Department of Tourism and Creative Industries Management
Department of Tourism and Creative Industries Management
Department of Tourism and Creative Industries Management



of Tourism and Creative Industries Management

Newsline of the Dpt. of Tourism and Creative Industries Management 


Participation of DTEU representatives in Vinnytsia Wine Days 2023

A new event in the wine calendar of Ukraine took place in Vinnytsia at the initiative of the president of Vinnytsia Wine Days, Volodymyr Hygineishvili, with support of the Vinnytsia City Council and with the participation of the International Organization of Viticulture and Winemaking representatives, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine representatives, the State Tourism Development Agency, scientists of the State University of Trade and Economic University (SUTE) and Odessa National Technological University, international experts, Ukrainian manufacturers. The event was held on May 25-28, 2023 at the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute SUTE, with Visit Vinnutsia tourist hub and Tiflis restaurant.

The International scientific and practical conference "Enogastronomic tourism as a driver of the development of tourist destinations" as part of Vinnytsia Wine Days - 2023 was held. Anatoliy Mazaraki, Rector of SUTE, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of Ukraine welcome participants of the conference with a speech. He emphasized the urgency of this conference in the frames of today's challenges, as well as the importance of the development of winemaking and tourism as driver industries of the national and regional economies in the post-war period.

There are 2 reports of university scientists that aroused lively interest at the conference panels: "Innovative projects in the field of eno-gastronomic tourism" and "The potential of national cuisines in the creation of tourist products". Speakers: Tetyana Tkachenko, head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, Dr. Econ. Science, professor; Olena Chernega, graduate student of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, curator of digitalization projects in the areas of tourism and culture in the city of Kyiv in State Educational Center of the Kyiv City State Administration; Oksana Vitryak, associate professor of the department of technology and organization of the restaurant industry, PhD in technical sciences. The organization of the event was actively facilitated by Nadiia Vedmid, Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business, Doctor of Economics, Prof.

We are grateful to the organizers of Vinnytsia Wine Days - 2023 for an interesting forum and a warm welcome in the city of Vinnytsia as well as for the opportunity to hold such events for the sake of preserving national traditions and developing the potential of winemaking and enogastronomic tourism in Ukraine.

Tetyana TKACHENKO, head of the department of tourism and recreation, professor, doctor of economics;

Oksana VITRYAK, associate professor of the department of technology and organization of the restaurant industry, Ph.D.

Memorandum on cooperation and partnership with "Pozhidaev Production Team"

The department of tourism and recreation of SUTE had initiated and prepared educational program “Creative industries and business management”, subject Area: 028 Management of socio-cultural activities, field of study 02 Culture and art.

During the celebration of the University Day on May 27, 2023, a Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership between SUTE and "Pozhidaev Production Team" as a stakeholder of the new educational program was signed. This Memorandum create to attract the experience, professional competences and resources of an external partner to promote the formation of sustainable competitive advantages at development, implementation and promotion of SUTE educational programs.

Pozhidaev Production Team is one of the leading enterprises on the domestic market of video production services. During its existence (since 2016), it has implemented successful projects of creating advertising and promotional videos and clips for the Department of Tourism and Promotions of Kyiv City State Administration; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine; Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism and others.

Rector of SUTE, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of Ukraine, Anatoly Mazaraki noted that nowadays creative industries provide up to 20% of GDP in some countries and expressed confidence in the possibility of organizing fruitful cooperation in the field of monitoring situations on the labor and education market as well as in the field of proposal preparation for the creation of new and educational programs.

Cooperation between SUTE and Pozhidaev Production Team, in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum, will initiate practical skills for students studying Creative industries and business management in creating video conferences, webinars, online broadcasts, virtual interior; interactions with the presentation during TouchBoard shooting; organization of studio work; editing, color correction, creating a background of virtual studios; directing and producing.

