflict situations. Formation of the qualities of an effective employee: professional, business, administrative, organizational, social, psychological, moral. Development of managerial potential.


Social responsibility of business

Social responsibility as a factor of sustainable development. Social responsibility of a person, state and society. Organizational and economic support for corporate social responsibility management. Formation of relations between employers and employees, business and external organizations on the basis of social responsibility. Environmental component of social responsibility. Social partnership. Monitoring of corporate social responsibility. Evaluation of the effectiveness of social responsibility.


Social and corporate management in the organization

Theoretical foundations of social and corporate management in an organization. History of the development of social and corporate management in the organization. Social processes in the organization. Corporate relations in the organization. Regulation of social and corporate management. Systematic approach to social and corporate management in the organization. Social and dividend policy in the organization. Social organization and corporation in management. Methods and technologies of social management in the organization (corporation). Regulation of corporate conflicts in the organization. Strategies of corporate management in the organization. Corporate social responsibility of the organization. Social monitoring and control in the activities of corporations. Management of social development of the organization. Social partnership in the activities of corporations. Social aspects of corporate culture formation in the organization. Efficiency of social management in the corporation.


Technology systems

Conceptual foundations of technology systems. Technologies and technological process: essence and genesis. Aggregation of the technological system. Sectoral features of technological development. Implementation of technology systems in enterprise activities. Resource provision of technology systems. Environmental policy as a tool of technology systems. Generating a strategy and conditions for the implementation of technology systems


Strategic management

Conceptual foundations of the theory of strategic management. Levels of strategic decisions and typology of organizational strategies. Strategic planning. Strategic analysis of the external environment of the organization. Strategic potential of the enterprise and the formation of its competitive advantages. Portfolio strategies and management of the strategic position of the organization. Generation of strategies and conditions for their implementation. Strategic control in the process of strategic transformations in the organization. Types of strategic management.


Strategic management of the enterprise

The essence and conceptual foundations of strategic management of the enterprise. Scientific approaches to the formation of strategies. Strategic planning. Strategic diagnostics of the external environment of the enterprise. Classification of strategies. Strategic potential of the enterprise. Management of the strategic position of the enterprise. Generation of strategic alternatives of the enterprise. Types of strategic management. Evaluation of strategy effectiveness and strategic changes in the enterprise. Strategic control.


Strategic management in international business

The role and purpose of strategy in international business. Application of strategic management in international business enterprises. Macro environment of an international business enterprise. Sectoral environment of an international business enterprise. Global market environment of an international business enterprise. Strategic opportunities of an international business enterprise. Long-term expectations and goals of the international activity of the enterprise. Creating a strategy for an international business enterprise. Corporate, international and business strategy of an international business enterprise. Directions and methods of strategic development of an international business enterprise. Organizational preparation for the implementation of the strategy at the international business enterprise. Resource support for the implementation of the strategy at the international business enterprise.


Theory of organization

Theory of organization in the system of sciences. Basic theories and models of organization. Evolution of theoretical concepts of organization. Characteristics and typology of modern organizations. Organization as a system. External and internal environment of the organization. Organization as a process. The essence and concepts of the life cycle of the organization. Organizational communications. Organization structure as a factor in ensuring its effectiveness. Organizational culture. Image of the organization. Reputation as a special resource of the organization.


Innovation management

Theoretical foundations of innovation management. Innovation as an object of management. Innovation process and activity. Generation of innovative ideas. Planning of innovation activities. Organization of innovation activities. Financing of innovations. Stimulation of innovative activity of personnel. Survey of innovations at the enterprise. Mechanisms for protecting innovations. Project management of innovations. Innovative cooperation. State innovation policy. National innovation system.


Management of the personnel service

Conceptual framework for the formation and development of the HR service in the organization. Organizational structure and functions of the personnel service in the organization. Structures of personnel services of organizations of different sizes and industries. Formation of the personnel of the personnel service. Quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel services. Performance indicators of personnel service employees. Regulation of the activities of personnel service employees. Personnel records management as a function of the personnel service in the organization. Documentation of personnel records in the organization. Types and procedure for registration of vacations. Business trips: the essence and types. Preparation of documents for the appointment of pensions. Formation of reporting documents on personnel work. Information technologies in the work of personnel services


Human resources management

Methodological bases of HR management. Personnel as an object of management in the organization. Competency-based approach to personnel management. Personnel policy of the organization. Planning of work with personnel in the organization. Structure and functions of HR departments. Personnel records management in the organization. Recruitment and selection of personnel in the organization. Selection of personnel in the organization. Career guidance and adaptation of personnel in the organization. Formation of a team and team in the organization. Team cohesion and social development of staff. Staff remuneration management. Evaluation of staff in the organization. Management of personnel movement and development in the organization. Forms and methods of professional staff training. Innovations in personnel management. Management of staff dismissal processes. Social partnership in the organization. Efficiency of HR management.


