Department of Banking
Department of Banking
Department of Banking


Academic staff

of Banking


Head of the Department of Banking

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor 

e-mail: n.shulga@knute.edu.ua

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Google Scholar



SCOPE OF INTERESTS: fundamental and applied research in the field of controlling and risk management in banks and non-banking institutions; monetary policy of the central bank.


  • Banking Controlling;
  • Banking Risk Management;
  • Financial Controlling;
  • Financial Risk Management.


  • Doctor of Sciences (Economics), KNUTE, 2006
  • PhD in Economics, Kyiv Institute of National Economy, 1984


  • Professor, 2004
  • Associate Professor, 1994


  • Head of the Department of Banking, KNUTE, since 2006
  • Professor of the Department of Banking, KNUTE, 2004 – 2006
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, KNUTE, 1987 – 2004
  • Senior Researcher of  Research Institute of  Kyiv Institute of National Economy, 1983-1987
  • Economist of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, 1977 – 1980


  • Certificate of the National Bank of Ukraine and a silver hryvnia for participation in the development of methodological support for international accounting standards in Ukrainian banks, 1997.
  • Medal of the President of Ukraine "For work and achievement", 2017.





Educational and methodological seminars, the National Bank of Ukraine, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

Professional conference on bank risk management on the topic: "Risk and profitability management of banks", December 14, 2020.


  • Member of the Specialized Academic Council K. 26.055.03 (specialty: 08.00.08 - Money, Finance and Credit);
  • Member of the Scientific and Expert Board of the Public Council of the National Bank of Ukraine;
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the journal "Bulletin of the NBU";
  • Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission on Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance" (up to 2019);
  • Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Bank "Stolichny" (2000-2006);
  •  Consultant and Head of the Banking Department of the Banking Institute of Bank "Ukraine" (1992-1999).

Liudmyla Zhurakhovska




PhD in Statistics
Associate Professor of the Department of Banking

Ukrainian GIPS RTS EMEA Representative

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Google Scholar



SCOPE OF INTERESTS: Capital Markets Research, Stocks Evaluation, Risk Measurement, Securities portfolio development and research, Educational process improvement, Project Management, Investors Relations, GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standards).

COURSES: Portfolio Investment, Risk Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Securities Transactions, Institutional Investors Asset Management, Financial Market, Depository Activity, Securities Trading, Management of the Bank Investment Portfolio, Investor Relations.


  • PhD  in Statistics, Kyiv National Economic University, 1989
  • MBA in Project Management, Kyiv Business School, 2010
  • Economist, Kyiv National Economic Institute (Kyiv National Economic University), 2002


  • Associate Professor, 2011


  • Associate Professor of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2011
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Finance (part-time), Educational Centre "Profit": 2010 - 2011
  • Recruitment / Sales director of the International Open University, Kyiv Investment Management Institute (КІМI), acquired by Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2010 (August 2010 - November 2010)
  • Vice-rector, International Development and Corporate Relations; Associate Professor of  the Department of Management,  Kyiv Investment Management Institute,  2001 – 2010
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Finance: Ukrainian Securities Market Development Institute, 2000 – 2001


  • Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, certificate of honor on high professionalism and scientific success: "For significant contribution to the scientific and pedagogical work with students, development and implementation of innovative forms and methods of training into the learning process and on the occasion of the Faculty of Finance and Banking Day", 2017
  • Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, certificate of honor on high professionalism and scientific success: «For conscientious work, high professionalism, successes in scientific and pedagogical activity and on the occasion of the Day of Educational Workers», 2016
  • Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, certificate of honor on sports achievements: “For the 2nd place in the basketball tournament within the First Olympics among employees dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics”, 2016
  • Grateful letters from Brokerage House “Otkrytie Broker” (2012), Krasnodar Subsidiary of Financial University (2013) for training students, who took prizes in national and international student competitions
  • East-West Management Institute grateful letter for cooperation and contribution, 2010.
  • The 3rd prizewinner of “Purchase or Sell”, the All-Ukrainian Contest of Financial Experts (held by “Investment Newspaper”, 1998
  • A prizewinner of "Top-20", the All-Ukrainian Contest of Equity Analysts (held by Deloitte & Touche), 1998
  • Diploma with honor, Kyiv National Economy Institute (now KNEU),  1982