The following took part in the signing ceremony within the framework of the Memorandum implementation:

Anton Pozhidaev - director and founder of the company "Pozhidaev Production Team"; representatives of the State University of Trade and Economics: the first vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, doctor of technical sciences, prof. Natalia Prytulska; Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Nadiia Vedmid; head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. Tetyana Tkachenko; guarantor of the educational program "Creative industries and business management", PhD in Economics, Assoc. prof., Serhii Khlopyak, etc.

Results of the competition of innovative tourist business projects "Action, trip!"

On April 18, the Department of Tourism and Recreation summed up the results of the work of the 4th year bachelors in the educational and scientific center of business simulation of SUTE. Students presented creative concepts of tourist companies specializing in hobby tours, dark and ecological tourism, organization of food tours and movie tours.

The topics of the projects were diverse, as they took into account modern trends and needs of the tourist market. There are such directions among them as:

  • hobby tours – trips with dancing, yoga, painting, fishing;
  • dark tourism - visiting places associated with tragedies, death or suffering;
  • ecological tourism - trips to observe the nature and environmental protection of the territory of the National Environmental Parks of Ukraine and the world;
  • gastro tours – trips to taste the national cuisine of the region (for example, Transcarpathian gastro tour),
  • movie tours - trips to visit places where popular movies or series were created.

By the way, this is how the slogan of the event came about - "Action, trip!", although one of the proposed routes covered a place associated with the Harry Potter movie.

All the projects were distinguished by the originality of ideas, the professional and qualification level of their substantiation, and the ability of future tourism specialists to work in a team.

Scientific achievements of students at the II International Conference "Hotel, restaurant and tourism business: realities and challenges"

More than 250 of the best representatives of the young scientific elite gathered at the student scientific conference "Hotel, restaurant and tourism business: realities and challenges", which took place on March 22, 2023 at the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business.  

The opening of the conference took place with the speech of the Vice-Rector for Research, Pedagogical Activities and International Relations, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Anzhelika Gerasymenko, who emphasized the urgency of holding the conference in the conditions of martial law and today’s challenges.

Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Nadiia Vedmid congratulated the participants and guests of the scientific event and highlighted the importance of conducting student scientific work on an international level in today's realities, when education process in the field of hospitality and tourism is very important since the industry needs qualified and professional specialists.

The scientific event took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere and caused a lively discussion. Actual conference materials presented at the plenary session and discussion platforms contributed to the active discussion and expression of the participants' opinions regarding the realities and Europeanization of priorities for the restoration of the hotel, restaurant and tourism business in the post-war period. Depending on the direction of the studied topic, 5 discussion platforms were organized for the presentation of student research achievements with the possibility to present their scientific works in English and Ukrainian languages in remote mode. In general, the participants of the meeting gave a high assessment of the organization of the conference and expressed their wish for regular holding of this event.


Contest of Tourist StartUp Projects at the Scientific and Educational Center of Business Simulation of the State University of Trade and Economics

On May 8, 2022 in the Teaching and Research Center of Business Simulation of SUTE (hereinafter - the Center) held a competition of team StartUp projects for the creation and development of enterprises-tour operators, As well as technological innovations in the field of tourism, developed by students who study specialties "Tourism" and "Management" specialization "Tourism Management".

The competition attracted the attention of employers and interested young people - schoolchildren and students of other departments of DTEU and institutions of higher education. The participants were addressed by the Director of the Center Trubey O.M., Dean of the Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant Business Vedmid N.I., Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation T.I. Tkachenko.

For several years the Faculty Council consisting of the Dean of the Faculty Vedmid N.I., Head of Tourism and Recreation Department T.I. Tkachenko, teachers of the department - Roskladki N.O., Klopiak S.V., Bilik V.V., Klimova A.M., Mazurts R.R., as well as stakeholder - Olena Chernega, curator of the project on digital tourism, culture and sports in the city. Kyiv City (KMDA), Irina Dvorskoї, director and owner of the company "Tourist Hub", Natalie Neznamova, head of the representative office of Air France KLM in Ukraine, - examined six concepts and strategies of development of professional travel companies submitted for the competition:

- "Retreat Tour", the main activity is planned in the sphere of health tourism. The product of the company - an innovative solution in the tourism business, which involves a total "re-engagement" of moral, spiritual and physical forces of potential customers of the tourist product. Implementation of the project is of practical importance for the removal of psychological stress, particularly under conditions of war. The project includes the "Meditly "mobile supplement concept.