HR management in an international company

Human resource management system in the IC. Professional qualification of personnel in the IC. Structure and functions of HR departments in the IC. Information technology in HR management. Personnel policy and planning of work with personnel in the IC. Formation of personnel in the IC. Selection of personnel in the IC. Adaptation of personnel in the IC. Organization of work of employees in a team. Evaluation of staff in the IC. Motivation of staff in the IC. Staff development in the IC. Forms and methods of professional training of staff in the IC. Personnel career management in IC. Management of staff release in the IC. Social responsibility of staff in the IC. Efficiency of personnel management in the IC.


HR Management

Methodological foundations of HR management. Personnel as an object of management in the organization. Competency-based approach in HR management. Personnel policy and HR strategy in the organization. Human resource planning in the organization. Structure and functions of HR departments in management. HR record keeping and HR technologies in the organization. Recruitment and selection of personnel in the organization. Selection of personnel in the organization. Career guidance and adaptation of employees in the organization. Evaluation of personnel in the organization. Management of staff motivation and remuneration. Management of personnel movement and development in the organization. Forms and methods of professional staff training. Innovations in HR management and employees' readiness for change. Formation of a team (team) in HR management. Management of staff dismissal processes. Social partnership in the organization. Efficiency of HR management.

Disciplines intended for the training of students of the master's degree


Administranistrative management

The emergence and development of the theory of administration. The modern concept of administrative management theory. Designing and creating an organization. The system of administrative management. Laws and principles of building an effective administrative management system. The mechanism of administrative management. Management apparatus as a subject of administrative management. Functions of administrative management. The effectiveness of the administrative management system.


Innovative development of the enterprise

Nature and content of innovative development of an enterprise based on the involvement of its scientific, technological and intellectual potential in order to achieve strategic goals and ensure competitiveness. Determination of the features of the innovation system of the enterprise and the structural composition of the innovation potential. Study of theoretical and methodological provisions for developing strategies for innovative development of the enterprise. Evaluation of economic efficiency and effectiveness of innovation activities of the enterprise.


Human resources audit

Theoretical foundations of HR audit. Essence, subjects and objects of personnel audit. The process of conducting a human resources audit. Methodology of human resources audit. Information and methodological support of human resources audit. Organizational and social audit of personnel. The essence and objectives of auditing the attractiveness of the organization in the labor market. Audit of personnel service functions. Audit of personnel accounting and reporting. Audit of the human resources potential of the organization. The essence, indicators and evaluation criteria of the audit of recruitment, selection and adaptation of personnel. Audit of staff dismissal. Audit of working conditions and labor protection of personnel. Audit of personnel costs. Audit of the effectiveness of personnel investment. Efficiency and effectiveness of human resources audit.



Subject, methodology and conceptual framework of the discipline. Types, methodological approaches and forms of consulting. Consulting as a tool for professional business support. Classification of consulting services. Models and process of consulting. Marketing of consulting services. Personnel policy of a consulting firm. Risk in consulting activities. Communications and stages of the communication process in consulting. Efficiency and effectiveness of consulting.


Corporate Governance

Theoretical foundations of corporate governance. Infrastructure of the corporate environment. Participants in corporate relations and corporate governance bodies. Models and international standards of corporate governance. Organizational and economic mechanism of corporate governance. Management of corporate expenses. Reporting and control in the corporate governance system. Management of state corporate rights. Efficiency and quality of corporate governance.


Corporate governance in international companies

Theoretical foundations of corporate governance in international companies. Infrastructure of the international corporate environment. Participants in corporate relations and corporate governance bodies in international companies. Models and international standards of corporate governance. Organizational and economic mechanism of corporate governance in international companies. Corporate cost management in international companies. Reporting and control in the corporate governance system in international companies.  Efficiency and quality of corporate governance in international companies.


Creative management

Creative management as a science and a type of management activity. Creative potential as a process of personality and its evaluation. Methods of psychological activation of thinking and expansion of imagination. Methods of directed search for ideas. Criteria for choosing methods of generating ideas. Methods of collective idea generation and their application. Management of a creative organization. Motivation of staff creativity. Approaches to creative staff training. The head of the organization as a leader of creative management.


Cross-cultural management

Culture in international business relations. The concept of culture. Classification of culture models. Definition and subject of cross-cultural management. The history of cross-cultural management. Methods of research. Symptoms and causes of cross-cultural shock. Phases and overcoming cross-cultural shock. Values, behavior, attitudes: intercultural diversity. Problems of intercultural communication. Understanding messages in different cultures. Cultural differences in management style. Cultural parameters of industrial relations. The influence of national culture on organizational relations. Cultural parameters of organizational behavior. Cultural archetypes of organizations. Strategies for recognizing the culture of the organization. Strategies for managing cultural diversity. Theories of motivation and their cross-cultural aspect. Attitudes towards work in different cultures. Theory of motivation in a multicultural environment.