  • VP on Marketing (part-time), Binartus Software, WY, USA: 2010 – 2011
  • Project coordinator of GIPS development in Kazakhstan and Georgia (part-time), East-West Management Institute' Partners for Financial Stability Program, NY, USA, Grant No. 419-08-100-3002-20: 2008 - 2009
  • Intermitted Interpreter of Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), Capital Markets Projects, FMI Inc. (Contract No. 121-C-00-05-00707-00): 2006 - 2007
  • Financial Advisor and Coordinator of the Working group, GOU State Property Fund/World Bank EDAL Project “Bankruptcy and Liquidation” Arcadis BMB Management Consultants: 1999 - 2000
  • Vice President of Development, Portfolio Manager, Chief of Analytical Centre, GPI - Investments, Finance, Kyiv, 1996 - 2000
  • Securities and Bonds Market Analyst, Comex-Brok Brokerage House, Kyiv: 1994 – 1996
  • Global Investment Performance Standards Training Seminar, CFA Institute, San Diego, California, USA: 2017
  • Depositary Activity Internship Program, PARD (Professional Association of Capital Market and Derivatives Participants); according to the plan of training of teachers of KNUTE: 2014, 2019
  • Certified International Investment Analyst Training Program, European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS): Madrid, Spain: 2007
  • Future Leaders of MBA Program, Academy of Excellence, Business Management Education in Ukraine (funded by USAID, CEUME): 2003 - 2005
  • Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility Program, World Bank Distant Program: 2003
  • Professional Development in Distant Learning, Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education (CEUME): 2001
  • Human Researches Management Training program, Japan Centre in Ukraine: 2001
  • Internship for International Finance, Portfolio Management and Corporate Finance, REAP project supported by British Council, The University of Stirling, UK: 1999
  • The SABIT Financial Services Program, Securities Session, Special American Business Internship Training for the Financial Officers, Washington - New York - Chicago, USA: 1997
  • Authorized person training program, The PFTS (First Stock Trading System): 1997
  • Business and estate appraisal certificate program (Certificate #941), State Property Fund of Ukraine. Ukrainian Society of Appraisals, 1997
  • Investment Management Program (150 hours), Ukrainian Association of Investment Business: 1995


  • Member of the  Ukrainian Society of Financial Analysts (USFA), since 1996 (http://usfa-ua.org/)
  • Member of the Association of Young Donors of Ukraine, since 2011 (https://donor.ua/donors/3134)
  • Ukrainian GIPS RTS EMEA Representative: National coordination of GIPS  Promotion with CFA Institute and UAIB, since 2006 (http://usfa-ua.org/)
  • Ukrainian EIPS EMEA Representative: Initiation of GIPS  Promotion in Ukraine, with European Investment Performance Committee and USFA, since 2001
  • Head of the Working group on preparation for participation in the Project Erasmus + JeanMonnet: 2018
  • Head of the Working group on preparation for participation in the Project Erasmus + JeanMonnet: 2016
  • Member of Specialized Academic Council in Finance, KNEU, 2013
  • CFA examination coordinators member in Ukraine, with CPSD (Centre of Professional Standards Development): 2007 – 2010
  • CIPA examination coordinators member in Ukraine, with CPSD (Centre of Professional Standards Development): 2008 – 2009
  • Deputy Representative of Kyiv Investment Management Institute (KIMI) in UARMBO (Ukrainian Association for Development of Management and Business Education): 2007 – 2010
  • MBA course “Financial Market” for students of MBA Program, Institute of Higher Qualification, KNUTE, since 2014
  • English Language Certificates: B2 Certificate of Study, School of Language and Global Studies, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility Programme: Grade Achieved 76%. Approximate IELTS Equivalency IELTS 6.5, 2017
  • First Certificate in English (6th level of 8), London School of English: University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, International Examinations: 2003.

HOBBY: organic gardening, professional travelling, fitness, singing, ballroom and folk dancing


PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor of the Department of Banking

Scholar's Profile:


Google Scholar



SCOPE OF INTERESTS: self-regulation of financial markets, securities, investment (portfolio)


  • PhD in Economics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, IIR, 2015
  • MS, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 2002 (management of foreign economic activity)
  • MS, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2000


  • Associate Professor, 2015


  • Associate Professor of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2015
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2009-2015
  • Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2007 – 2009


  • Certificate of honor of the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics for significant contribution to the scientific and educational work with students, development and implementation into the educational process of innovative forms and methods, 2017
  • Diploma of a favorite lecturer from the editor of the newspaper "All of accounting" for being a true mentor and an example for students, 2015
  • Certificate of honor of the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics for high achievements in scientific and educational work, 2013
  • Certificate of honor of the rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics for achievements in scientific and educational work, 2011


 Google Scholar


Internship at JSC "Oschadbank", 2018.