- Stories Tour, the tour operator's profile is Instagram tourism, the relevance of which is growing rapidly in the era of the development of social networks. As part of the startup, the PhotoU website project was created to help tourists find the most relevant Instagram locations.

- "Wins&Win" is a tour operator in the field of gastronomic and cultural and educational tourism. The mission of the project is to organize unforgettable trips to discover for tourists the palette of original flavors, unique recipes and culinary traditions of different countries of the world. The project includes the development of a Get a Moveon site, designed to enhance the self-travel of tourists.

- "Greeny" - operator of ecological conjugation, which organizes tours all over the world, focusing the future activity on ecotourism of Ukraine. The project is complemented by the creation of the concept of mobile add-on "Greeny" for individual ecotourists, which facilitates the process of planning the journey through the digital search for classic tour elements.

- "Travel UP" - interesting and relevant project for the beginning of tour operator activities in the field of cinema tourism. Developed by the startup team of tourists allow the tourist to enter the world of cinema, get acquainted with the history of its creation, to see on their own eyes the locations and prominent places of filming.

- "Savage by Nature" is a travel company that offers its clients a travel experience in the luxury segment of the market. As part of the startup, the team also presented an innovative development, namely VR-tours, which will be an effective tool for promoting the tour operator's main product portfolio.

After summarizing, the head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation Tetyana Ivanivna Tkachenko spoke on the high level of national awareness of students in a difficult war time for Ukraine, the relevance and originality of the ideas, implemented in projects, noted, that all the students confirmed the acquisition of professional competences and their projects are innovative that go beyond the qualification requirements for the Bachelor's degree, but require a deepening of knowledge and skills at the Master's level of higher education.

Participation of teachers and students of FRHTB in the international webinar on the role of tourism in Ukraine during the war.

Teachers and students of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, also the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business FRHTB joined the international webinar "The role and positioning of tourism during the war and conflict", organized on April 21, 2022 by the State Agency for Tourism Development in Ukraine. The forum was attended by more than 6,000 listeners on the Zoom and YouTube platforms.

Among the guests and speakers: Mariana Oleskiv, Head of the State Agency for Tourism Development in Ukraine, Taleb Rifai, Former Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Ben Sherman, Head of the World Aboriginal Tourism Agency, and other representatives from the EU, North America, Asia and Africa.

All webinar speakers expressed their support for the Ukrainian people in their struggle against the aggressor. Most of the speakers emphasized the need to provide assistance to refugees from Ukraine, also the importance of developing measures to stabilize the functioning of tourism and hospitality in martial law. Ukrainian and European hospitality enterprises accept refugees and migrants in hotels and other accommodation establishments, including private ones. Catering establishments, restaurants and cafes began serving the Ukrainian army, volunteers, territorial defense representatives, and civilians who lost their homes during the war and were forced to leave war-torn settlements. Travel companies, recreation and medical and physical rehabilitation facilities (sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest homes, prophylactics) provide medical services, treatment, physical recovery and medical and psychological rehabilitation to Ukrainian servicemen and civilians affected by hostilities.

All participants of the webinar agreed that the enterprises of tourism, hospitality and sanatorium treatment are making an increasingly important contribution to the long-awaited peace in Ukraine, focusing on maintaining the capacity of tourist and recreational infrastructure, which in the postwar period, according to experts, will be the dominant factor in the socio-economic growth of our country.

The State University of Trade and Economics received free access to full-text electronic resources within the Research4Life project.

The platform consists of 5 collections of literature:

✅Hinari (biology and medicine research)

✅AGORA (agricultural research)

✅OARE (environmental research)

✅ARDI (access to scientific and technical information)

✅GOALI (research in law and social sciences)

Access to electronic collections of books and magazines has been opened by such large publishing companies as Elsevier, Springer Nature, John Wiley & Sons, Taylor & Francis, Emerald, Sage Publications, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, IOP Publishing and others.