Organizational behavior

Conceptual foundations of organizational behavior. A person in the system of organizational behavior. Motivation of human labor behavior in the organization. Emotional labor and emotional intelligence in human behavior. in companies. Management of organizational communications. Talent management. Leadership behavior in global organizations. Behavior in self-learning organizations. Organizational behavior in a global environment. Cultural diversity.


Reputation management

The term “reputation”, its history, features and components. Cross-cultural features of reputation components. Components of reputation management. Reputation management in the context of company life cycles. The relationship between power, capital and the phenomenon of reputation. The impact of the reputation of the company's governing bodies (top management, board of directors) on the overall assessment of its reputation. The impact of corporate culture on the reputation of the organization. The role of corporate social responsibility in shaping reputation. IPO (Initial Public Offering) as an indicator of a company's reputation. Reputation as a component of goodwill and a strategic asset of the organization. Conducting a reputation audit. Determining a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators of reputation assessment. The main stages of corporate image and reputation assessment. Strategic analysis of changes in corporate reputation. Development and implementation of reputation security. Technologies for creating and strengthening corporate reputation. Prediction of reputational losses. Assessment of reputational risks of the organization. Assessment of the organization's reputation capital.


Social management

The concept of formation and development of the social management system. Management of social processes and their essence. Laws and principles of social management. Social organization in the structure of social management. Methods and technologies of social management. Areas of application of social management in society. Monitoring of social processes and social and statistical diagnostics. Social responsibility as a factor of sustainable development of society. Ideology of social partnership in society. Social aspects of labor collective management. Social aspects of organizational and managerial culture formation. Efficiency of social management in modern society.


Strategic and change management

Evolution of the theory of strategic management.  World experience of strategic management at the state level. Stages of strategic management at different levels. Strategic analysis as a source of change in the strategic management system. Resource provision of strategic management. Strategic intelligence management and digital ecosystems. Strategic potential and formation of competitive advantages. Strategic decisions. Management of changes in socio-economic systems. Choosing strategies in the process of strategic management. Strategies for managing organizational change. Implementation of strategies. Monitoring and evaluation in the process of strategic management. Program and project approaches to strategic management and change management. Strategic management at the central and local levels Public participation in strategic management and change management. Strategic management systems at the organizational level.


Trade management

The essence, goals and objectives of trade management as a system. Infrastructure of trade management. Legal, regulatory, market and internal regulation of trade activities of the enterprise. Functions and mechanism of trade management. Trade management strategy, its content and sequence of development. Organizational principles of trade management. Selection of the most effective organizational forms of functioning of the trade enterprise. The most effective methods of selling goods and organizing additional services to customers. Management of trade and technological processes. Management of trade turnover, income, expenses and profit of a trade enterprise. Resource support for trade management activities. Organization of communication processes in the field of trade management. Culture of a trade enterprise.


Change management

The nature, sources and necessity of change. Global environment of change. Local environment of change. Typologization of changes in the organization. The process of change management in the organization. Organizational diagnostics and assessment of the organization's readiness for change. Project approach to change management. Motivation and control of change implementation. Models of change management in the organization. Methods and tools for change management. Changes in groups and teams in the organization. Changes in organizational culture. Perception and reaction of employees to changes in the organization. Management and leadership in change management. Organizational development as a result of change. Development of learning organizations. Efficiency and effectiveness of change management.


Career management

Career as a socio-economic category. Subjects of career management. Career planning and career strategy development. Career management in the personnel development system. Managerial career: essence and features of implementation. Managing a manager's career. Making career decisions. Career crises and ways to overcome them. Career of an individual in international companies. Efficiency of employee career management.


Social and corporate management in the organization

Theoretical foundations of social and corporate management in an organization. History of the development of social and corporate management in the organization. Social processes in the organization. Corporate relations in the organization. Regulation of social and corporate management. Systematic approach to social and corporate management in the organization. Social and dividend policy in the organization. Social organization and corporation in management. Methods and technologies of social management in the organization (corporation). Regulation of corporate conflicts in the organization. Strategies of corporate management in the organization. Corporate social responsibility of the organization. Social monitoring and control in the activities of corporations. Management of social development of the organization. Social partnership in the activities of corporations. Social aspects of corporate culture formation in the organization. Efficiency of social management in the corporation.


Project management

General provisions for project management in the organization Project justification. Project planning. Project time management. Project resource planning. Controlling project implementation. Project risk management. Project quality management. Project cost management. Project communication and stakeholder management. Project team management. Project management methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, Lean, 6 Sigma).

Disciplines intended for the study of students of the educational degree “Doctor of Philosophy”


Commercialization of intellectual property

Theoretical foundations of commercialization of intellectual property results. The system of international agreements for the commercialization of research and development results. Commercialization of copyright objects. Ways to commercialize the results of scientific research and development. Mechanism of commercialization of intellectual property results at the enterprise. Tools for assessing the value of intellectual property rights. Licensing as a form of commercialization of research and development results. Technology transfer management system.

остання редакція 06.05.2024