Certificate of English proficiency, B2 level (KNU, TsIM), 2017.

Internship at the Bank "Finance and Credit" JSC, 2010.

Higher School of Pedagogical Mastery of KNTEU, 2008.


  • Internship at JSC "Oschadbank", 2018
  • Internship in Bank «Finance and Credit», 2010
  • High School of Pedagogical Skills of KNUTE, 2008
  • Various educational and methodological seminars in KNTEU

HOBBY: travel, financial technologies, cars.


PhD in Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of Banking

e-mail: l.gerbych@knute.edu.ua

Scholar's Profile:

Google Scholar

Web of Science

SCOPE OF INTERESTS: anti-crisis bank management, financial monitoring, financial management in the bank

COURSES: "Analysis of the activity of financial intermediaries", "Anti-crisis management

of a bank", "Anti-crisis management of a financial institution", "Information systems and

technologies in financial and credit institutions", "Financial monitoring", "Financial

management in a bank"


PhD in Economics, Doctoral Thesis Title: "Management of the Bank's Mortgage Loan  Portfolio",


Economist, accounting and auditing, State University of Trade and Economics, 1997


Associate Professor, 2016


Associate Professor of the Department of Banking, KNUTE, 2016

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, KNUTE, 2015

Assistant Lecturer, KNUTE, 1997


Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on conscientious work, high professionalism, achievements in research and pedagogical activities, 2018.

Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on conscientious work, high professionalism, achievements in research and pedagogical activities, 2016.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=uzrcIKQAAAAJ&hl=ru


Online seminar "Trends and innovations of regulation of the financial sector in Ukraine", NBU, 2020

Online seminar "Practical aspects of formulation and implementation of monetary policy" for

lecturers of monetary policy of economic higher education institutions of Ukraine, NBU, 2020.

Webinar "What should consumers of financial services know?", NBU, 2020

Online lecture of the annual research conference "Labor Market and Monetary Policy" as part of

Ukraine Economy Week, National Bank of Ukraine and Kyiv School of Economics, 2020.

Seminar for lecturers of higher educational institutions of Ukraine "Practical aspects of banking risk

assessment", NBU, 2019.

Internship at Raiffeisen Bank Aval PJSC, 2018.

Master class "1C: enterprise 8.3": accounting of students' success and analytical report (we configure

a working solution in half an hour), Center for certification training LLC "PROKOM", 2017.

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical training "Information technologies in the educational process:

quality education", KNTEU, 2017

Internship, Raiffeisen Bank Aval PJSC, 2013.

Training on combating, preventing and countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds obtained

through crime, under the program of improving the qualifications of system employees, National

Bank of Ukraine, NBU, 2004.

HOBBY: travel, needlework



Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking

e-mail: l.netrebchuk@knute.edu.ua

Scholar's Profile:

Google Scholar

Web of Science

SCOPE OF INTERESTS: bank loan portfolio management, bank activity analysis methodology, banking technologies and processes, digital technologies in payment systems and creation of financial ecosystems

COURSES: "Analysis of bank activity", "Credit analysis", "Credit management", "Payment systems", "Information systems and technologies in the banking sector", "Educational bank"


Economist in Accounting and Auditing, Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, 1998.


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2007

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, 1998 - 2007


Gratitude of JSC "UKRSIBBANK" on the huge contribution to the development of the educational project "UKRSIB praktyka online", 2020.

Gratitude of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on high professionalism, fruitful work, support of students in the development of economic science and preparation of the winner of the All-Ukrainian student competition of business projects "Business Trampoline", 2018.

Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on high results in the rating "Teacher through the eyes of students" in the 2016/2017 academic year, 2017.

Letter of thanks from the Association of Investment Professionals "CFA Society Ukraine", 2016.

Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on conscientious and fruitful work, 2016.

Certificate "A favorite teacher" based on the results of a student survey by the newspaper "Everything about accounting".

Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on a significant contribution to the development of higher education, a high level of pedagogical activity, 2009.

Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on active participation in scientific work of university departments, 2006.

Certificate of honor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, 2006.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=40380


Online course "Trends and innovations of regulation of the financial sector in Ukraine", Training Center of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2020.

Educational webinar of the National Bank of Ukraine: "What should consumers of financial services know?", 2020

Training course "Practical aspects of banking risk assessment", Training Center of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2019.

Educational training conference "Teaching financial literacy in universities 4.0", 2018.

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical training "Information technologies in the educational process: "Digital transformation: functional capabilities of the M.E.Doc electronic document management system", "Integration of the results of scientific research into the educational process", 2017.

Educational and methodological seminar "Integration of the results of scientific research into the educational process", 2017.

Internship on the topic "Payment systems" at Benefit Systems LLC, 2017.

Training course "Reforms in supervision and introduction of macroprudential regulation in the banking sector of Ukraine", Training Center of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2017.

Training "Economic and mathematical methods and software products in modern economic research" KNUTE (Ukraine), University of Bremen (Germany), 2016

Educational and methodological seminar "Education quality assurance system at KNUTE", 2016.

Educational and methodological seminar "Training as a method of learning and development", 2015.

Internship on the topic "Analysis of banking activity", Diamantbank PJSC, 2012.

Tutor training course, 2010.

Educational and methodical seminar "Modern methods of conducting lectures", 2009

Educational and methodological seminar "Psychological and pedagogical features of training of IVC students", 2009.

Internship at "Dobrobut" credit union, 2005.

Internship at KB "Khreshchatyk", 2005.

Internship on the topic "Modern practice and peculiarities of functioning of information systems in the banking sphere", the National Bank of Ukraine, 2005.

Internship at KB "Interbank", 2000.

Educational programs "En comptabilite et gestion des entreprises", "Management de projet", "Marketing operationnel" (Centre Français Des Affaires, France, Lviv), 2000

Higher School of Pedagogical Mastery of Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, 2000


Vice Head of the Department of Banking, since 2010

Co-leader of the student group within the framework of the Consumer Festival "Time to Act" on protecting the rights of consumers of financial services

Responsible secretary of the admission commission for the specialty 2006-2008.

HOBBY: cinema, theater, exhibitions


Doctor of Science (Economics)

Associate Professor of the Department of Banking


Scholar's Profile:

Google ScholarORCIDWoS 

SCOPE OF INTERESTS: risk management, capital management, monetary policy

COURSES: "Risk management", "Financial management", "Monetary policy", "Investment lending", "Financial controlling"

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=45455


 University of Central England, 1996, educational programme

HOBBY: literature, gardening


PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of Banking

e-mail: k.kireeva@knute.edu.ua

Scholar's Profile:

Google Scholar

Web of Science

SCOPE OF INTERESTS: monetary policy of the central bank, regulation of bank capital, banking services, security of banking operations

COURSES: "Money and Loan", "Banking System", "Banking Operations", "Banking Security".


PhD in Economics, 08.04.01 "Finance, Money Circulation and Credit”, Doctoral Thesis Title "Regulation of Bank Capital", 2006


Associate Professor, 2012


Associate Professor of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2013

Associate Professor of the Department of Banking, Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, 2009 – 2013.

Specialist of PJSC "UNICREDIT BANK" (part-time), 2007-2013

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, 2006 - 2009

Chief Economist of APPB "Aval", 2000-2006.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: http://gerasymenkoanzhelika.blogspot.com/


Educational and methodological seminars, the National Bank of Ukraine, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

Internship at JSC "OSCHADBANK", topic: "Banking operations", January - February 2019.

Internship at PJSC "UNICREDIT BANK", topic: "Foreign exchange operations of the bank's treasury", October 2012 - January 2013

HOBBY: music, shaping


PhD in Economics,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking

e-mail: l.belyanko@knute.edu.ua

Scholar's Profile:

Google Scholar


SCOPE OF INTERESTS:  protection of the rights of consumers of financial services, payment card market, financial market, risk management in banks

COURSES: "Protection of the rights of consumers of financial services", "Payment systems", "Finance, money and credit", "International credit and settlement and currency transactions", "Leasing activity"


PhD in Economics, 08.00.08 "Money, Finance and Credit", Doctoral Thesis Title: "Stress Testing of Credit Risk of Banks", 2019

Master's degree in banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2013


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2020

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2019-2020

PhD Study at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, specialty 08.00.08 – “Money, finance and credit”, 2013-2019.