Dear scientists, access to the platform is available in the library of the University Hall Bibliometrics.

Tetyana Tymoshenko's open lectures on tourism development

The Department of Tourism and Recreation hosted a course of lectures with the participation of Tymoshenko Tetyana Oleksandrivna - President of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Employers in the field of tourism in Ukraine, expert on tourism destinations of national and international projects and programs (U-LEAD, USAID) «The secrets of successful tourism development in Ukraine: destination management, tourism clusters ".

Tourism and recreation in Ukrainian cities and villages are increasingly becoming a strategic direction of their socio-economic development. Peculiarities of the mechanism of management of territories attractive for tourists and vacationers are the subject of study of the discipline "Tourist Destination Management" for master's educational programs "International Tourism Business" and "Tourism and Resort and Recreational Management", which included meetings of part-time students during the winter session (10.01-28.01.2022), interested full-time students (during the winter holidays) and teachers of the Department of Tourism and Recreation with Tymoshenko Tetyana Olexandrivna - one of the leading experts in project management and strategic development of tourist destinations in Ukraine, Candidate of Science in Public Administration, President of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Employers in the Field of Tourism of Ukraine, expert in the management of tourist destinations of national and international projects and programs (U-LEAD, USAID).

During the meeting in dialogue with students, the focus of the discussion was on the models of scenario development of tourist destinations, successful European practices and European regulatory support for the development of tourist destinations based on sustainability, mechanisms for public-private partnership and clusters in tourism and recreation on the example of successful territorial communities and individual settlements, in particular Priazovska United Territorial Community, village Bobrytsi, village Khodosivka, and others, issues of the state and prospects of destination development in Ukraine.

Students under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department Tkachenko Tetyana Ivanivna took an active part in discussing current professional issues in the management of tourist destinations and demonstrated a high level of knowledge and ability to implement them to solve problems in communities.

National ISO standard for tourism, developed at the State University of Trade and Economics

The national standard for tourism DSTU ISO 21401: 2020 (ISO 21401: 2018, IDT) "Tourism and related services. Sustainable development management system for accommodation establishments. Requirements ”(order of the National Standardization Body in Ukraine dated 29.12.2020 № 508).

The standard was developed within the framework of research work under the leadership of the Rector of SUTE, Chairman of TC 118 "Trade, Restaurant, Tourism and Exhibition Services" Dr. of Econ. Sciences, Professor A.A.Mazaraki. The developers included SUTE scientists: Vice-Rector for Research Dr. of Econ. Sciences, Prof. S.V. Melnychenko; Dean of FRHTB Dr. Econ. Sciences, Prof. N.I. Vedmid; Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, Dr. of Econ. Sciences, Prof. T.I Tkachenko; Head of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Dr. of Econ. Sciences, Prof. M.H Boyko; Head of the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law, Dr. of Jurid. Sciences, Prof. N.A.Mazaraki; Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business Dr. of Econ. Sciences, Prof. M.V. Bosovska; Associate Professor of Tourism and Recreation, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Assoc. S.S. Kravtsov.

The source of funding is the state budget, which became possible as a result of winning the tender for the purchase of scientific and technical products.

The standard was adopted by the method of identical translation of the normative document of the International Organization for Standardization ISO 21401: 2018 (version en) "Tourism and related services - Sustainability management system for accommodation establishments - Requirements", which increases the value of its use in practical, scientific and educational activities.

The standard sets out the requirements for a sustainable development management system for accommodation establishments that seek to develop and implement sustainable development policies and objectives in the management of their activities, products and services. The purpose of the standard is to help institutions of all sizes, in different geographical, cultural and social contexts, to improve sustainability in their activities.

The standard contains, in addition to the main text, four annexes relating to each of the three dimensions of sustainability - environmental, social and economic, and provides examples of sustainable development practices.

Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the world economy and the object of increased attention due to its potential to promote sustainable development and the impact it can have on the environmental, social and economic spheres. Implementation of DSTU in practice will help improve the quality of tourist services provided on the basis of sustainable development of society.

Exemplary assessment based on the results of accreditation of the bachelor's degree programs "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and "International Tourism"

According to the results of accreditation examinations conducted by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (National Agency), it is recognized that the quality of educational programs "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and "International Tourism" and educational activities of State University of Trade and Economics fully meet the standards of higher education in the specialties 241 "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and 242 "Tourism" for the first (bachelor's) level, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, but also have an innovative (exemplary) nature!

The decision of the National Agency is a confirmation of the uniqueness of educational programs "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and "International Tourism" at the State University of Trade and Economics, which is revealed in innovative educational technologies, unique material and technical base of the university. 4 years of study, master the educational components of English language teaching and much more.

The staff of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, as well as the Department of Tourism and Recreation of the Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel and Tourism Business, express their sincere gratitude to the Rector - Anatoly Antonovich Mazaraki for supporting ideas for educational programs, created an innovative environment for education!Many thanks to the university administration, research and teaching staff of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Tourism and Recreation and employees of all departments, as well as our students who seek to study, participate in international internships, non-formal education, certificate programs, workshops, scientific events and public life. The synergy of teachers, creative students of the Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel and Tourism Business of the State University of Trade and Economics provided an opportunity to get a high result!

Educational programs "Hotel and Restaurant Business" and "International Tourism" bachelor's degree: accreditation assessment "exemplary"!

Thank you all and move on to new scientific and professional achievements for the development of hospitality and tourism in Ukraine

Online lecture of a French practical teacher of hotel and tourism business for students of FRHTB

Jacques Barthelemy, president of the Charme & Caractère hotel chain and lecturer at the University of Toulouse, held an online lecture on the topic "New professions in the tourism, hotel and restaurant business during the Covid-19 pandemic" in frameworks of the agreement on international cooperation between the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the Federation of Exchanges France-Ukraine (FEFU) on November 30th, 2021.

Valerii Sai, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations greeted Mr. Barthelemy and introduced him to the audience. In addition to students and teachers of the Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel and Tourism Business, students of other English-taught bachelor's and master's programs were present. The online lecture was held with the organizational and coordination support of the European Education Center of KNUTE.

Mr. Barthelemy rose in his speech topical issues related to the emergence of new professions in the field of tourism and hospitality, caused by increasing digitalization in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The main competencies of such new professions were: digital sales coordinator, data analyst, travel consultant, internet marketer, digital territory coordinator, specialized web editor, digital communications specialist, etc. The lecture aroused great interest among the audience, many questions were asked. Representatives of the FRHTB expressed gratitude to Mr. Barthelemy and hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Memorandum between SUTE and Tourism Department of Kyiv Regional State Administration - in effect!

As part of the Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership between the Tourism Department of the Kyiv Regional State Administration and the State University of Trade and Economics, teachers of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business were invited to participate in a regional promotion organized by the Kyiv Regional State Administration’s tourism department for representatives of mass media, organizers of tourism business, government agencies and institutions of higher education in order to popularization and promotion the tourist potential of Kyiv region. Delegated associate professor of the Department of Tourism and Recreation Khlopyak Serhiy Vasyliovych took part in the event.

According to the Program of Events, on November 25, 2021, meetings were organized with the management of the Kyiv Regional State Administration's tourism department, as well as visits to two extremely interesting tourist locations in the region - Zalissia Residence (Zalissia National Nature Park) and Savka hamlet (village New Petrivtsi).

During the promotion there was an exchange of views and creative discussions between representatives of the contact audiences, confirmed previous agreements on cooperation between SUTE and the Department of Tourism of Kyiv Regional State Administration, discussed prospects and opportunities for practical training of university students majoring in "Tourism" and "Management" ("Tourism Management"). 

Students of SUTE were noted in Desniansky District State Administration

On the occasion of the International Student Day in Desniansky District State Administration in Kyiv on November 18, 2021 awarded the best students of higher education institutions of Desniansky district.