Lending manager of LLC "MMK-Ukraine", 2013

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=40513


Credit Agricole Bank JSC, internship report, topic: "Financial controlling", 03/31/2020

Higher School of Pedagogical Mastery of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2020

NBU online webinar "What should consumers of financial services know?", Kyiv, May 15, 2020

Lecture of the National Bank of Ukraine "Instruments of economic policy in the light of constant changes", June 7-9, 2021

HOBBY: travel, modern literature, cooking.


PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor of the Department of Banking

e-mail: o.kalyta@knute.edu.ua

Scholar's Profile:

Google Scholar

Web of Science


SCOPE OF INTERESTS:  monetary policy of the Central Bank, refinancing of banks, non-banks (virtual banks), digital currencies.

COURSES: "Money and credit", "Finance, money and credit", "Banking system", "Banking", "International financial markets"


PhD in Economics, 08.00.08 "Finance, Money and Credit", Doctoral Thesis Title: "Mechanism of Bank Refinancing", 2015

Master’s Degree in Finance, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2011


  • Associate Professor


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2019

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2015-2019

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=40383


Higher School of Pedagogical Mastery, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2020

Raiffeisen Bank Aval JSC, 2020

Seminar of the NBU on the topic "Trends in innovation of the regulation of the financial sector in Ukraine", Kyiv, October 22, 2020

NBU online webinar "What should consumers of financial services know?", Kyiv, May 15, 2020

Online lecture of the speakers of the Annual Research Conference of the Central Banks of Ukraine and Poland as part of Ukraine Economy Week 2020, Kyiv, May 25-27, 2020. On May 25-27, English-language webinars with the participation of economists from international financial organizations (in particular, the International Monetary Fund), central banks and universities of other countries. May 25 "Online Lecture 'How monetary policy works in practice for households'", May 26 "Online Lecture 'The World Uncertainty Index'", May 27 "Online Lecture 'Wage Fluctuations Over the Business Cycle'", 2020

Online seminar "Practical aspects of formulation and implementation of monetary policy", 2020;

Online seminar "Practical aspects of banking risk assessment", Kyiv, June 18-19, 2020;

Seminars "Practical aspects of formulation and implementation of monetary policy", Kyiv NBU, November 14-15, 2019

HOBBY: travel, literature


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking

e-mail: u.kotenko@knute.edu.ua

Scholar's Profile:

Google Scholar

Web of Science

SCOPE OF INTERESTS:  banking, credit relations, financial services.

COURSES: "Banking operations", "Finance, money and credit", "Educational bank", "Assessment of collateral for bank loans", "Mortgage market"


Economist-organizer, Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, 1994


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2003

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 1998-2002.

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Banking, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 1995 - 1998.


Certificate of honor, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2020

Certificate of honor, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2013

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=40504


Webinars of the National Bank of Ukraine ("What should consumers of financial services know?", "Trends and innovations in the regulation of the financial sector in Ukraine"), 2020

International scientific economic forum "NEW ECONOMICS - 2019", NASU, 2019

Methodological seminar "On new possibilities of the distance learning system Moodle 3.5.1", KNTEU, 2019.

Methodological seminar "Observance of academic integrity by a scientist", KNUTE, 2018.

Round table "Effective tools for the development of small and medium-sized businesses", Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, 2018.

Educational and methodological seminar "Ways to overcome teacher burnout", KNUTE, 2017.

Educational and methodological seminar "Teacher-student relations in the learning process", KNUTE, 2016.

Educational and methodological seminar "Formation of the image of a modern teacher", KNUTE, 2010.

Internship in domestic banks: JSC "Ukrsotsbank", 2002; Raiffeisen Bank Aval PJSC, 2008, 2013, 2018; PJSC "Ukrainian Professional Bank", 2008, 2013.

Program "Methodology of teaching in higher education", SUTE, 1998.

Internship at the universities of Loughborough and Birmingham (Great Britain), 1998.

Program for training tutors in banking tfor Ukraine, Ukrainian Finance and Banking School, NBU in assistance with the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1996 - 1999.

HOBBY: travel

остання редакція 07.10.2024