For high achievements in education, sports and active participation in public activities, 25 students from 5 institutions of higher education were thanked, including SUTE. Awards received:

• Sasa Yaroslav Vladyslavovych, Faculty of International Trade and Law, II year, Educational Degree "Bachelor";

• Kushka Anton Sergiyovych, Faculty of Information Technology, III year, Educational Degree"Bachelor";

• Kolotova Lolita Oleksiivna, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, III year, Educational Degree "Bachelor";

• Belyak Alina Mykolayivna, Faculty of Economics, Management and Psychology, IV year, Educational Degree "Bachelor";

• Jafarova Amina Ramizovna, Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism business, I year, Educational Degree "Master".

Dmytro Ratnikov, Head of the Desniansky District State Administration, personally presented the awards and gifts. He congratulated the youth: "I wish you inspiration, realization in life and that everything you plan to come true" and expressed readiness to cooperate with higher education institutions and provide students with relevant internships.

We thank Desniansky District State Administration for comprehensive support and encouragement of young people.

International cooperation between KNUTE and the Federation "Exchanges France - Ukraine" in conditions of Covid-19

On November 17th, 2021, in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Anatolii Mazaraki, the Rector of KNUTE had an online meeting with Jacques Forgeron, the Co-president of the Federation «Exchanges France - Ukraine» (FEFU). The purpose of this online meeting was to re-sign the cooperation agreement between KNUTE and FEFU and to select KNUTE students for linguistic and professional summer internships in France. Valeriy Sai, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Tetiana Dupliak, Director of the European Education Center, Olga Gonse, FEFU Secretary and Herve Frade, FEFU French teacher also attended the online meeting.

It is worth mentioning that the cooperation between KNUTE and FEFU has lasted for 6 years and still continues despite even the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Just this summer, two KNUTE students had been on a professional internship in France. Victoriia Parkhomenko was an intern at the SPA Hotel «Le Belvedere» in Losert, while Daryna Vakarova took part in the sound and light show "Historical frescoes of Bridier". The theme for this year’s show was the Second World War. During their internship in France, students are not only able to master their professional skills at various businesses, but also have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the French language and get acquainted with the culture, traditions and history of this country.

According to the results of this year's interviews, four KNUTE students were selected for linguistic and professional internships. The issue of conducting an intensive two-week online course in French specialized terminology for our students was also discussed. A teacher from France may arrive to KNUTE for the second semester of this academic year if the epidemiological situation improves.

Disposal of international internship certificates to FRGTB applicants and scientific and pedagogical staff of SUTE

Within the framework of the signed partnership agreement on the organization of training and international industrial practice between the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the Association "UCM-Italy" already for the third year in a row students of the faculty of restaurant and hotel and tourism business are passing a three-month internship in hotels and restaurants in southern Italy.

In November 1, 2021 according to the results of the internship, President of the Association «UCM-Italy» Paolo Brescia and Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel and Tourism Business Nadiya Ivanivna Vedmid together with project managers solemnly presented certificates to 16 students different qualification levels and to fifteen scientific and pedagogical staff of SUTE, who passed internships "International training in a segment of the restaurant and hotel business in Italy" a total of 180 hours.

This year a significant number of students distinguished by their knowledge of the Italian language, high professional skills, leadership and communication skills and received:

7 certificates of 1 level, 5 certificates 2 and 4 certificates 3 levels. At the meeting Paolo Brescia presented certificates to the dean of FRGTB N.I. Vedmid and to responsible for the organization of the practice of Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business A.G. Okhrimenko.

Students with educational degree of master's Agapova Oleksandra, Anatoliy Polosin and Kovalenko Semen based on the results of the internship three years in a row received certificates of semi-professionals "Certificato Semi Professionale" and collaborating with the Association as tutors. They held together with the president of the “UCM-Italy” Association Paolo Brescia the first in the 2021/2022 academic year master class on cooking traditional Italian cuisine. We wish you professional skills, career growth and success to our students – to applicants for passing international internship!

остання редакція 30.01.2025